GTP_WRS/3D3 GT6 Career Championship

  • Thread starter hasslemoff
Nice pics, @Gravitron. I especially like the last one. You can really feel the speed there 👍

I spent a lot of time watching the first race...too much time.:dopey: There were so many attacks going on, it looked like a Saturday Attack race:lol: Also, those premium cars take a really nice photo:D

Here's my pics so far. However, I will probably not get to pics for the second race. The Subaru TT is calling my name!

















I took some pics yesterday, I'll try to post them later. Tyler's crash at DFR was quite spectacular. I'm not sure if I should be proud of never lifting or embarrassed for just barely missing his car.
Great racing everyone, kudos to the guys on SH tires. I didn't think it could be done. Nick spent the whole race on my big orange bumper. As expected he was much quicker in the turns but the extra four cylinders helped to pull away on straights.
Few pics from DFR:


Ned leading the pack



Patrick running away in the twisties


Ned still in the lead


Ugh, this doesn't look good. But no way I'm slowing down.


I think I can sqeeze through there.


Whew, that was close


Darren takes the lead


Old school vs new cool (cars, not drivers :))



Battle of the RX7s


The coolest car by far (sorry Jon)
Nice pics, @Gravitron. I especially like the last one. You can really feel the speed there 👍




That 2nd one is something else. :bowdown:

Few pics from DFR:

Edited for Corvettes


Old school vs new cool (cars, not drivers :))
From Autumn Ring:

Edited for Corvettes


Who decorated this christmas tree in autumn?
Thanks for the pics guys. :cheers: My dirty little secret is that it's painted Ford Mark IV Red. :lol:

But Mike, I need to one-up you on the "I almost hit Tyler" subject... About 8sec before your "close encounter":

Deep Forest Raceway_18_small.jpg

Deep Forest Raceway_19_small.jpg

Jon leading...
Autumn Ring_19_small.jpg Autumn Ring_20_small.jpg Autumn Ring_21_small.jpg

@ThePDTX Raf, your Camaro was awesome! :cheers:
Autumn Ring_22_small.jpg Autumn Ring_23_small.jpg Autumn Ring_24_small.jpg
Autumn Ring_25_small.jpg Autumn Ring_26_small.jpg Autumn Ring_27_small.jpg
Autumn Ring_28_small.jpg Autumn Ring_29_small.jpg

Mike and Darren had issues on the last lap, and this is how I avoid them. :dunce:
Autumn Ring_32_small.jpg Autumn Ring_30_small.jpg Autumn Ring_31_small.jpg

The Finish
Autumn Ring_33_small.jpg
Hey, I'm the guy in the red (or is that carbon grey?).

There better be a British Lightweight Cup :D
Just for you 👍.

I'm working on the National B Part B which up to now is going to be team based with one car to boost the credit up and full details should be up before Christmas and also I want to try and get a list of all the cups for the National A up after testing the online lounge settings.
I'm also hoping to reuse some cars from my garage in future events.
4WD cup at around 450PP and American muscle cars at 500 would be perfect :)
Congrats Rafael. Great win at DFR after starting 9th.
I never bother with the math after the races. Had no idea I was first in the overall cup! Sweet. Leave it to me to mess it up on the 21st and finish 12th overall. hahaha
I dusted off the old photomode camera and took a few shots of the races I have saved, I'll post one or two and link to the full album on my Flickr. Enjoy!

Autumn Ring:Full Album

Possibly my favourite shot that I took of this race.

A nice little drag photo

You can just see me, right at the back.

Deep Forest:Full Album

Starting line up

I love this shot, possibly my favourite one of the night.

This is at +0 EV, @ThePDTX, your car is SUPER shiny.

The little incident that gave me two places. I love the speed that this shot evokes.

I also took a few random ones from the Sunday Cup, they're here, I may go back and do some of the other races too.
I never bother with the math after the races. Had no idea I was first in the overall cup! Sweet. Leave it to me to mess it up on the 21st and finish 12th overall. hahaha
Congrats man, that was a fun race at Deep Forest. 👍 I like that Camaro too.

3-way tie for 2nd (@jtv90069, @mr_lab_rat) :eek: with @roamer2629 trailing by 1pt.

@hasslemoff, it appears Raf isn't in the credit table above.
@hasslemoff, it appears Raf isn't in the credit table above.

There is few missing including myself ;), when I posted the table from the 80's - 90's cup I explained why :D.

If someone missed a event they are not included in the overall championship table, less work that way ;).
The S2000 is turning into a cash cow!! And I still have two more races to go :)

My Silvia would be too, if I could keep my s#!t together on the night, and drive like I do in practice :)

Congrats Rafael. Great win at DFR after starting 9th.

Seconded, he started behind me and shot off the line.

Here's an idea: a credit bonus for gaining the most places during the race, it'd be a pain to apply retroactively, so maybe after the current event has ended it could be something to consider for future events?

There are a couple of ways it could work (I've actually had the idea for a while now, I've just never said anything), and the only real drawbacks I can see with it would be making more work for the organisers (one more thing to keep track of), and people deliberately qualifying slower than they are capable of and potentially causing problems as they move up through the slower drivers.
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Bonus Event 7 Closed

Well done all who managed to tame Fuji GT and those that manged if for the 2.4 hours 👍, your bonus credit has been added, click here to view the table.

FR Cup Part 2

Registration is open for the next event, Sign up here.

As this is the last race of the year for the championship and only a few days before the man in a red and white suit pays you a visit.
A Xmas bonus for the last races is on the cards, please paint your car red or white for the chance for everyone to win 100 000cr, use the registration table to view the drivers colors.

XMAS Bonus
  • 100 000 Credit bonus if the grid line up is Red then White or the other way around
  • 50 000 Credit bonus if half the grid is Red then White or the other way around.
  • 10 000 Credit Bonus if two or more cars are on the grid Red or White
  • All drivers to receive the credit and it is not included in the National B Championship
  • Bonus is not available to a scrooge who races in a different color

Two races left in the overall championship and two drivers within 300 cr gunning for the championship and a couple of drivers who could sneak into contention to disrupt the battle.
Apricot Hill and Cape ring south could prove that the South Americans can run rings around the drivers who say they are not over the hill to have fun. Good Luck

Also don't forget the FR Cup with 5 drivers from 5 Countries all with in 6 points and the chasing pack not far behind there could be a few surprise's. Is the Portuguese driver going to prove a point that Portugal can win a cup unlike there Football team or is another Country going to knock him if the top spot. Good Luck

Preview National B Part B


  • Comfort Hard (no capped lap time)
  • Comfort Medium (capped lap time)

  • Laguna
  • Nurb GP/D
  • Motegi East
  • Red Bull ring short
  • ?

Teams: 2 to 4 drivers per team (you choose)

  • Reverse Grids
  • BHP loss
  • Point's system for multiple drivers
  • No tunning

All thanks to the Sponsor DYSON (for all your engine sounds) who has kindly purchased your car for you.
Too bad there isn't white chrome. :lol:

I hope this isn't like NASCAR where I wouldn't be able to have Hoover as my sponsor.
Not gonna lie, I chuckled at the dig at Portugal.

Signed up, will my orange rims be cool? I am willing to change them (temporarily, of course), to better fit the festive theme.
What if your car is red, white, and green? :P

I'll be running some practice laps at Apricot and CRS in about 10-20min.
Question: My S2000 could have been to the moon and back by now, Are we allowed to restore body rigidity on a car? Can I just buy a new car, of course same model? Or that would be like buying another car? :scared:
Practice Room up at the WRS Club. Might be afk for some moments. Will be here for about an hour give or take.
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