GTP WRS-Online : Event 48 : Autumn Ring Trophy Cup

  • Thread starter WRP001
Lucas, take my spot in the lounge... I've left.
Thanks Tim! I owe you! We are moving over to GTP_3D3_A in a processional.

Canadian/Belgian flags first, then everyone else, coordinated with Hydro's PSN messages to Al and EDK.

7:03pm PT: Everyone else moving over now.
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Wes and/or gman is leaving to let jtv in. And we are all leaving quickly and re-entering to see if that makes tire noise work.
Marc is calling order, and we're about to start. Thanks, and no hard feeling, Gman. 👍
'disconnected from lobby server'
'An error has occurred, you have been signed out of the PSN' :mad:
'disconnected from lobby server'
'An error has occurred, you have been signed out of the PSN' :mad:

Saw that message this morning also. Not fun.
'disconnected from lobby server'
'An error has occurred, you have been signed out of the PSN' :mad:

Sorry about the incident on the first lap. I take the blame for that as I put my car in a spot I shouldn't have and the next thing I noticed was you off the track after I heard a thud.

On another note, I think I might have figured out the problem with the pedals. The cable doesn't fit tight on the wheel end and gradually slips out as I drive. I should have realized it Tuesday afternoon when I went off track because of a spin and had no gas or brake after I corrected it. :grumpy:

Fun race! Congrats to Wes, Mohit, and Phil for the podiums, and I saw great racing all around. :cheers:

Apologies to Jammy for the turn 1 divebomb late in the race...Not very polite. :ouch:

And great race Speedy, great defending there at the end, nursing the tires, you psyched me out. :eek: And thanks for filling in most of the results above too. 👍

Sorry about the DC's guys, seems to be a bad day for it. 👎
That was great fun. Don't know how things were at the front of the field, obviously, but at the back we had it going on. Jammy and I spent pretty much the whole race fighting for what started out as the 14th slot. It turned into a strategy battle as we both opted for 2-stoppers. We pitted on the same lap after the first stint; I managed to get in and out first, but Jammy was able to reel me in over the course of a stint but never could quite make a move stick. Second stop, I came in on my 28th lap and Jammy opted to stay out one more to attempt the undercut. He'd have made it work, too, but for Shawn getting caught up in our battle. He wound up alongside both me and Jammy as we were on our out-laps. Because of his presence, neither of us could get the line we wanted on cold tires and while my out-lap was merely slow, Jammy wound up off-track on his after re-entering the track ahead of me. I was able to seal him off by sticking about 3 lengths behind Shawn's back bumper for 3 laps as he struggled with worn tires and my new set came into its own. In the course of that I got my fastest lap and pulled enough of a gap on Jammy that I could bring it home without taking any undue risks.

Because the battle with Jammy was so tight I wasn't giving ground to any of the mid-field runners as they came up to pass. For a bit that put me in the middle of a pretty fierce dice MadMax and Speedy were having, but eventually they each found a way through. Sorry about the hold-up, dudes.
Porsche was lagging bad on lap 29.
MadMax got the worst of it.
I backed-off a bit so I wouldn't get the same treatment.
I had no idea I was lagging. I apologize for that. Pekka brought that up after the race and I said I didn't notice any lag.

Probably was the servers as they've been getting pretty bad lately.
Sorry about the incident on the first lap. I take the blame for that as I put my car in a spot I shouldn't have and the next thing I noticed was you off the track after I heard a thud.

Don't worry about it. At the time I wasn't really sure if I turned in or you drifted out. I went in wide and I knew you were there but thought we were going to be fine, and I didn't think the contact was that hard, but it was just enough to get the car all wobbly and out of shape.
Edit: I'm wondering if there was a lag error after reading the other posts. I really though we were in good shape through the corner.
When I got back to the race I realized I had no tire sounds :(

I thought the dc was just a bad lag thing at first because my screen froze just as Phil was about to pass me on the front straight and I was using the rear view when it happened.
Then i thought it recovered but all that happened was the red and white barrier wall was now my view and there was nothing else on screen - gauges, map, etc.
Then the messages popped up.
I was still connected to the Internet, but couldn't sign back in for about 5 minutes. I actually thought the whole room had crashed until I saw everyone still online.

I set a pb in qualification, so I should have seen this all coming :lol: I don't think I've ever done that before ;) some sort of omen I guess.
Loved the combo though and the turnout was awesome 👍 so this one may need re- visiting in the future :sly:

Congrats to Wes, Mohit and Phil for the top spots :cheers:
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Apologies to Jammy for the turn 1 divebomb late in the race...Not very polite. :ouch:

You weren't only one ... doesn't really matter anyway... wasn't my best day/night - actually early morning in Finland :yuck:
[/QUOTE]JB, didn't I tell you you could watch the race in the lounge but you couln't exit the lounge untill the race was over???
DC'ing is one thing and out of that particular person's control but leaving the lounge gives us racers two messages which pop up and distract us during our race.[/QUOTE]

No but I will do if theirs a next time tim, sorry racers. I was really disappointed last night with the pedals
Wes, the tire whisperer? When did you do your pitstop ... lap 10 or so?
No, I crashed around that time. I pitted when I saw Mohit heading to the pits (I was about 4 seconds behind).
No, I crashed around that time. I pitted when I saw Mohit heading to the pits (I was about 4 seconds behind).

