GTPFIA GT Omega GT1 World Cup Congrts to our champion Veloci_2NR!!

  • Thread starter Jav
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Hear that Magz? :lol:

yeah hang on.. let me pull over here and you take 1st. ha right.. gonna make it as hard as possible. the allowed 1 direction to defend will be enforced. its gonna be down to a pit strategy or wall:tup:
The uphill straight after turn 1 is the place to pass imo. Turn 4 right before the hairpin might be another.

If you let a lil space at the hair pin and work a pass on the last right before the tunnel/hill you can set up for clean pass there. Considering guy your passing doesn't get a good line as you on the left exit.

I prefer that and the up hill section. Otherwise the front stretch if again you get a run it can be done.

I beg the drivers to practice reserve and show respect.
i tell you this, if i'm pressing you for 2laps and you don't move i will help you. bumpers will be pushed in, whats the saying: you mess with the bull you get the horns
i tell you this, if i'm pressing you for 2laps and you don't move i will help you. bumpers will be pushed in, whats the saying: you mess with the bull you get the horns


I mean, I'm nobody to tell you what to do, but that REALLY shouldn't be acceptable.

I mean, I'm nobody to tell you what to do, but that REALLY shouldn't be acceptable.

I agree to an extent. A lil touch here and there trying to make a guy nervous is one thing. But to beat on a racer. Hit them hard enough to damage. Hit them hard enough to cause them instability and lose speed. Don't pass them. Just be patient.

Honestly if your behind me and by one lap I feel I'm holding you up. I let you by up that hill. Just get a good exit on turn 1 and take left aka inside for next turn. I prob run you up to brake point and brake harder and longer or just before brake point de giving faster car the spot and keeping my momentum.

So just know. The OwensRacing Viper knows what it's like to be held up. Won't do it to you. I do have a temper. Which 99% ends in a rage quit for respect of me being an idiot and doing regretful things. However I just want a clean race and finish it with no major incidents. Know I will wreck myself to keep from wrecking you if I over do it. Please race me and all others clean guys! Let's seriously have fun and come away with great races. If we respect each other and try hard to avoid damage we will have a blast.

Well is gonna be a hard race, no space for mistakes... heheh Race Clean

First lap start in a single file i said? no side by side or gonna be probs lol
have any you guys been in a actual race car racing as close as we do on GT5?
if you have you would know that getting your bumper tagged and moved out of your line is almost a every race thing it's part of racing (at least closed wheel racing) this doesn't cause damage to the race car, sometimes you just have to move a fellow racer no hard feelings!
have any you guys been in a actual race car racing as close as we do on GT5?
if you have you would know that getting your bumper tagged and moved out of your line is almost a every race thing it's part of racing (at least closed wheel racing) this doesn't cause damage to the race car, sometimes you just have to move a fellow racer no hard feelings!

I actually have, it all varies from club to club and even from class to class within a club. Some people just don't like it and will take it to the stewards if it happens, this will most definitely yield penalties and even suspension from the club for a number of events. Most people just discuss itafter the race and it all ends there, while some people just don't mind it and keep racing.
Guys, my area of the UK is in flood watch/ servere weather warning territory. My home is actually quite safe, but surrounding infrastructure might have taken a hit with my mobile/ cell network working intermittently, and my ADSL not working at all.

Just giving you a heads up for Sunday. Let you know if the ADSL is back on yet.
Guys, my area of the UK is in flood watch/ servere weather warning territory. My home is actually quite safe, but surrounding infrastructure might have taken a hit with my mobile/ cell network working intermittently, and my ADSL not working at all.

Just giving you a heads up for Sunday. Let you know if the ADSL is back on yet.

Glad to see you're ok! Hopefully it'll be back up in time!
Jav what do I have to do to get into this at some point? Could I race in Div II?

Yes sir you can and ae more than welcome to do so! Just fill out your info in this format:

Country/time zone:

There's a maximum of 2 of the same cars per division so make sure your car choice is available.
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Man, i've got to drive a prefect season from here on out if I want to claw back a 40 point deficit. Plenty of time, but even if I managed to win every single thing from now on, it would be up to wherever the rest of you guys slot amongst yourselves.

Comeback drive all starts with tomorrow's race!

Drivers meeting race #5 Cote D'Azure.

-Free practice, track will open at 6:30PM EST(GTM-4) for free practice.

-Qualifying, at 7:30 everyone must be on the lobby and ready to start the legality verification process. Any driver that leaves the track and goes to the settings menu may recieve a time penalty aded to the final results.

-The cars will be called on track using their respective power/weight figures.

-The pole sitter will lead the field at 50mph arround the track. Please give each other plenty of space here.
Once the polesitter reaches the pit entry the grid will slow down to 30mph. Guys do not be afraid to come up side to side in your respective spots. Remember we start double file.
The pole sitter will be cleared to accelerate away at the start/finish line. The pole siter has to cross the line in first place. Any overtaking before the leader crosses the line will be rewarded with a time penalty of 50 seconds.

-Turn 1, everyone is expected to use fair judegement here. No is ever won in the first turn, but all of them can be lost here.

-Again I expect everyone to give plenty of room to each other on the pace lap.

-Any on track incidents will be dealt with after the race and the text chat is not to be used during the race.

-If by any reason you need to quit the race please pull over to the side and out of the racing line before doing so.

-If your car sustains heavy engine or suspension damage and you are unable to mantain pace or mantain the car under control you are expected to move over and not keep racing for possition.

-Any contact resulting in damage at the start, before the start or during the race will be investigated by the stewards and face possible penalties.

-Any on track incident needs to be reported to the race stewards within 24 hours of the race start.

-In any case resulting on penaties, infractions, warnings or probations it will be announced on the 2nd post under the "important announcements" section.

-All drivers most comply with the latest performance adjustments revision.

Jav, I will probably miss the race tomorrow due to the fact that I'm working late hours for the holidays. I hope to have it worked out for the next race though.
Jav.... I dont know what cars are available for Div 2. Its a real jumble on the sign up. I have the Spec II Ford GT that I can use. I didnt see it anywhere for Div 2. Correct me if I'm wrong.

GTP:Rich S
Car:Ford GT spec II test car
Country/time zone:USA central (What time are the races??)
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