So, I see this has turned in to the nostalgia thread (*blows dust of thread*). A lot of 40+ guys here
Maybe you guys could start a club, haha
I will defenently join you guys, in thirteen years.
I remember my first game super smash bro's and duck hunt. I used to be busier with building a snipersnest and rocking that mighty orange Nintendo .50. Unbelievable kick that thing had. Also vivid memories of great accuracy with ducks but as soon as used aimed my ACOG scope(read: empty toiletpapercone, ironwire and ducktape(ducktape oh the irony
)) on the dog accuracy dropped to 0 never got to see a pink mist when he was laughing at me once again. Damn those where the good times !!!
You can't pull that stuff anymore without having a conversation simmilar to this.
GF "Kevin, what the 🤬 are you doing
Me "Shh i'm setting up an snipernest in the living room. Hopefully that awfull neighbor walks by soon. can't wait to pop that 🤬"
GF "Why are you such an idiot.
How are we ever gonna manage living together when you act like a little kid?
Why are you waisting our time? why don't you go do the dishes so we can go to the mall."
Me "I just have young mind
. Wait movement on ten 'o clock, ten six niner ten six niner we have a fatt neighbor fleeing the scene we need back up now."
then she would react similair to this:
Then I would have to abort the mission
to apply some first aid to my buddy, have to deal with an angry girlfriend and do stupid task around the house for the rest of the day. So I can feel my soul dying a little bit more with every step I take wandering around the mall in a zombie state of mind "Must buy useless stuff, must buy useless stuff!" looking like a retarded michelinman with all the bags. Back in the day people didn't mind me poppin' neighbors once in a while and now it's unacceptable because I'm supposed to act as an adult. Screw that, If some wants to argue I'll be driving my golden chrome Corolla through the livingroom!
try and stop me! ghegheghe
P.s. All jokes a side I have a great girlfriend who I really love nearly 10 years now. And she has built a solid defense to deal with my immature behaviour from time to time