Aaaah, now that explains it. You must have dropped back almost to the back of the pack there. Even more impressive performance to come back from behind to win. Shortly after my second pitstop you must have taken the lead - I kept looking at my gap and instead of reducing it with new tires, it just stayed at 29 seconds or so. Luckily I was making up time on all the others.

I guess I really was the only one on a 2-stop strategy then. Did anyone in the NA-race try it...?
Did anyone in the NA-race try it...?

Pekka, Speedy and Lucas tried it, but I think it cost them. I passed Lucas just before he pit for the second time and I was all done :D I thought Pekka had the jump on me but somehow he didn't fair too well at the end of the second stint.
Yep, I tried 2, after reading the comments about 1 vs 2 being a toss-up. :P I'd agree it was slower, in hindsight.

Wes, the Tire Whisperer is a good nickname. I looked at everyone's tires in my NA replay around lap 13 and Wes was the clear winner, and in first place at that point.
JB, didn't I tell you you could watch the race in the lounge but you couln't exit the lounge untill the race was over???
DC'ing is one thing and out of that particular person's control but leaving the lounge gives us racers two messages which pop up and distract us during our race.

No but I will do if theirs a next time tim, sorry racers. I was really disappointed last night with the pedals

FYI, Speedy is Chris, I'm Tim. :lol:

A bit disappointed not to make either race yesterday, but there's always next week.
A bit disappointed not to make either race yesterday, but there's always next week.

It was pretty crowded. 17 showed up, so I bowed out since I had registered as a reserve and one of the confirmed guys needed to get in. I'm definitely going to make it for the next couple of weeks. After that it will be time trials only if I have time on the weekends. Weeknights will be for reading and papers.

I've really enjoyed these races. I wish I had discovered them at the beginning of the summer. I've learned a lot and had a blast. Hopefully I can join again during term breaks and next summer. 👍
It was pretty crowded. 17 showed up, so I bowed out since I had registered as a reserve and one of the confirmed guys needed to get in. I'm definitely going to make it for the next couple of weeks. After that it will be time trials only if I have time on the weekends. Weeknights will be for reading and papers.

I've really enjoyed these races. I wish I had discovered them at the beginning of the summer. I've learned a lot and had a blast. Hopefully I can join again during term breaks and next summer. 👍

Yup, I bowed out as well. I had in-laws over for a BBQ and they left at 6:55 so I attempted to join last minute, but on word that there were already 16 I knew the only thing to do was just leave. Confirmed drivers always get the spots over reserves, even if the reserve is the admin of the event. :dopey:

For the EU race, the PSN servers just wouldn't cooperate. It's the first race in a year I miss due to network issues so I guess I've been lucky. I contend there was an issue on PSN last night given both Twissy and Marc DC'd and they don't typically have problems either.

Maybe we can put together an attack format unofficial race with this combo on Saturday? I can't quite commit yet, but given Marc and I basically created this combo and neither of us even got to finish a race (or in my case a single race lap) I'd at least like to try it.
For the EU race, the PSN servers just wouldn't cooperate. It's the first race in a year I miss due to network issues so I guess I've been lucky. I contend there was an issue on PSN last night given both Twissy and Marc DC'd and they don't typically have problems either.
Yeah, it was really weird yesterday, everyone who got DC'd was normally someone with a decent connection. I was starting to fear for myself. :scared:
Maybe we can put together an attack format unofficial race with this combo on Saturday? I can't quite commit yet, but given Marc and I basically created this combo and neither of us even got to finish a race (or in my case a single race lap) I'd at least like to try it.
Saturday Attack is deffinitely happening on this Combo!
I'll start a signup post later on.
Talk about a weak moment in your connection Shawn!
You're lucky you didn't DC there.

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Talk about a weak moment in your connection Sawn!
You're lucky you didn't DC there.

YouTube Video

Let me guess, that was also his fastest lap? :lol: I particularly like the vertical leap it takes at one point :)
Wow. I also noticed something on my car in that replay. If you noticed the rear right, there's an odd white spot. Marc's car had that same spot on his car in pre-race practice as well. I didn't see it on any other car in any of the sessions.

That was a ton of lag. Although with the way my race was going, I wouldn't have been too disappointed if I was DC'd. That was also right before Zippy came out of the pits and kind of impeded my progress in closing the gap to Kev. After that my race was over, plus my brakes were spiking and I had drove it off the track so I didn't mess anyone up behind me.