GTP_Registry Discussion Thread (GT5)

  • Thread starter EDK
That's the issue; when I try to send my qualifier times the bot tells me that i'm not on the registry

OK then I'm stumped :(

If you have sent your PM to WRSFetchBot with the correct subject title and correct body contents I don't know what to suggest other than PM'ing one of the mods (GTP_EDK or GTP_Vaxen) and asking for assistance.
I've had a look at the PM's sent to Fetchy.
Know he's very picky and I've seen your subject for the PM was 'GTP_WRS registration'.
Try 'GTP_WRS Registration', registration with a Capital R. :)
Hello, can someone please look at the PM's I sent the bot? I keep getting them back saying I used the wrong format, but I'm copying exactly off the qualifier page, so I'm a little confused, thanks.
I'll send you a PM with pointers. Basically, you're getting close each time, but have a mistake in each one. Fetchy has to be fairly picky.
Well I was a bit annoyed at having to make a new PSN account (and starting over from lvl0) for this since I'm heading towards lvl 40 in A-Spec and going on 830 cars but I did and I've submitted my qualifying times and made sure to keep the replay of each run. Really the most annoying thing is the less than intuitive PS3/PSN account making system and having to use yet another email addy.

I shared my 517pp tune Calibra Touring Car '94 from my main account and raced the DTC seasonal Nurburgring GP/F track twice and went straight from lvl0 to lvl20 and made over 2.5mil so I guess I'm doing ok. :) I would've made more XP and cash had I not forgotten to switch to MT before the first race thus I only made 2nd in that race. I could've made 1st in that race but was far too annoyed with myself for having forgotten to change to MT and having to deal with that lack of control and I guess I was a little slow on adapting to the AT. Made 1st place in the second run though winning by over 7 seconds.

It's quite amusing heading back to to the main menu for the first time and getting just notification after notification of races/series that are now unlocked and available to play. :)

I'm hoping my WRS application gets approved quickly as I'd love to get in on this coming weekend's race.

If anyone wants to add me my new PSN id is: GTP_Sarkazmo

I don't have a headset, is this going to be an issue?

I read the GTP_Registry Qualifier thread fully (and watched a couple of Oink's intro videos) so I think I've got a handle on what's what but any other tips or info I need?

Welcome aboard 👍

Not having a headset isn't an issue, several drivers don't have one so they just type anything they need to ask / comment on. I highly suggest a USB keyboard if you join the online races - typing on a DS3 really sucks ;)

You can post any / all questions that you like in this thread: AKA. the GTP_WRS Pitbox.
You will quickly find out that the WRS community is very helpful and knowledgeable, and I can't imagine a question going unanswered.

For building up a garage on your new account we have many options as well (community b-spec grinding, shared cars, master accounts with virtually all the trade able cars, etc.).

Good Luck with the qualifier and in your future races 👍
Thanks for the hardy welcome. I've only been a member of this site for a short time only finding it after having issues with a race that I'm still banging my head against a wall over. I've not done but only a couple online GT5 races as my experience in the past has been terrible with online racing. I try to race as clean as possible with as much skill as I can muster and the majority of online players seem to think that every online racing game is some sort of battle arena. This though. This seems to be exactly what I've always wanted for online racing. Can't wait to get started! :)

Thanks for the hardy welcome. I've only been a member of this site for a short time only finding it after having issues with a race that I'm still banging my head against a wall over. I've not done but only a couple online GT5 races as my experience in the past has been terrible with online racing. I try to race as clean as possible with as much skill as I can muster and the majority of online players seem to think that every online racing game is some sort of battle arena. This though. This seems to be exactly what I've always wanted for online racing. Can't wait to get started! :)


Looks like you'll fit in just fine then :) 👍
Welcome to :gtplanet: :gtpflag:
I hope you enjoy it here :)
Hey Sark, can I add my welcome too and let you know that I finally got around to posting a reply to your query about the 380pp Miata seasonal over in the seasonals forum, sorry for the delay.

