GTP_WRS/3D3 GT6 Career Championship

  • Thread starter hasslemoff
Next two events for you to get some practice in.

Dates are still TBD (wont be long) and the thread should be up soon.

Super Car Festival 550pp Tyres: Sports Medium and Sports Soft
  • Monza, Nurb GP/D
  • Lap Time's not to Exceed
  • Monza Qualifying cap 1min 54 sec's
  • Monza cap 1 min 53 Sec's
  • Nurb GP/D Qualifying Cap 1 min 34 sec's
  • Nurb GP/D Race Cap 1 min 33.500 sec's

Tuned Car Festival 600pp Tyres: Sports Soft and Racing Hard
  • Apricot Hill, Daytona Road Course
  • Lap Time's not to Exceed
  • Apricot Hill Qualifying cap1 mins 22 sec's
  • Apricot Hill Race cap Cap 1 min 21.500 sec's
  • Daytona Road Course Qualifying cap1 min's 45 sec's
  • Daytona Road Course Race Cap 1 min 44 sec's
Its been a while and also there has been some new drivers taking interest in the series so before I make a post with the dates ill give a quick breakdown of how the championship works and were to find any relevant information you need.
Its also a reminder for @Nail-27 were to find the registration forms ;).

  1. Here is were you find the overall credit table, this shows how much credit you have available, how much you have spent and how much you earned. It is also were you have to enter your car details for which car you have purchased for the event (its a big register button), you have 48 hours after the event to enter your car details and cost.There is also a link to the Garage were you will see what cars you own on the same post. The same post will also show how much starting credit is available for new drivers.
  2. Here is were you find the event details and dates, it will say if tuning is available or not, PP, Capped Laptimes, Tyres, Tracks and Laps.
  3. Here is were you register for each event, again click the big register button, registration will be reset for each race day. e.g registration for the Super car festival only is available now.
  4. Starting Credit: New drivers or drivers who have missed numerous events will have 500 000cr starting credit to purchase a car(s) for the selective event(s).
Capped Laptimes
  • Each race has a Qualifying and lap time which you must aim to not exceed.
  • Set your car up to not exceed the qualifying Capped time.
  • The race cap time is an allowance for draft and when you are in close racing so you are not clock watching and can enjoy the racing.
Capped Lap time Rules

  • If you exceed the capped lap time in quali 90 sec's penalty, basically you should not be able to exceed the capped time without draft in qualification.
  • If you exceed the capped time in quali you are free to race from the front of the grid and a penalty will be applied after the race.

  • Drivers must take note of lap(s) were they exceeded the capped lap time (save replay), in case there are any questions.
  • Exceeding the capped lap time in certain situations is acceptable. Racing in close quarters, Catching Draft (slip stream) and the perfect unexpected lap.
  • Please use your own discretion so you are not gaining a huge advantage by going under the capped lap time, for instance you are running numerous laps under the capped time please show some respect to other drivers and slow at some point.
  • Exceeding the capped time while running alone numerous times will result in a penalty (dependent on situation)
  • If you are found to be abusing this system the Qualification penalty of 90 seconds will be applied.
Good luck and have fun as the races before hand produced some close and fun racing.


International B Championship

:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::

Super Car Festival 550pp

Time Slot Sunday 1st November 2015
3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific / 20:00 GMT / Check Local


Course Settings
  • Course's: Monza, Nurburring GP/D
  • No. of Laps:Monza 10 laps / Nurburgring 11 laps
  • Weather: 0%
  • Weather Changeability: Fixed
  • Surface Water at Race Start: 0%
  • Time: TBD
  • Time Progression: TBD
Car Selection Method
  • Car Selection Method: Garage
  • Car Filters: N\A
  • PP Limit: 550pp
  • Max Power Limit: Any
  • Minimum Weight: Any
  • Drivetrain: Any
  • Tires: Sports Medium / Sports Soft
  • Nitrous: Prohibited
  • Vehicle Tuning: Prohibited
  • Custom Rims: Allowed
  • Oil change: Allowed
  • Brake Balance Adjustment: Allowed
Lap Time's not to Exceed
  • Monza Qualifying cap 1min 54 sec's
  • Monza cap 1 min 53 Sec's
  • Nurb GP/D Qualifying Cap 1 min 34 sec's
  • Nurb GP/D Race Cap 1 min 33.500 sec's
Special Bonus of 100 000cr if you are .001 slower than the capped lap time without exceeding the time in the race and qualifying.

