GTP_Registry Discussion Thread (GT5)

  • Thread starter EDK
Division color question: do we use the color in the leader board or in the registry division header? For Div 3, the registry is purple and for leader board is green.

I know it is minor and means nothing, but still felt like asking :)
Division color question: do we use the color in the leader board or in the registry division header? For Div 3, the registry is purple and for leader board is green.

I know it is minor and means nothing, but still felt like asking :)

Use whichever you'd like. The colors for the registry and weekly thread were chosen to make sure they stand out when intermixed in the results. The colors on the leaderboard were just......chosen.
Quick question. I joined the registry when GT5 first came out, but haven't been doing the WRS. During the summer I have more time, so I tried to do week 74. When I sent my time via PM to the fetchbot it replied that I'm not in the registry. I checked the registry name, and I'm still there. Any ideas about what happened?
Quick question. I joined the registry when GT5 first came out, but haven't been doing the WRS. During the summer I have more time, so I tried to do week 74. When I sent my time via PM to the fetchbot it replied that I'm not in the registry. I checked the registry name, and I'm still there. Any ideas about what happened?

Hi GMan,

It looks like your PSN ID is wrong in the registry.

gtp_gman1647 / gman1657 / USA (5.347)

Try PMing Vaxen, I'm sure he can fix it.


I've corrected it on the registry and synched the leaderboard, so you should be able to submit your time now. Still please do PM Vaxen, as he will need to fix it in his database in order for the change to stay intact. Otherwise it will revert next time he does an update.
Thanks all, looks like it has been sorted. Looking forward to participating in WRS until classes start in the fall.
Looking at the registry after the latest update (12 July), it doesn't look like my handicap budged at all (I may be wrong, though, going only from memory).

I think my only submission while Vaxen was gone was for the GT Academy event. I remember there was talk of putting less weight on that event (which would be too bad since I had a great result that week)... what was the final decision on this?
Looking at the registry after the latest update (12 July), it doesn't look like my handicap budged at all (I may be wrong, though, going only from memory).

I think my only submission while Vaxen was gone was for the GT Academy event. I remember there was talk of putting less weight on that event (which would be too bad since I had a great result that week)... what was the final decision on this?

He normally updates the handicaps when he does promotions, not when doing new submissions. So it's possible that you have not seen it move since the last time he did promotions?
Actually, would it be as simple as subtracting the handicap from the 'r' number in the most recent results thread? For example, from last week's TT:

15--1'07.320---GTP_AspecBob r=3.316 (d3/-0.606)

3.316 - (-0.606) = 3.922

That would be my current handicap (or what it was just before that event)?
Actually, would it be as simple as subtracting the handicap from the 'r' number in the most recent results thread? For example, from last week's TT:

15--1'07.320---GTP_AspecBob r=3.316 (d3/-0.606)

3.316 - (-0.606) = 3.922

That would be my current handicap (or what it was just before that event)?

You just made your handicap worse :lol:. Lower = better.

And in this method your handicap will keep changing drastically every event, and be super sensitive to outliers.

Elementary, my dear Watson ;).

Actually not really elementary, but this post made me understand the system much better.

EDIT: Just understood a little better of what you were asking, yeah the 3.922 will be your current handicap.
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So how do I get started in this? Is it possible to have two PSN accounts on 1 ps3?

Yes, you can have multiple PSN accounts on a single PS3. That's how you would share a single PS3 others in your household anyway and the reason they released the "Family Upgrade" for the early DLC packs for GT5. It allows DLC to be shared across all accounts on a single PS3.

Anyway, start by creating a new PSN account on your PS3 with a prefix of "GTP_" and run the qualifier using that account. You'll need to level up that account a little bit until the AMG Driving Academy intermediate levels are unlocked under special events. The quickest way to do that is share a good car from your main account and then run a seasonal event or two... Takes 15-20 minutes tops.

Then run the qualifier: Official GTP_Registry Qualifier and after you submit wait for your division and handicap to be assigned. At that point you'll be good to join the events.

Don't rush through the qualifier. Give each sector about the amount of time you plan to devote to a weekly time trial. That could be a few hours or more depending on your schedule. That way you are competing in the time trials with people of like speed.
Hi all!

I'm a recently-registered member of this site.

I have submitted my times, how long will it take to be officially in the registry?

I can't join any official online event until I'm not in the registry, right?

P.S. Sorry for my bad english :)

EDIT: I have also submit my friend request at the official lobby account, my PSN GTP id is GTP_Scassatore
Welcome. :gtpflag:

We just added a new batch of drivers 1 week ago, so it will be another 1-3 weeks until you are added, in the next batch.

Correct, you need to wait until you are on the Registry (announced in this thread) before doing any of our time trials or online races. The wait will be worth it, though. 👍
Don't let the fact that you can't post your times keep you from doing the events though. Running the events in the mean time can give you a good idea how you stack up to your fellow competitors and is excellent practice. While I was waiting, I learned that I was going to really have to put some effort in, if I wanted to be competitive. You have a bunch of guys and gals in here that like to win, and you can't just put in a few laps and expect to be competitive.

It's a real hoot once you get in!
Howdy. I've run the qualifier today, and I just got in doubt about what time, that should be entered, when submitted, is it the total time, or the best lap time, for each sector?

I haven't yet submitted my times, but I wanted to ask, just to be 100% sure.
Howdy. I've run the qualifier today, and I just got in doubt about what time, that should be entered, when submitted, is it the total time, or the best lap time, for each sector?

I haven't yet submitted my times, but I wanted to ask, just to be 100% sure.

From the Qualifier thread:


All submissions must be sent to Vaxen via PM:

You can submit only ONCE (be sure to give it your best effort)
Please give it your best effort as sandbagging is highly frowned upon in the GTP OLR community. It would be greatly appreciated by all GTP Race Admin and participants if you would dedicate at least as much time to the qualifier as you would to a regular WRS event.
Please include in your PM, your GTP_Registry PSN ID, your location (Country) and all 3 times -
Sector 2 Time, Sector 3 Time and Total Time (Sector 2 + Sector 3)
Submit your time, on a single line, in the following format:
User: [GTPlanet ID] PSN: [PSN ID] Country: [Country] Time: [Total time] Split: [Time 1] Split: [Time 2]
User: EDK PSN: GTP_EDK Country: USA Time: 6'30.153 Split: 2'58.388 Split: 3'31.765

Please name the PM subject title "GTP_Registry Qualifier (Submission)". Any ambiguous subject titles can easily be lost.
From the Qualifier thread:

I have read that, more than once to be honest. When I viewed the replay two times came up, as described in my previous post. Now, I'm still a bit confused, over which time I should submit. - Is it those two in the replay-menu in GT Life? (Those two there, was the same as those I've written down after I finished.)
Yes, it's the two times shown in the list.


Time: (Sector 2 and 3 combined) Split: (Sector 2 time) Split: (Sector 3 Time)
I'm going to give this a spin in the next few days to see what I can do. Looking forward to it.
I'm going to give this a spin in the next few days to see what I can do. Looking forward to it.

Me, too! I'd say good luck, but I doubt you'll need it 👍
We just added a new batch of drivers 1 week ago, so it will be another 1-3 weeks until you are added, in the next batch.

Hi guys!

a month is passed since i have submitted my subscription... there are some news about the next driver batch? :)
Hi guys!

a month is passed since i have submitted my subscription... there are some news about the next driver batch? :)

We did the last batch on Aug 22, so you might want to PM Vaxen and see if he has your submission.