GTP_Registry Discussion Thread (GT5)

  • Thread starter EDK
Wow, I got a D3 Bronze and only ran it a couple of times. I was planning on practicing some more but "stuff" hit the fan and could only submit my current times.

How do I edit my signature? Im used to a userCP button.


EDIT: Never mind - got it!
There's a link at the top right under your username called "My GTPlanet"

That's your UserCP.

Edit: Never mind - you got it!
I'm glad I even made it, because I felt so slow. Division 3 silver is much better than I expected.

Now that I learned a few new ways to gain time in corners, I will try to move up some slots if possible.

Thanks to the adming of the Registry 👍
Anyway, some statements (please xcuse my poor english) :
a lot of [...] ;)

That is some very interesting info you posted there :). Thank you very much 👍

How are promotions going to be planned out? Will it be almost the same as GT5P WRS?
Honestly, I feel the same as when I ran the GT5P Qualifier. I believe you Admins made a mistake. Div 3 Bronze???? Really??? OH MY GOODNESS!!! :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed: I can't believe how much I've improved!!! I'm really happy right now!

Thanks for organizing everything Race Mods 👍.
glad to see the divisions posted today!

at D5 Silver i'm not super excited or impressed by my current standing, but on the bright side i have PLENTY of room for improvement!


How are promotions going to be planned out? Will it be almost the same as GT5P WRS?

We're hoping that the handicapping system takes some of the guesswork out of it. We may do some early shuffling after the first couple races if someone is obviously misplaced. Otherwise, look for a batch of promotions to come approximately every three months.
From bronze to silver in D3. A snowstorm robbed me of the last two days of practice, but moving up is moving up. 👍
Great work to the admins for getting the result up so fast!

I'm delighted I moved up into Division 2, albeit right at the bottom. Should be just the challenge I need to hone my skills.
Thanks to the OLR Administration for organizing the Registry and the WRS, and for all your hard work. :cheers:

I was a bit surprised at first by my placing but after seeing where others are it looks spot on.
It seems I'll be looking for nuclearfire's times every week, again. ;)

Great job in D1 everybody, especially Nicko.
DAMN, I was another one that ran a "super clean" lap also.
I am thinking now i should have used the curbs ALOT more than i did - judging from some of the pics.
Ah well, the only way is up!
Cheers All,
Time to start practicing then. Division 4 Silver leaves plenty of room for improvement. But as it's my first time in the WRS I think I did OK.
Very bottom of division 3 :)

Happy with my placement, and excited to start. One of the things I learned already from the qualifier is how important proper lines through corners are, can't wait to see how I improve further
Awesome! Qualified for Division 4 silver by .001 seconds :lol:, previously division 4 bronze in GT5P. Congrats & good luck to all who qualified.

Admins, thank you for all your time and efforts!
I did better than i thought ,Div 3 silver right in the middle :).
Not bad considering I've not participated in the WRS since GT3.

Good to see some familiar names still in the WRS ,good show guys looking forward to racing you guys again.

Congrats to everyone who took the time to run the qualifier , great turnout so far,
the WRS surely has come along way since it was started by Boombexus back in the day.👍

Also i would like to acknowledge what a great job Vaxen and the race mods are doing organising and keeping the WRS alive:tup:

All the best
I'll have to ask Webber if he's going to use the DS3 in the WRS, because if he doesn't then he's pretty much got D1 Bronze covered.
I'll have to ask Webber if he's going to use the DS3 in the WRS, because if he doesn't then he's pretty much got D1 Bronze covered.

You could include silver and most of gold in that. :sly:
We're hoping that the handicapping system takes some of the guesswork out of it. We may do some early shuffling after the first couple races if someone is obviously misplaced. Otherwise, look for a batch of promotions to come approximately every three months.

So if I understand it right, is it going to be like gold, where say you submit 1'10.000 and you've got a 1.500 handicap it means your time would be adjusted to 1'08.500?

Sorry if its the "obvious" question or if I've missed something somewhere :)