Tuned Car Festival 600pp

Time Slot Sunday 15th November 2015
3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific / 20:00 GMT / Check Local


Course Settings
  • Course's: Apricot Hill, Daytona Road Course
  • No. of Laps: Apricot Hill 11 laps / Daytona Road Course 10 laps
  • Weather: 0%
  • Weather Changeability: Fixed
  • Surface Water at Race Start: 0%
  • Time:
  • Time Progression:
Car Selection Method
  • Car Selection Method: Garage
  • Car Filters: Italian
  • PP Limit: 600pp
  • Max Power Limit: Any
  • Minimum Weight: Any
  • Drivetrain: Any
  • Tires: Sports Soft / Racing Hard
  • Nitrous: Prohibited
  • Vehicle Tuning: Allowed
  • Custom Rims: Allowed
  • Oil change: Allowed
  • Brake Balance Adjustment: Allowed
Lap Time's not to Exceed
  • Apricot Hill Qualifying cap1 mins 22 sec's
  • Apricot Hill Race cap Cap 1 min 21.500 sec's
  • Daytona Road Course Qualifying cap1 min's 45 sec's
  • Daytona Road Course Race Cap 1 min 44 sec's
Special Bonus of 100 000cr if you are .001 slower than the capped lap time without exceeding the time in the race and qualifying.


Basic Room Settings
  • Room Mode: PQR = Practice, Qualify, Race
  • Room Privacy: Public
  • Entry: Type GTP WRS to identify yourself if you don't use a GTP tag
Room Settings
  • Room Comment: GTP_WRS CC Private
  • Room Type: Race for Real
  • Fixed Room Host: No
  • Max Number of Participants: 16 per lounge
  • Race Quality: Standard
  • Voice Chat Quality: Standard
Qualifier Settings
  • Qualifier Format: Race Alone
  • Time Limit: Variable Mins
Race Settings
  • Hold Races Automatically: Disabled
  • Start Type: Standing Start with false start check
  • Grid Order: Fastest First
  • Boost: No
  • Penalty: None
  • Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: Normal
  • Grip Reduction on Wet Track/Track Edge: Real
  • Minimum Number of Pit Stops: 0
  • Require Tire Type Change: Off
  • Race Finish Delay: 180 sec
  • Visible Damage: Off
  • Mechanical Damage: Light
  • Slipstream Strength: Real
Limit Driving Options
  • Skid Recovery Force: Prohibited
  • Active Steering: Prohibited
  • Active Stability Management (ASM): Available / Optional
  • Driving Line: Available / Optional
  • Traction Control: Available / Optional
  • ABS: Available / Optional
  • Handbrake: Prohibited

International B Championship Points

  • 35pt - 1st
  • 33pt - 2nd
  • 31pt - 3rd
  • 29pt - 4th
  • 28pt - 5th
Continue'd to 1 pt - 32nd

Credit Results

  • 150 000 cr - 1st
  • 140 000 cr - 2nd
  • 130 000 cr - 3rd
  • 120 000 cr - 4th
  • 110 000 cr - 5th
  • 100 000 cr - 6th
  • 90 000 cr - 7th
  • 80 000 cr - 8th
  • 70 000 cr - 9th
  • 60 000 cr - 10th
  • 50 000 cr - 11th and below.
DNF's (did not finish): Will not gain any points but will receive some credit.
Disconections: If you DC after you have completed a quarter of the race you will be awarded the points and Credits of 3 place's below the position you were in.

Capped Lap Time Rule's

  • If you exceed the capped lap time in quali 90 sec's penalty, basically you should not be able to exceed the capped time without draft in qualification.
  • If you exceed the capped time in quali you are free to race from the front of the grid and a penalty will be applied after the race.

