- 85
- hossdeluxcustom/GTP_hossdelux
Will i find out on this forum or PM?
Will i find out on this forum or PM?
For the leaderboards, you need to put it in your signature! 👍
you can race and post your sector 1 and 2 times in the thread, but you can't send the full time until you know what division your in
at least i think so, i'm new here too
i think you aren't allowed to.. according to the OLR rules i remember.. I'll just say I was happy when i saw my times for both sectors.
EDKThe clarify, the fetchbot gets your division data from the registry thread. It's just your region and controller details that should be in your signature.
So, sign ups are still up and running? I'm going to try tomorrow
Until when will they be up?
Need a little help here. When I qualified for WRS I did not put my country (USA) when in entered my qualifier times. How can I correct this.
And DHolland goes 5th fastest.
Now he's WRS'ing again. Although joshmuggo and Animera could be a match for him.
Am I missing something , or did DHolland get a seconds shot at qualifying to the GT5_WRS ?
Can I do it too , now that I know how mutch faster I need to be to qualify in higher division?
Let's assume , that I break the rules by publishing my sector time/s .
This will result as removal of my times from reqistery.
I will be able to resubmit my "faster" times..
Now , I'm not going to do this , but I see here a loophole of a kind ( that can be fixed with new qualifier )
greetings all:
i have few questions and please dont kick me in behind because i didnt read whole 91 pages on this thread
1) do you get feedback that your qualifying time is recived ?
2) how is handicap calculated ? is it super secret formula or one can get it ?
thanx in advance
greetings from cloudy croatia
Yes, we will send instructions to everyone that needs to send a replay.
0.000 is intended to be a theoretical minimum possible time.
The handicap is calculated as follows:
step 1: take the fastest 50% of the submissions
step 2: find the mean and standard deviation of this subset
step 3: two standard deviations faster than this mean is the "zero par"
step 4: zero par is assigned a handicap value of 1.000
step 5: various multiples of the standard deviation are added to this zero par time to find 0.000, 2.000, 3.000, etc.
Do I understand correctly then that I, with a handicap of 1.847, am 0.939 (0.847+0.092) of a standard deviation for the fastest 50% of the submitted times slower than aussienicko?
Not quite. There is a multiple of the standard deviation (which will remain secret, and may change from event to event, but is close to 1) applied to each division. I can say that the division 0 multiple for the qualifier was about -0.6, so the time associated with a 0.000 par time is:
(1.000 par time) - ((top 50% std deviation) * 0.6)There's an additional control for the Gold/Silver/Bronze curve shape, but I think I'll stop while I'm ahead and not try to explain that.![]()
Am I missing something , or did DHolland get a seconds shot at qualifying to the GT5_WRS ?
Can I do it too , now that I know how mutch faster I need to be to qualify in higher division?
Let's assume , that I break the rules by publishing my sector time/s .
This will result as removal of my times from reqistery.
I will be able to resubmit my "faster" times..
Now , I'm not going to do this , but I see here a loophole of a kind ( that can be fixed with new qualifier )
Nicely done, Kenny!! 👍
I do.
I haven't said those words for about 21.5 years.![]()
Is the communication we do at team SMART, and the rest of you teams, a violation of that same ""Spirit", or else is it the "fruit of our labors"? 💡
That would be Team SMART.
It's just a couple of us that have got together at Chuk's for the last couple of years and race GT.
We used GT4 until GT5 came out and have had some special guests(look a couple posts back) join us from time to time.
We also are no good at tuning or advice.
Check the link in my signature for a few pictures.
...The only team I am a member of is me and my dog, and he has been rather unhelpful with tunes or advice.![]()
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