GTP WRS-Online : Special IV - Laguna Mixed Class Enduro - Apr 29

  • Thread starter WRP001
my GTP_LUCKY account don't want to load so i won't be able to join you guys for practice tonight

It's mandatory to race under your GTP_account right?
I seeming to have problems with that account not loading properly so i won't be able to race with you guys sorry have a great season of racing
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"Gonna have to go faster than that..." -mcfizzle :lol:

...although I'm not in the super secret 15 club yet.

1'16.000 (no kidding)
T1: 19.723
T2: 17.875
T3: 15.894
T4: 22.508
The main race will be on Monday the 30th of April, at 7:00 am Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

But there will be two support races, which I recommend you should focus on. On Sunday at 5:00am and 9:00am AEDT. So I think you'll be better off all around if you only go for the support races in order to get yourself up to speed with everything in a less risky and more manageable manner.
This is a multi-class race, in that; there are two types of cars racing on track at the same time. Every one picks one class they want to run and race just that car. You only have to use one car.

Support races are just practice races done the day before the main event, which you should see as a golden opportunity to really find out if this type of racing is for you.
how do i find what division i am?

Welcome to GTP sir.

You need to submit a time to be inducted into the WRS registry, which is outside of this race, in order to get your division placement. But your division in WRS does not place you in any ranking for this race, every one has to run a qualifer and every one has an equal shot.

Read everything here, and related links, at least three times over:
Eddie needs a raise. 👍 The night-shift oracle of knowledge. :bowdown:

Well if he carries on like this, he'll be seeing a blue badge under his name like you have, I'm sure of it. 👍
I'm in the Main lounge getting some laps in if anyone cares to join.

Is it okay to use Main or should we be in A until after tomorrows race?
You can use main for the next 3 hrs, until the EU'ers show up for British Invasion practice. 👍

Keep in mind A usually has voice chat disabled (so use GTP_3D3_B if you want voice enabled).
To those of you who are not yet on the registry, but have submitted your qualifier and are waiting for a division placement and handicap, note the following (please read fully -- I tend to be verbose admittedly, but I'm giving you information you'll need):

  • You will be allowed to make a qualifying run for this race *before* your division is assigned.
  • You will be required to use your GTP tag PSN account to make your qualifying run.

If you have not yet submitted your GTP_Registry Qualifier then focus on that first. You will not be allowed to participate in an official race until you are on the registry and you need to get your registry qualifier done this week. Put in a good effort so that you are placed in an appropriate division which matches your skill level. We aren't using your division or handicap specifically for this event, but it is utilized in the weekly time trials and will be used for some future online races either for lounge assignment, grid placement, etc.

I've been told by the admin responsible for registry qualifiers that if you submit your registry qualifier times by the end of this week you'll be processed and assigned a division with the next "batch" which will be before the support races and enduro, but probably not before the close of the qualifying window for the LMP class. Most likely estimate is the middle of next week, but it can vary as it depends on real life work loads as well.

Once you submit your registry qualifier then do a few things immediately:

  1. Fill out the 3D3 Racing driver database form (here) and be sure to use your GTP tag PSN account. If you've already filled out the form, but didn't use your GTP tag PSN account you should fill it out and submit again.
  2. Send PSN friend requests to the lounges from your GTP tag PSN account. Send to GTP_3D3Racing, GTP_3D3_A and GTP_3D3_B... all three will be used for practices, qualifying and races for this event.
  3. Fill out the registration forms for the enduro (here) and/or support races (here). If you've already filled out the form, but didn't use your GTP tag PSN account you should fill it out and submit again.

Your registrations will not appear immediately in the drivers list tables... Give it a few hours to be processed or more if you are posting after hours NA time.

At that point your done with the forms and can focus on driving and getting up to speed in your target car for this event. If you aren't very experienced I suggest you stick with the GT class as it's a bit more forgiving (but still not easy).

When you feel you are ready to qualify for this event request a steward to observe your run here in this thread. Please post your request with a little notice and with some time flexibility as stewards are not available 24/7. We'll try to accommodate, but it's possible you'll have to qualify at a later date/time if no steward is available. The last days of qualifying for each class we expect to have pretty full coverage from stewards right up until the deadline. Most drivers qualified on during the last two days of each window for the last event and we expect the same.

The steward will watch and verify your solo qualifying race (laps have to be clean otherwise you incur a time penalty of two seconds per infraction) and record the time of your best lap of two allowed hot laps. Note that the steward will also be observing your car control. Any driver that does not exhibit sufficient control of the car and reasonable safe pace during their qualifier may be excluded or at minimum put on a practice program and will need to exhibit said control before being allowed to race.

You only get one shot at qualifying per class, so don't rush it. Give yourself time to practice and submit your times to the practice leaderboard to see where you stand. Just make sure to schedule your qualifying race before the deadline!
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U know the form where we have to tick what division we are what if we havnt got a division yet do we fill it out still?

Won't matter we will update it when you have a division assigned.
Been fiddling about with a tune for this for several nights, going to post what I have right now. Still not completely satisfied, and not sure how it will react in long runs.

787B Tune

Max Aero

RH -25/-23
Springs 15.6/16.5
Damp Ext 6/7
Damp Comp 3/4
ARB 4/2

Camber 2.7/1.8
Toe -0.20/+0.18

LSD 9/17/12

Brakes 6/5


Final all the way right
Top Speed all the way left

Set these


Final = 3396
When is the next steward available?

Are you ready to qualify already? If so I'll be available in about one hour and can observe in the B lounge (GTP_3D3_B) as the main lounge is reserved for another race today and tomorrow.

You have 7-8 days left to practice before the deadline for the GT class and only one shot so use it wisely.

Post back here if you want to run or maybe another steward will be available before then.

Note to all stewards and drivers... Keep all quali runs and practice for the enduro in lounge B until 9 pm pacific on Wednesday after the weekly races.
Ok I'm ready to qualify so whenever your ready

I just added you to the friends list of GTP_3D3_B. You may need to sign out of PSN and back in again and then you'll have access to the lounge. I'll be there waiting when you are ready.

Please do not enter the lounge until I edit this post to say the qualifaction session is over.

EDIT: Quali session is over, nice run Litchi.
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