ronin85Can you please tell me how it compares to GT5? thanks.
smokedoggWasn't Owens supposed to do something with player cards???
Can you please tell me how it compares to GT5? thanks.
I second jav's recommendation that year deal for fifty bucks is almost half price... Can't beat that (xbl is what $8.99 per month now?). In any case, the biggest thing that I noticed is that there are no real casual racers, you know, the public lobby kids killing time til the next first person shooter comes out. Although Iracing does a good job matchmaking in lobbies and at events, sometimes I would find myself just wanting to keep the wheel and pedals in the closet and throw my feet up on the couch, grab a controller and find a lobby for a couple races after work, before bed. In Iracing, this isn't really an option. You can tune your car by yourself which is great but it is a more difficult game and thus can get quite frustrating if you aren't concentrating. All on all though, it is a true sim with all of the benefits and drawbacks that come along with sims, so I you are looking for a challenge and a bigger sense of accomplishment its great. To be "good" takes a lot of time, dedication, and consistency. Lastly, I you are doing any sort of club racing, or thinking of doing so, it's a great way to learn how to explain how a car is acting and what the possible causes of said actions are. The tuning, physics, grip, and track schematics and layout are much more true to life on I racing. You will think you are driving on a 5 lane freeway on gt5 after giving Iracing a whirl ( yes tracks really are that narrow in real life). Anyhoo... I hope this helps, and I'm sure jav has a few things to add... If you do end up taking the plunge, let us know... I'm looking for an excuse to take advantage of that $50 special they are having.
JavDefinitely go for it Posi! I'm in, Magz is in! And a lot of GTP guys are in too!
In fact just got off of a practice session with Magz! Don't let him know I said this but the poor guy got lost on track and got DQ'd LMAO!!!
OwensRacingI will 100% be iRacing come February. Tax money building me a PC.![]()
tissimoProbably January I'll be getting on iRacing..
At PRI i drove the Williams around road America and ran off the road everywhere! Lol not knowing the track and driving a fast car is a disaster
Have you seen my racing this season? I'm doubting that I'd hit such lofty expectations!
hahahahaDefinitely go for it Posi! I'm in, Magz is in! And a lot of GTP guys are in too!
In fact just got off of a practice session with Magz! Don't let him know I said this but the poor guy got lost on track and got DQ'd LMAO!!!
"detour" lololollol i just went on a detour, didn't think id get disqualified.
btw jav i didnt know you were there. must go for a real spin soon. qualy and race!
You know iRacing isn't that demanding on hardware, offcourse overbuilding your PC never hurts! Plus you can get a pretty nice tower for less than 500 bucks and enjoy iRacing at its fullest potential!I'd love so much to get into PC sims, especially with C.A.R.S. coming soon.
But I haven't got a PC, or the money to afford iracing. I'd get rfactor at first, but most people I know right now have iracing, like the lot of you. It's a lot harder, but i've been good in rfactor, the short time I played the game. Hoping that someday I cna get myself a nice Desktop PC, with some good hardware.
lol i just went on a detour, didn't think id get disqualified.
btw jav i didnt know you were there. must go for a real spin soon. qualy and race!
i can not buy cars and i need a sls mercedes '10 if any1 would help i would be greatful
JavYou know iRacing isn't that demanding on hardware, offcourse overbuilding your PC never hurts! Plus you can get a pretty nice tower for less than 500 bucks and enjoy iRacing at its fullest potential!
Ok, I'll send one your way in a bit!
Peter.Did a 5 lapper with Magz and pipi a second ago. Magz was wall riding everywhere
The real verdict we came to was, overtaking is impossible at Monaco. Draft isn't strong enough in the tunnel, or into turn 1. My only hope was to get a better exit off of the corners, but even then, it's really a burrow through for position, and someone will get damaged.
Lol, hon you need to put your self in shape men 👍
My best time in Monaco with my GTR for now is 1:26.9
Pretty much gonna have to use patience. Hope for a mistake or different pit strategy.
Also to be fair if someone is up your tail pipe for a lap or two. Let them by. Don't be that guy.