Good luck in the WRS. I'm a newbie too and am loving it so far although I only do the TT's (albeit rather badly :lol: )
Welcome to all new guys, if you have any questions.... just ask... Have fun, cause that is what is all about !!
Welcome. :gtpflag: Yes, you will have to wait a couple weeks to be accepted into the Registry, to participate in the offline time trials.

See the PM I just sent you regarding how you can join in our online races sooner than that. 👍
Hey. Through some more results and data posted in the TT results, I seem to have reverse engineered that the approximate weight of a standard TT that you freshly submit amounts to about 1/12 of your handicap.

Am I close? :P
There have been some discussions by the WRS admin team, and we've decided to make some adjustments to the handicap system.

It is our belief that some racers have held off participating, for fear that anything less than their best effort will hurt their handicap. Others have participated, but have held off submitting a final time for the same reason.

As a result, we will be adjusting the handicap calculation so that it will either severely curtail, or completely eliminate, any negative effect on your handicap from a particular submission. Specifics are still in the works, but this change will take effect the next time we finalize results.

Comments and questions are welcome.
I think that's a pretty accurate assessment to be honest. I've been guilty of that myself on a few occasions... not much time to spare or getting side-tracked and knowing that without another few hours I'll be so far off the pace it will wreck all the time spent chipping away at my handicap. The down side is that there is no penalty for just being a little slower on a combo but if that means the difference between someone submitting a time or not, I think its a good trade-off. More submissions would also mean that the overall handicap calculation will be more accurate from including a bigger data set.

Its win-win isn't it?
Will be interested to see how the revisions work but it sounds like a great idea and hopefully will ease the minds of those that are concerned about conserving/improving their handicap. I think my handicap is so shot full of holes already that it's beyond redemption but a little help here and there can't harm :lol:

I agree with Chris in that if it does encourage more members to enter and submit then that can only be a great thing that we all benefit from.
Oh no!!! Now the only reason not to submit will be because my time is so embarrassingly slow! And everyone will know. How embarrassing!:lol:
I agree with that completely. I have never held back my submission because of that reason, but I have had 1 or 2 occasions where I had maybe 1-2 hours to run a specific WRS combo and I felt after 15-20 minutes that I wouldn't be up to speed fast enough and ditched the week altogether.
There have been some discussions by the WRS admin team, and we've decided to make some adjustments to the handicap system.

It is our belief that some racers have held off participating, for fear that anything less than their best effort will hurt their handicap. Others have participated, but have held off submitting a final time for the same reason.

As a result, we will be adjusting the handicap calculation so that it will either severely curtail, or completely eliminate, any negative effect on your handicap from a particular submission. Specifics are still in the works, but this change will take effect the next time we finalize results.

Comments and questions are welcome.

A great idea and I really think this will greatly improve the TT's and get more people to participate and submit their times. I have always thought that your handicap shouldn't be penalized just because of one or two bad weeks. Kudos to you and the rest of the staff.
There have been some discussions by the WRS admin team, and we've decided to make some adjustments to the handicap system.

It is our belief that some racers have held off participating, for fear that anything less than their best effort will hurt their handicap. Others have participated, but have held off submitting a final time for the same reason.

As a result, we will be adjusting the handicap calculation so that it will either severely curtail, or completely eliminate, any negative effect on your handicap from a particular submission. Specifics are still in the works, but this change will take effect the next time we finalize results.

Comments and questions are welcome.

Awesome news!!!!! I have never been one to hold back submitting due to handicap results. I think my 77 TT's in a row will substantiate that. What I do miss is all the guys I had been competing with all week not submitting because of handicap results! Thanks WRS Admin team!

Sounds like a plan! Hopefully it will move up some of the faster lower division racer's, thus giving encouragement for more GT5'ers to join, or patrticipate more.
Great idea guys!!!!

I never had much time to run when we were back in Australia, and now we've moved to the US I have about half that!!

Net result is that I'm probably missing a couple of tenths from my previous level. Although I've long since stopped bothering about improving my handicap (D2S is definitely where I belong), those missing couple of tenths have often stopped me even trying to compete. I suspect that this change will get me on track a lot more often.

Thank you 👍