GTP_WRS Week 9 : A Matterhorn Of Trust (Team Trial Challenge Event 1)

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And the curb in turn two has the same efect :)
I also rode the hill after T2 half way down on side two wheels. The lap was clean but sadly not my fastest. I might submit it just for entertainment value.
Tuned the camber to 0/0 and lost a full second in sectors one and two but took .57 off overall... just too much to tune on this car for a dingus like me.

Well, I tried again this afternoon, trying to adjust things to try and match @doodlemonoply 's line (yeah, like that was going to happen :lol:) and to follow @Stotty 's advice......all I can say is that I failed miserably. I have no idea how to manage it....if I use the brakes the same amount as doodle, then I just end up in the wall, even applying the brakes longer makes no difference. The most I can manage in that corner is a max speed of 125mph or so. I've gone back to disregarding Sector 1 and focusing on the rest of the lap as I can make up a fair amount of time.

@MisterWeary : Thanks for posting that tune before. I tried it this afternoon but couldn't get on with it as the rear is too loose for my liking. However, the brake bias is much better and I have used the LSD settings and torque split with my set up and it helped me improve by 2 tenths 👍....haven't been able to set a new S2 split as my new laps were slower at that point and the gain has come in the final sector. Thanks again :D
Wow. Just want to say cheers to everyone doing this tt. This is one unforgiving combo! Aside from the last one, every turn on this thing needs to be near perfect.
Obviously at


I'm a ways from getting it all together.
First session is ready and my conclusion is that this is fun but i'm to tired to get a really fast lap around just now.
Need sleep and my time will be better I hope.

0.2s at the line. A 15.1xx or even a 15.2xx would be nice, eventually, but I can't figure it out (for now).
Eeee, It was the off-road track this week, right :confused::crazy:

Matterhorn Dristelen .jpg