GTP WRS-Online : Event 20 : TZ2, TZU - Jan 25

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Congratulations to Pekka, Dan and James for pulling out the win(s) this week :cheers:
Clearly a no-stopper was the way to go, but it took a better driver than me to pull it off. :bowdown: to all of the no-pit drivers (and an honorable mention to Speedy for giving it a solid try ;) - I chickened out in the EU race at lap 20)
Great racing everyone.
Never thought I could have that much fun in that car :D
And I may never see another race that lasts over an hour where first and second is separated by 0.108. Just amazing James and Wes, it must have been an incredible finish to be part of. :cheers:

Unfortunately an early off-track in the EU race dropped me back quite a bit, and another early off-track in the NA race put me in dead last :grumpy:. Count me in for the next Rally Event, I seem to prefer the grass lately :lol:
As much as that paints a picture of a bad day of racing, it was really the extreme opposite. Great battles with almost everyone (minus Dan, Wes, and James - too fast for me this week) including an epic 20 lap battle with Chris and John in the EU race made for one of the best weeks yet. Never a boring lap, that's for sure 👍

We will of course be online practicing for the ORCA VS. WRS event this weekend and I'd encourage any / all drivers that are online practicing to post in the thread so you have some company.
Good Luck to everyone this weekend 👍
For those not in the Saturday Event, I'll see you on track again Wednesday for some Night Racing :gtpflag:
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Also I believe we have one opening in the special event Saturday at 19:00 GMT. CSL is still signed up officially, but I believe is looking for someone to take his spot.
Nice Race guys!


Not that it really matters, but I did have time to set a fast lap. ;)

I believe it was a 1:50.8xx.

Nice race while it lasted, and the test run after was good to scratch the itch I was left with.

Now I'll have Saturday to make up for what could have been.
It would be interesting to know who did and didn't make a stop in that table. I know Twissy did stop and won. Dan I guess didn't. Not sure about Pekka. Wes and I stopped for 2nd and third in EU A.

It's interesting when the pit strategy/tire wear works out so there is a chance of both strategies winning. I think in this case for a 1 pit stop to work -- at the same speed driver -- that driver really had to push 100R hard and use up the tires. That seemed to be where the biggest difference was. i.e. the 1 stop had to take more risks.

Also with any kind of pit road speed limit or penalty I don't think there was any way a 1 stop strategy could be better, but with the fastest entry possible it was close over 35 laps.

Also drafting is a factor... saving tires and riding the draft of another driver for 1/2 the race I think could make the no stopper a pretty dominant factor... but if you were by yourself and the driver who pitted was able to use the draft of a few while catching back up that could have swung the balance. All interesting stuff when the races go close to an hour. Can't wait until our next race on racing tires where the tire wear is significant and maybe even open tire choice.
Twissy did have an interesting way to take turn 1 and turn 2 and the hairpin.. Really agressive..
Nice Race guys!

Marc, any insight on how that 1:05.05 (and total time for other races) got calculated? I was trying to compare my pace to Pekka's, so I took 1:09.x that was on the result picture and subtracted the first lap (which was ~3.44 I believe). So what I got was closer to 1:06.
I think you've nailed the strategy on the head Tim. I had a go at both strategies and for me pitting was the way to go, at the end of my no stop (EU)race I was up to 1'55-56 laps and couldn't hold my position at all. I pitted during the NA race and ran about 30sec faster overall. I think Chuck pitted in the EU race, I know he didn't in the NA race and has run about 6 sec faster.

