GTP_WRS-Online : Special XVI - #GT300 Triple Mix Championship - Finale - 10 DEC: 2.4 hour endurance

  • Thread starter GTP_Dutchy
Hey Erik and Deux,

First of all this message is just to give you an different perspective. take from it what you need.

Retiring vs being an backmarker
IMHO you didn't learn anything by just sitting in the pits. In general I had my fair share of bad races /starts /first laps you name it. The trick is to learn from them, try and keep your head cool and make sure you settle down in the race and prevent one mistake from provoking another one (this takes practice) and try to make up for it in the race. In fact look at it this way. say you've qualified around 5th after a few corners you're in the top 3 then disaster hits and you drop back to dead last. The way I see it at the end of the lap I can go into the pits and say that my race has failed or I can go on an actually learn something. the reason you started in 5th is that you were quicker than a lot of guys on track. Why rob yourself of the experience you gain going through the pack. You'll learn much about car control, race craft, different lines, trying to out think an opponent and since you should be a bit quicker you already have a natural advantage. Maybe I make a mistake in there somewhere again which doesn't cost me any extra since the race was already "ruined". And then I make another one, and another one, and another one. Chances are that by keep running and catching a few of the other guys and profiting from others mistakes you can still achieve a pretty good result. And most importantly a very satisfied feeling. By the end of the race I've had so much action, fun and experience gained which I all take to track the next time. And that's when you start crafting a thing I call sense for lack of better word. It means that the next time you're better aware of what can or can't be done and you already anticipate more on the moves of other drivers. know where the space on track will be or where the 3 guys battling infront of you are going.

So if you've stayed in the pits you didn't gain any of the things I just named. So the next race starts and that's where you'll learn another hard lesson. because you don't know that well how others are gonna react. you don't know that much of taking different driving lines. you don't know as much about car control. and the chance it relatively higher you'll end up in the pits again. so in short history repeats.

In my book there are only 2 good reasons to retire, that's when you're not in control of the car and therefore are a hazard to others. Or you just got so frustrated that you're now a ticking testosterone bomb threatening to divebomb everyone, other than that. Just go get the experience you need.

Instead of focussing on end result. Judge your races by what you learned. What things went well, what things went wrong. what lessons can be learned. It's easy for us to want that topspot on the podium and that's why we invest a lot of time in practice. but sometimes if you qually 5th and become 6th that doesn't have to mean you had a bad race. Try to achieve whats in your abbillity instead of setting your goals higher than your current skill level. imho you're then setting yourself up for failure and will probably make casualties along the way.

In general try to keep your attitude as relaxed as possible. This isnt F1. This should be fun, remember to have fun. Enjoy that good battle with someone!

Try not to loose the race in the first lap instead of trying to win it in the first lap I think @GTP_Nail can give you guys an masterclass in this. I rarely see him making a big mistake in the firstlap(s) because he knows if he'll stay out of trouble he'll be collecting the positions from everyone who beached themselfs if you want to know how to finish before faster guys go and talk to him!

TT's are fun but they will learn you the qually part only. So if you wait to become D1 before starting racing you'll be very quick in qually. but then... the race... lights go out... first corner.... boom / spin /grinding metal. The one thing I've learned is you can only gain race craft by actually racing there's no substitute no shortcuts just racing. Don't be afraid to race, just be there make mistakes for an hour and come back better next time, repeat.

Closing thoughts
Of course i get the frustration. but it think expectations and reality have been a bit far a part on your sides. I think with an different approach towards the races and trying to set achievements as goals instead of results there's so much more fun to be had and so much more you can learn (quicker) because your mindset is more open to learning and becoming faster instead of frustrated why you aren't the fastest.

Good luck practicing see you both in spa!
Well said
I'm guilty of rage quitting a couple of times, and fully aware of how pointless it seems to run one full hour at Suzuka with no chance of being competitive, but that's something you can't guarantee.
I usually have bad starts, because every time I am aggressive at the first lap I run into trouble, so I decided long ago to just wait until the grid is in line before trying to get to pace. I went from 8th to 13th in half a lap yesterday and I can't say it made me happy. Thing is I ended the race 9th, getting back 4 positions from other people's mistakes and getting back to my ideal pace. I would have missed all that fun if had given in to anger and quit.
I started racing online 3 years ago and when I started my only goal was not to get lapped. Eventually I got more confident and faster, even winning a couple of WRS races.
My only advice is trying to practice online with others to get a feel for a crowded track. It's quite different from just doing hot laps in an online lobby. Park your car somewhere around the track, wait for someone to pass you and chase them for some laps. You'll learn to drive in close proximity to others, learn to control the car off the racing line, anticipate earlier braking points and overtaking spots.
Just ask fast guys to show you a couple of laps most people here will be willing to help 👍
I'm guilty of rage quitting a couple of times, and fully aware of how pointless it seems to run one full hour at Suzuka with no chance of being competitive, but that's something you can't guarantee.
I usually have bad starts, because every time I am aggressive at the first lap I run into trouble, so I decided long ago to just wait until the grid is in line before trying to get to pace. I went from 8th to 13th in half a lap yesterday and I can't say it made me happy. Thing is I ended the race 9th, getting back 4 positions from other people's mistakes and getting back to my ideal pace. I would have missed all that fun if had given in to anger and quit.
I started racing online 3 years ago and when I started my only goal was not to get lapped. Eventually I got more confident and faster, even winning a couple of WRS races.
My only advice is trying to practice online with others to get a feel for a crowded track. It's quite different from just doing hot laps in an online lobby. Park your car somewhere around the track, wait for someone to pass you and chase them for some laps. You'll learn to drive in close proximity to others, learn to control the car off the racing line, anticipate earlier braking points and overtaking spots.
Just ask fast guys to show you a couple of laps most people here will be willing to help 👍
Your welcome for that spot lol

