GTP_Registry Discussion Thread (GT5)

  • Thread starter EDK
Lol, you sandbagger :sly::dopey: But seriously you'll get there ;)

Were you using a blindfold?

I'm chuffed to bits to be in D1 Silver. Well done Admins, nice lot of info to process.

Well done to you guys…. Me no sandbagger….. I do kinda regret now that I only spent a few hours on it but I have another four to five years maybe more to get to the division I belong. Are we allowed to discuss sectors now?
I will be away from February 9-March 4th. I already have the time I want for Sector 3 and will likely give Sector 2 another brief stint to make sure I didn't leave to much time out there. Can I send my submissions in a PM before I leave and then they can just be kept until submissions reopen.
This would be OK.
I see the deadline was a hard stop as I submitted my time a few hours late... got used to GT-Academy being in my time zone not GMT. Was worth a try though ;)
WRS deadlines are always strictly enforced. However, your submission was received, and will be processed once the registry reopens.
Wow! I'm the second french after monsieur Wayne!!! :dunce: Uh... wait, I'm also the last froggy, we are only 2 here... :dopey:

Anyway, some statements (please xcuse my poor english) :

  • 794 initial qualified on Prologue (regarding dedicated thread as of today), only 388 for GT5. Maybe due to longer time between prologue release and qualif?

  • Div1 get 15% of the 388 submissions, it's 4% more drivers than Prologue Div1 (regarding 794 grand total). Div3 also grow up by 3%

  • 102 submissions from USA, 86 from UK, 47 from Australia, and 35 from Canada, all representing more than 69% of total submissions. But European countries cumulate 43%. I'm curious about Germany and France few members (2 each).

  • UK wins the best representation with 24% of Div1 and 28% of Div2. Australia second with 17% of Div1 and 10% of Div2.

  • 31% of US submitters are in Div3, and 100% of swedish are in Div1 (1 silver, 3 bronze). Excluding few reprensatives from Germany (2), Spain (5) and South Africa (5), there is 9% of the Aussies in the Div1 gold just followed by UK and Netherland (6%).

  • Div3 is the largest division as it was in Prologue and Div3 bronze cumulate 18% of total submissions (it was 9% in Prologue as of Div2 bronze, Div3 gold and silver, and Div4 bronze were around 10-11%).

  • 154 drivers come from Prologue qualify for GT5 (40% of the GT5 submissions). Welcome all the others :sly:. 31 keep same position, 83 gain step (from division to division or rank bronze->silver->gold), and 40 loss their Prologue position (including me :crazy:)

  • 10 of the 13 Div1 gold qualified, were driving on Prologue. Only 3 were on the same position (Div1 gold). Only 5% (19 drivers) in GT5 Div1 weren't in the Prologue WRS registry qualification. Only 4 of the Div1 qualified drivers loss position in GT5 Div1 (from gold to silver and bronze and from silver to bronze).

  • 35 new drivers in Div2, 87 in Div3, 61 in Div4 and 32 in Div5 (respectively 32%, 41%, 66%, 80% and 91% of each division).

  • There is a average of 0.013 in handicap variation between each drivers on his immediate follower. Most of the biggest variances are between the top7 drivers.

Cu all :sly:
  • 794 initial qualified on Prologue (regarding dedicated thread as of today), only 388 for GT5. Maybe due to longer time between prologue release and qualif?

The initial qualifier on Prologue had 370 participants. It's just that the registry grew to that size over the course of 2 years. I would still expect the registry to grow in size overall.
Division 4 Bronze

Wow quick turnaround Admins (thanks).

A demotion from GT5P; but an indicator of how much effort I put into the qualifier (would prefer a whole lap then a sector only run, but them's the rules eh).

I hope to improve with full lap runs in the WRS.

Congrats to all who qualified so far 👍; see you on the track :)
Wow Dolp, you must be some kind of statistician!
That post was a great read and very interesting. 👍
I'd be happy to put D1 Bronze in my Sig.
Oh god, I just relased Im way up there. Wonder how long it will last :sly: :scared:

My sentiment exactly! I'm especially nervous because that SLS AMG is such a forgiving ride. Faster by far then that 07 Nissan GTR but also much easier to tame. Hopefully we can both back up our times and show we belong!

The controller portion of your details needs to be in the sig for that aspect of the leaderboard to work correctly.

The Fetchbot gets the other details from the Registry thread.

This Fetchbot you guys keep talking about sounds like quite a nice tool.Can't wait to see the results of this in action during a normal weekly bout.