I was really sorry to see Kev drop out about a third distance(end of lap 13) into the race, he was just starting to pull a decent gap on me(just out of slipstream range, 2.7sec), I had started the race on Kev's tailpipe and we swapped positions several times through the race(great fun Kev).
Five or so laps after that Speedy and Chuck caught the edge of my draft and I pitted. I did run my fastest and most consistent solo laps of the whole week to the end of the race.
Speedy took 7 laps from distant view to catching (then pitted with me in edge of slipstream), at which point Chuck became visible (small dot on horizon :) ) with 7 to go.
The slow rate in which I caught Chuck had me thinking there wasn't enough laps for me but as it turned out the was just the right number. I passed Chuck at the first corner on the last lap (replay shows Chuck had just lapped in 1'54 for the first time all race).
Thankyou all for two great races this week, including last week's 2 they have been my most enjoyable online races to date :D
The no-pit strategy was the only option for me, because I knew I didn't have the speed to chase down any leaders. I also knew that someone else would be trying it, namely, the aliens. So I went into the EU race thinking I MIGHT pit if the leader did, but I wasn't going to unless I lost control of the car. In the EU race, Speedy and Sjaak kept each other busy just long enough for me to get away. If there was one more lap, though, at least Speedy would have passed me. Probably Sjaak, too. I'll take second, though! :)

The NA race went the same, and I was actually quicker overall for the race. I knew for sure I wasn't pitting. My plan was always to stay as close to the lead draft as possible, and just drive my race. What I did NOT want was to get involved in long battles for position. It worked fine again.

Big shout to jtv for chasing me down!!! 👍 Nice driving!! :cheers:

My lap times stayed within a few tenths of 1'53.000 for almost the entire race, and I was able to stay about 20-22 seconds behind the leader at all times. I don't know what a fast lap would have been as I never tried to get one. If I ran a 1', I slowed down for my tires. Anything over a 1', and I pushed a little harder.

My brake balance for the EU was 3/5. In the NA race, I made it 3/6 to make tire wear more even. If I had to run it again, I'd go with Kevin's original setting of 1/5. ABS 10.

Speaking of Kevin, really bummed he didn't get to finish the race. I was thinking he would be the one to catch me, and then he was gone! :yuck:

This is all out the window now though. Saturday's races are sprints, and I'll need to find some speed if I'm going to be competitive. :boggled:
That and a LOT of Luck!!! :cheers:


I also had a great time racing with Speedy and Sjaak. It seemed like Speedy was around me all day long!!! :cheers:
Thanks Chuck, your consistency on old tyres was really amazing to see and slowly slowly catch on fresh rubber. Good luck in finding a bit more speed for the ORCA special.
EU B-race report:

First try , formation lap , all backed out to lounge.
Track reseted for another try.

Lap1 , formation lap GTP_ ; Chuk , MadMax86 , AspecBob , Sjaak , Tuesdaymops , Art , pre1323 , Speedy6543 and Don.

I passed the finish line 0.270 seconds behind Chuk. (my lap time 2'53.155)
Second turn of T2 , the 180 degree right turn , I got slightly faster exit of previous corner and caught Chuk's draft and went for outside pass.
At about the apex we were side by side.
Apparently Chuk downshifted to 3rd to hold the inside and I got overlap of about car lenght before braking for the sharp left.
I held it as much inside as I could and Chuk was aware of my location and didn't turn in too much to avoid contact. Thanks for that. 👍
From there on Chuk was armwrestling with AspecBob and Sjaak.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I watched back and saw them going 3 wide at the start/finish line. :lol:

Lap 4 my gap to Sjaak , who had battled his way to 2nd and built a small gap to Chuk and AspedBob was 3.866 seconds.
Enought to stop checking the rear view mirror and focus on hotlapping.

Lap 10 pre1323 went into pits and continued after been automaticly released on to sand in turn 1.
Lap 15 pre1323 returns to race with AspecBob (lap 11 for him)
Laps 11-17 Sjaak and Speedy6543 battle for 2nd place untill Sjaak enters pits.
Lap 18 Speedy does his pitstop and Chuk takes over at 2nd place and AspecBob does his pit stop
Lap 20 I catch draft from AspecBob and he gives me way coming to braking zone of turn1. Thanks. 👍
Lap 22 My lead over Chuk is 21.923 seconds and I decide to try and do a non stopper and start save my tyres.
Laps 23-35 my lap times are in the 1'53-54's
Lap 36 my lead over Chuk who also is on non stopper strategy is 18.327 seconds.
From T2 on I tried intentionally cause oversteer in the last 3 turns , raising at least some smoke in the last turn.