  • Drivers must take note of lap(s) were they exceeded the capped lap time (save replay), in case there are any questions.
  • Exceeding the capped lap time in certain situations is acceptable. Racing in close quarters, Catching Draft (slip stream) and the perfect unexpected lap.
  • Please use your own discretion so you are not gaining a huge advantage by going under the capped lap time, for instance you are running numerous laps under the capped time please show some respect to other drivers and slow at some point.
  • Exceeding the capped time while running alone numerous times will result in a penalty (dependent on situation)
  • If you are found to be abusing this system the Qualification penalty of 90 seconds will be applied.
Please do not take the pee out the rule regarding the capped lap time's, this is to try and allow more close racing and the option to not watch the clock while in close racing, if people start bending the rules or taking the pee it will go back to the stricter rules. There is no excuse for spoiling the fun for everyone else.
This has come about as most of the time people have exceeded the lap time while been in racing situations.

Note: if you have set the car up wrong (to quick) you are free to stay on track and race, you do not need to leave, a quick note in the chat or on the mic after the race would be appreciated and the results will be amended.

Edit: Any questions feel free to ask if you are unsure on the new rule's

Formation Lap

  • After the qualification time is complete a steward will record the results.
  • The system will place all drivers on the grid and begin the countdown timer.
  • Drivers should remain stopped on the grid after the countdown timer.
  • A steward will announce the starting order and drivers should proceed into a staggered formation in the order called.
  • Pole sitter will choose his/her preferred side of the track and other drivers will alternate sides.
  • There should be no overlap between cars in the staggered formation.
  • Speed limit on formation lap is 62 mph | 100 km/h and pole sitter should maintain this speed (or less) to keep pack together, in particular in the final sector.
  • Weaving or other tire warming procedures are NOT allowed during the formation lap.
  • Pole sitter will exit the last corner and take care to give enough time to allow all cars behind to safely exit the final corner.
  • Start marker for N/A is the start/finish line.
  • The pole sitter should start the race by accelerating to race pace at the identified start marker (track specific and may or may not be the start/finish line).
  • All other drivers should accelerate after the driver in front of you does so.
  • No passing is allowed before the start marker.
  • Be cautious and courteous in the first turn. Dive bombing will be penalized and will not be tolerated.[/B]
Track Boundary Guidelines
Drivers are expected to do their best to stay within track boundaries per the OLR. Mistakes happens over the course of a long race and the random off or two will be overlooked in most instances, but if a pattern of boundary abuse is observed penalties will be handed out which include 15 seconds for a "minor" pattern of abuse, 30 seconds for a "substantial" pattern of abuse, and a DQ for "complete disregard" of track boundaries. In cases where penalties may not impact the driver (e.g. DC), the penalty may be carried over to the next event and may be applied as a 5 (minor) or 10 (major) grid spot penalty.
It's up to the admins' discretion exactly what qualifies as "minor", "substantial" or "complete disregard". Going outside the rumble by a centimeter isn't as serious as a car length wide excursions into the run off area. Factors such as dirty air and traffic also come into play. If you find yourself going wide then the next lap you're expected to slow down a bit more to make sure you stay within boundaries. If you make the same mistake multiple times and you want to avoid a penalty you can always self-penalize during the race by lifting for a very brief period upon returning to the track. Continuing to hammer the throttle after repeated boundary overruns may very well end with a post race penalty.

