My tips for success:
Turn 1: Throw it in, modulate brake and throttle lightly, then throw it in again. Tight to the apex and don't run too wide or you'll be doing 5 mph too slow at the next apex.
Turn 2: Lift and coast. 100mph apex. Careful throttle application.
Turn 3: Lift and coast very slightly, line up for the next very important corner...
Turn 4: the exit, straight line as much as poss and "clip" the kerb so that you get a fraction of rotation. Floor it. You do not want to be going on the grass at all here, with REAL grip reduction you run the risk of binning it and dropping 3 tenths. You also need to nail this turn as turn 5 involves very little slow down when done correctly.
Turn 5: Lift and 50% throttle for a few seconds. I change down here too, if you don't, you'll need to brake. Hold the turn as tight as you can - IMHO this is the quickest way, no double apex as the tyres light up and the grip doesn't come back for the exit. Spot the exit as early as you can and aim to be just inside the kerb on exit.
Turn 6: Brake late rather than early, late apex beats early apex 10 times out of 10. If you go too far though and miss the hairpin apex, start over. You'll not get that back!
Turn 7: Nothing to say here. Flat and no bother.
Turn 8: Hard corner to get right...start slightly wide and aim to brake, change down once (or twice if you want) stay tight and don't go off track on the inside.
Chicane: Aim for sticking the whole left/right side of the car over the kerbs, both in and out. Hail mary, roll the dice and hope you get a double 6.
Last turn: Late apex is best, early apex is a recipe for going partially off, or way off into the wall.
Turns 1 to 4 is like driving Suzuka. You can't sacrifice one turn in favour of another, all must be one sequence.
The hairpin and the last corner you must avoid an early apex like the plague!
The rest of it is tight lines and careful throttle application. Limited mashing! Smoking tyres are fine provided you're at the correct speed and it's just into the red. Maintaining red tyres is pretty bad