Over the finishline with time of 1:08'43.253 (as seen in Sjaak's photo)
Making my total race time : 1:05'50.098 (35 laps + formation lap)

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Nice job, Pekka! Both in the race and on the write-up! 👍 👍

I think that was Sjaak who took it three wide. No love with a bump draft!:sly:
EU B-race report:

First try , formation lap , all backed out to lounge.
Track reseted for another try.

So what went wrong with the first formation lap? The EU A lounge didn't go exactly as planned either. We had a hard time getting the field to actually compress enough and it wasn't because twissy was going too fast on pole... we just couldn't get the other drivers to close in...

We ended up doing reasonably well and didn't do a reset, but twissy and w-g-e did get a decent leap on the rest of us and pulled Hydro with them for a lap... of course Hydro decided to play with his stereo remote control while driving on Lap 2 so it was soon a duo taking off into the distance.

I would say of all the formation laps we've ever done only the first one at "gettin' groceries" led by MilleRSVR went off without a hitch. Funny thing is it's usually perfect in practice, but not all guys attend practice. Oh well, that's why we don't use them more often.

It's relatively hard to mess up a grid start... unless you're Chuk... Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh!
Lap 20 I catch draft from AspecBob and he gives me way coming to braking zone of turn1. Thanks. 👍

Almost screwed that up, though: because I moved right to let you through, I lost all my bearings and braked far too late, so I went straight into the run-off area, crossing your path -- I almost expected to be hit by you, but don't know how close it was, I haven't checked the replay yet. Sort of a re-run of that time I exited the pits at Suzuka East a few weeks ago and went flying right in front of you :dunce:
So what went wrong with the first formation lap?

Our first attempt in starting the race and beginning the formation lap ended up in hugh lag from especially GTP_pre1323.
I had to go over to get everybody in the lounge again 'cause pre was sometimes in front of me and the next he glitched up behind me again.

Now, everybody got in the lounge again and I manually resetted the track. Started the race again and everything was just fine then. No more lag whatsoever.
Just in case we decide to have a beauty contest...

Maybe someone from the EU A race could volunteer to provide pictures of missing ones. Same for tomorrow's races -- and those not participating in any race could provide their own picture.

Camera parameters: focal length = 107mm, f/32, -1.7 EV (shutter speed was 1/250 sec. but not really relevant since the cars are not moving).

Please indicate any mistake regarding the assignment of names to the cars.
Awesome work, and idea, Daniel! 👍 I like yours the best, so far. I can probably do the EU A race, after the special event tomorrow.
Awesome work, and idea, Daniel! 👍 I like yours the best, so far. I can probably do the EU A race, after the special event tomorrow.

I like -


I was thinking in the race that I really liked the light blue on pre's car, probably my second favorite combo after the purple or dark blue.
Great work Daniel,love the Alfa pics 👍

Just watched the replay abit,after reading Pekka's write up and indeed,three wide...:cool:

I fiddled to get some speed in the picture.
If you don't vote for my gold chrome you might lose your record in driver db... Just a useful threat tip. :lol:
Tim, I really like the way your gold chrome reflects my Sprintblau back to my eyes as I'm passing you. :dopey: Oh wait, that never happens, that's right. :grumpy:
By the way, I have two questions about that car. First, what is that white thing shaped like a half-cone on the side window? And what is that rhythmic sound we hear below the main engine noise? A pump of some kind?
By the way, I have two questions about that car. First, what is that white thing shaped like a half-cone on the side window? And what is that rhythmic sound we hear below the main engine noise? A pump of some kind?

- I think that's some kind of air intake for driver refreshment...
- Noticed that sound too. Maybe the pitcrew didn't inflate the tires entirely (or not at all). :lol:
I always assumed that noise was related to the air intake...since it seems to be related to speed.
Well, there is a speed threshold below which we don't hear it, but when it is heard, its rhythm is always the same, independent of speed, if I recall correctly.
- I think that's some kind of air intake for driver refreshment...
- Noticed that sound too. Maybe the pitcrew didn't inflate the tires entirely (or not at all). :lol:

According to the Wiki article, it uses an external, dry sump oil pump. Might be the source of the noise.

It also uses the one barrel per cylinder "side draft" carburetors, which could produce an interesting intake noise, which is what I always thought the extra sound was.