General Guidelines:

  • Contact with walls should be avoided. Wall riding/bouncing to gain time will be penalized and/or can result in disqualification. This includes pit entry/exit.
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track.
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track.
  • If you overrun boundaries by accident, lift momentarily to make sure you don't gain any advantage.
  • Do not complete a pass that was made possible by going outside track boundaries.
Track Specific Guidelines:

  • Red and White rumbles and tarmac are track.
  • Do not cross the white pit-in and pit-out lines.
Standard Clean OLR Rules Apply:

  • Unless otherwise specified, all rules from the original WRS event apply.
  • You are expected to drive clean at all times as if you are racing in the WRS. All participants are required to follow the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines.
  • 3D3 Race Stewards (who are taking part in race, but will review the replay) reserve the right to kick out or invalidate the result of any driver from the Race Room for driving offensively. If you ignore any warnings from the stewards and are kicked out of the race room, you will not be allowed to participate in future 3D3 events.
  • Contact with walls should be avoided. Wall riding/bouncing to gain time will be penalized and/or can result in disqualification.
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track including green painted concrete.
  • Limit your contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Passing and Blocking: Aggressive blocking is not permitted, but the driver in front has the right to choose his/her line and braking point and drivers behind should respect that line. Be especially careful when you are on older tires than the competition as the speed difference may be significant. These events are "for fun" so just play nice and take a conservative rather than an aggressive approach when possible.
Good Luck, OLR Team:gtplanet:

@Nail-27 , @RuddRacer , @euclid58 , @Gravitron I guess I did not read the regs correctly for the 550 PP race last night, there is no tuning. That means you can adjust Power Limiter and BB. I think I will need to buy a new car for this one as the M4 will not make it, last night I had that thing just about maxed out with tuning to get to the time. I will have to look at cars starting in the mid 500 PP range, might be on tonite for a bit trying out some new cars.
I'll check the lobby in the morning after i come home from work if there will be some testing in progress so i could join. Probably will go with some GT-R i have in garage, will see if can reach the cap
I don't think I'll be able to make the first event, I'm in the process of moving house at the moment, so my PS3 is at one house while I'm at another :(
I'll be probably testing some cars tonight as well.
What qualifies as a supercar?

Any street legal car which makes the capped lap times and what you think is super.

Tuned car festival is any car including race cars which make the capped time as well.
@Nail-27 , @RuddRacer , @euclid58 , @Gravitron I guess I did not read the regs correctly for the 550 PP race last night, there is no tuning. That means you can adjust Power Limiter and BB. I think I will need to buy a new car for this one as the M4 will not make it, last night I had that thing just about maxed out with tuning to get to the time. I will have to look at cars starting in the mid 500 PP range, might be on tonite for a bit trying out some new cars.

No worries.. Fun sessions yesterday all the same.. I'll check into all this tomorrow..
Where are my keys to the F430 again... hmmm. I think I have to wash it first, although having a dust cloud trailing me might be advantageous. :dopey:
Had a fun test session with Ned, Javier, and Joe at GP/D. 👍 When it got a bit late we said goodbyes and I thought I was going to take 20min over in the stewards batcave club to test Bathurst for tire/fuel calcs, but I mistakenly made the room in GTP_WRS, and in wandered Mike and Miro, so I ran some more at GP/D with them. :dopey:

Here's my chicken-scratch notes:

(target 1:34 in race, 1:33.5 in quali)

GTO SM/SS 528pp 413hp 1160kg 1:33.5 first lap
C7 SS 533pp 476hp 1500kg 1:33.7 first lap - SM low 1:35 theoretical best after 7 laps
F40 SM 536pp 495hp 1352kg 1:35.7 consistent
MP4-12C SM NO OIL 550pp 467hp 1350kg 1:32.4 first lap !!!
R8 5.2 SM 547pp 544hp 1620kg 1:34.0 5th-lap
SLR '09 SM 550pp 501hp 1768kg 1:35.4 would need SS tires
Yellowbird SM 534pp 485hp 1150kg 1:35.8 - SS 1:33.9
Ford GT '06 SM 550pp 479hp 1451kg 1:33.9 easy
SRT Viper '13 SM 550pp 563hp 1:34.8 crappy lap - 1:34.194 good crappy lap
Monza new capped lap time
  • Qualifying cap = 1min 55 sec's
  • Race cap = 1min 54 sec's

Great news! I was really struggling to get close to the cap at Monza. With this cap time I can run pretty much the same power level for both tracks.
Resigning from champs guys, my wheel gone crazy and i dunno if i can fix it. Well, 5+ years of driving is a lot. :(