  • 154 drivers come from Prologue qualify for GT5 (40% of the GT5 submissions). Welcome all the others :sly:. 31 keep same position, 83 gain step (from division to division or rank bronze->silver->gold), and 40 loss their Prologue position (including me :crazy:)

Great lists and information you have there. Thanks for the welcome, though I do come from a brief WRS Stint back in GT4. Jumped up from division 2 to division 1 now that I'm using a G25 instead of a DS2.

  • Only 5% (19 drivers) in GT5 Div1 weren't in the Prologue WRS registry qualification.

Oooh I got one of those spots. As DJ was saying before I just hope I can hang on, as there are only 2 division 1 drivers behind me.

Events will still start on Sundays. There are a few factors outside of our control that I'm not going to get into, but the first race should be up by no later than February 13th.

Come on you know you guys want to wait a few extra weeks before we start this thing up, I mean I just got this division 1 ranking and I'd like to keep it for a little while!
Wow! I'm the second french after monsieur Wayne!!! :dunce: Uh... wait, I'm also the last froggy, we are only 2 here... :dopey:

Anyway, some statements (please xcuse my poor english) :

Cu all :sly:

Great statistics! Thanks, very cool to read :)
This is the first online race series I´m competing in. Made it to division 1, very pleased with that. Thanks admins for putting the results up this fast.

Can´t wait for the series to start.
Big thanks to the admins for getting results out so quickly. :cheers: I didn't expect them before the weekend.

Well done to everyone who submitted, looking forward to the first combo:tup:
Wow! I'm the second french after monsieur Wayne!!! :dunce: Uh... wait, I'm also the last froggy, we are only 2 here... :dopey:

You're not the last snail eater: moi aussi I am French, except I live in London. Still I'm well chuffed with D2 Bronze as a first timer.

Can't wait for WRS series to begin proper.

Thanks for all the stats, a great read
Surprised to see the results so quick! thought it would be another week at least.

Also pleasantly surprised at my rank - i expected to be in the bronze section of the slowest division - i am in division 5, but gold and only two above me!

Looking forward to some fun competition! 👍
Wow... didn't expect the results to be posted so quickly! Congrats to everyone who submitted... I'm quite happy with my rank....for now lol
It was a nice surprise to see the results up and that I have some how managed to stay in division 1 :ill: :D

I'm really looking forward to the challenges of the new WRS and the variation that GT5 will offer, not least to see how the new handicap feature is going to work.

Break-a-leg everyone,
Well that was fast. Must bin a D1 Gold result post.

Tumbs up 👍 again for the guys, again. Thanks alot.

I was suprised by the turnout. From D3 Silver in GT5P to D2 Bronze in GT5. Had to do only a 2 sector run to promote. Took me much longer to promote from D3 Bronze to D3 Silver back in the GT5P days. :lol:

Congrats to everybody how achieved there goals.

Can't wait to see how the first WRS is gonna look like. Considering the lack of data information in the replays. I hope i don't have to fully upgrade each car with racing soft tires for participation.
A bit of help please!

I submitted my time well before the deadline but I had an error when I sent it to Vaxen the first time so I re-submitted a few hours later and thought nothing more of it.

I checked the leaderboards today but couldn't find my name anywhere. I then checked my sent messages and instead of sending my times to Vaxen, I had sent them to myself by accident!!

Is there anything I can do?
A bit of help please!

I submitted my time well before the deadline but I had an error when I sent it to Vaxen the first time so I re-submitted a few hours later and thought nothing more of it.

I checked the leaderboards today but couldn't find my name anywhere. I then checked my sent messages and instead of sending my times to Vaxen, I had sent them to myself by accident!!

Is there anything I can do?

Send your submission to me once the registry reopens (probably sometime in March). You'll be added to the registry shortly thereafter.
Hey buddy! Long time no see. We will re-open the WRS qualification soon, probably about when week 1 starts give or take.

Ya it's been quite a while Jerome, congrats on making it to the second round of GT Academy! I sent you an MSN but I don't think you logon much anymore.

I've submitted a time on Friday not realizing I was already overdue, I don't know now if it's too late to "recall" that submission. I pretty much picked my first clean laps and submitted as things were a little hectic lately, so might not be fully representative.

Good luck on round 2. 👍
There's a lot of Arcade cars to play with, at least for a while. 👍

If you take a closer look you will find it very easy to cheat. And you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.
If you take a closer look you will find it very easy to cheat. And you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Well... it's very easy to point a gun at the cashier at the liquor store, too. Are you going to do that? ;)
D3 GOLD!! I've moved up a bit. I nearly missed the deadline, I think i got it in about 10 minutes before! I could have had a tidier few sectors but just didn't have the time to put into it. Every session I did I was improving by at least a second on each one though.

Hope I can get some time to get my times quicker and get up into D2!

Great stats there as well Dolp!