I started off horrible too but was up there too after a few laps, made the the mistake of not taking enough fuel which cost me some but it was still a lot of fun
Hi guys, I'll try to be back for the final bracket. Of course this is really dependent on if real life gives me a break or not. :lol: Sorry about missing most of the second bracket, really wanted to be there but more prudent obstacles stood in my way. Racing on the international endurance tracks should be a lot of fun, especially the 144 minutes at the Nurburgring. Hopefully see you all on the grid!
As to starts.....there are two mindsets....passive aggressive and pure cat fishing (scooping up positions vacated by others silly mistakes or over aggressive actions). Passive aggressive is going as hard as you can without hitting people...profiting from your opponents misdeeds. Rolling starts are nice safe boring exercises in follow the leader....they result in few, if any, first lap schamozzles . Very nice for polite racing, but presents very little in the way of significant passing opportunity. Standing starts, on the other hand, are a hoot!

Adopt the attitude that you WILL out start the car ahead of you. There are techniques to use to Hit the Lights and there is a technical trick also (which I keep forgetting to use) that help's also. I haven't been counting but I doubt that there has been a race in this series when I have made up less than two positions at the start...on the other hand I have been put off by others who had absolutely no experience in the application of Situational in they had no clue I was along side them and deserved some consideration. But if you go for the gold you must expect to occasionally get the Lead Medal and you just play the hand you have been dealt. Remember the "slower guys" you will have to overtake are NOT going to cut you a break .....and you will learn when and when not to pass.

Standing starts are THE most exciting moment in sports car racing. I Love them.
Totally agree with @roamer2629 , @GTP_Dutchy and @GTP_Nail.
Online racing is totally different to tt. I have now got the bug for racing over tt's.
It is one thing hitting braking points and apex's lapping by yourself but experience and practice to do that surrounded by others.
I can vouch for @GTP_Nail on the track as during my small battle yesterday he made a couple of minor errors under pressure from me but never lost it and I was the one who made the major error which cost me and ended that battle.
Role reversal with @gtp_ealirendur, who I had passed after he had gone off track, when he caught me I made the mistake and he was gone to eventually finish 2nd.
Just two incidents that I will learn from which I would not have experienced had I left after turn 1.
Totally agree with @roamer2629 , @GTP_Dutchy and @GTP_Nail.
Online racing is totally different to tt. I have now got the bug for racing over tt's.
It is one thing hitting braking points and apex's lapping by yourself but experience and practice to do that surrounded by others.
I can vouch for @GTP_Nail on the track as during my small battle yesterday he made a couple of minor errors under pressure from me but never lost it and I was the one who made the major error which cost me and ended that battle.
Role reversal with @gtp_ealirendur, who I had passed after he had gone off track, when he caught me I made the mistake and he was gone to eventually finish 2nd.
Just two incidents that I will learn from which I would not have experienced had I left after turn 1.

Yup you had me sweating....not even vaguely like TT ...BUT TT of the combo can show you where to to speak. In other words there is no replacement for practice practice practice.
Dont know the exact times yet but expect something similair to bathhurst. so noon, dusk and night. all dry of course.
Next video is up! Apologies for any small coughing, and also stutters/delays with commentary, by race 3 as I mentioned after the race, my voice was going from the crazy action of the first 2 haha! I think I drank 1.5 litres of water, cup of tea and a can of coke during the 3 races to try keep hydrated and a smooth throat :embarrassed:!

Enjoy :)!

Missed entire 2nd bracket but in for the 3rd practice 1st round at spa. see you guys on track!

Edit: @GTP_Dutchy the sign up box doesn't seem to be taking my signup
it can take up to 30 minutes before your entry shows up in the table. I've seen 3 registrations from you so you're in the table. I'll keep an eye on it to see if everyone shows up in the table like they should.
it can take up to 30 minutes before your entry shows up in the table. I've seen 3 registrations from you so you're in the table. I'll keep an eye on it to see if everyone shows up in the table like they should.
Hmm, just checked on this. The last update on the table was about 7hrs ago. It's failing to grab the image from the google doc, and I'm not sure if it's my problem or google. Will have to look closer after work.
I registered but still don't see my name on the table yet.
the reg table is behind multiple hours atm. we're trying to find a solution. but it doesn't mean you registration didn't came through.

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