I've owned Logitec and Thrustmaster, IMO there's no comparison in terms of reliability. Logitec builds stuff that's nearly bulletproof, and what does go wrong can be easily repaired.
Thrustmaster is expensive AND unreliable, with horrible customer service. In my experience.
Danger - wall of text incoming!
Well, I hope Santa hand-picked a good one
. We were getting a PS4 for the family (well, son mostly), and I figured it was time to abuse the collect-combined-family-present donations trick to get a PS4-ready wheel. I went with the T300 largely to see how the other half lived, ironically mostly because of the existence of the GIMX (so I can putter with tech and have a trusty moddable fallback if needed). If my G27 was actually kaput and unrepairable for some reason, I probably would have gone the other way. Also, I couldn't get the G29 significantly cheaper - a decent deal and I'd probably have gone that way. T300 wise, US or Eu folks could probably get the Alcantara edition (Full 458 GTE Alcantara rim + T3PA pedals), but I really wanted a local supplier (power supply type and extra RTB warranty).
First impressions - the feedback is good, shifters feel solid, and the rubber rim is better than I would have thought; only likely to be a hassle with sweat. There was definitely more force in the feedback, which I immediately turned down a couple notches - I tend to think having too much heft in the wheel just makes you slower, unless you're just-for-funsies simulating older cars or something. There did seem to be more readable feedback on tires losing grip, which is is more important to me. It'll definitely take some getting used to, though, but I hope to correct a couple of bad habits slightly more easily than I otherwise would have. And note that I'm comparing to a decently been-in-the-wars G27 rather than new G29, mind, and I haven't done a proper back and forth yet - just one seasonal in GT6 (Nord 550pp in a Zonda C12).
The pedal set is way too light (as in, simply not enough heft/size in the base), but aren't actually too awful compared to the unmodded G27 (but no clutch, obviously). No carpet grip either, but they'd probably be useable if they were mounted to something - they're currently perched partly on my G27 set
to give them carpet stability and a little height. It is extremely likely I'll mod the G27 pedals and get an adapter. The G29 would definitely have an advantage here (pre-modded).
The location of the on-wheel shoulder buttons is good (it's the T300 GTE rim), but I find myself missing the extra buttons from the G27 shifter so far (which would be on the rim of the G29). Should be fine after I work out a proper button map.
I also get to try out Driveclub and pCars, obtained from the bargain bin. DC's car list to look at and listen to (no XBOne ever happening to get at Forza's car list, and home PC is hamster-powered, so no AC until PS4 version eventuates), pCars for checking out until GT Sport, AC and pCars 2 drop). Might even wind up getting the DC season pass eventually for more droolage, but I haven't even loaded the game yet - 15GB updates completed for it overnight, 6ish for pCars 7.0. Son's games were much smaller, and I won't get any time on it till fam is out of action tonight anyway
I hope the reliability thing works out; the T300 is from a June 2015 batch, and all was fine out of the box (updated and tested first up). I likely wouldn't have bet the farm on the T300 with no backup plan. I don't think it's as massive an upgrade as zealots would have you believe, and I have no illusions it will magically make me faster by itself ( but perhaps with better informed self-evaluation). Wouldn't need anything if I cared for PC sims and could upgrade the toaster, but I'd far rather stick around the WRS crew