GTPFIA GT World Cup: Congratulations to our champions! MagzireGT1/hon1984GT2

  • Thread starter Jav

Race day?

  • Saturday anywhere between 4 and 7PM US EST(GMT-4)

    Votes: 8 12.3%
  • Saturday anywhere between 8 and 10PM US EST(GMT-4)

    Votes: 14 21.5%
  • Sunday anywhere between 3 and 7PM US EST(GMT-4)

    Votes: 17 26.2%
  • Sunday anywhere between 8 and 10PM us EST(GMT-4)

    Votes: 26 40.0%

  • Total voters
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Completely noobed that race. Been honest I hated the track. What ever setup I had, my BWM was taking the corner sideways. I found it quite difficult. Apologize for the rare enders, but hey its only a pre-race:)
So I apologize for the scare, nevertheless please understand that the GT2 cars will need to lift or brake sooner regardless in this situation.

I do declare... I don't entirely agree with this quote. :sly:

As previously discussed and confirmed in this very thread, the GT1 cars simply need to ''find'' a way around the GT2 cars without having the GT2 car compromise anything.

There is one very easy way to do this. You pass under acceleration after the corner, that way you get to the next corner ahead and the GT2 car brakes at his normal spot. Don't try and ''dive bomb'' into a corner in order to pass someone slower, you only slow yourself and the other driver down.

If every GT1 driver applies the same technique, everyone will be ''penalized, slowed down'' by roughly the same amount of time.

I applied this technique last nite and I gotta say it worked out with most GT1 drivers. A couple of GT1 cars tried to ''overtake'' me in the fast corner leading up to the corkscrew... 👎 Very bad spot...

A couple tried me in the actual corkscrew... Even worst spot 👎

If anyone wants to check out what I'm talkin' 'bout, look at the race replay when Jav passes me twice in the ''perfect'' way. 👍 Jav

So, I won't apologize for not giving way to faster GT1 cars. And yes, a GT1 car can be stuck behind a GT2 for 3-4 consecutive corners, that's just the way it is.

Untill I see police, ambulance or firetruck lights on a GT1 car, I ain't pullin' over!!! :lol::lol::lol:

For the pace laps:

GT2 goes around for one lap at 60mph

Once the GT2 leader gets to the last corner before the straight (GT1 leader checks in his mini-map), the GT1 pack starts moving up to 60mph for the 2nd pace lap.

GT2 pack catches up slowly to the GT1 pack.

At the last corner before the start/finish straight line, the GT1 field keeps on going 60mph to the line and start their race.

Meanwhile, the GT2 pack slows down to 30mph all the way to the start/finish line and then we start our race. That way we avoid a big pile-up in the first corner.
When Jav originally posted this kind of format for it, I discussed just about what you're saying with him and he persuaded me to stay on, but I do agree with what you're saying here. Honestly, I can say I can run clean in this type of race, as I have done in several other endurance series I've been part of, but not necessarily fast - that's something I'm still learning, and honestly if I'm holding up someone who is fast and clean from coming in and enjoying this, maybe I ought to just drop down to a reserve slot and show up for practice rooms with you guys.

Dude, FAST ain't got nothing to with racing! :)

The main thing is that you be clean and respectful. Being fast comes with lots and lots and lots of laps in many many many different types of cars.

I ain't the fastest guy, but I try to avoid trouble and it usually works out pretty good in the end.

Being fast is for your ego only... :lol::lol:

If you don't mind finishing at the end of the pack and can be clean while doing it, then I say, stick with it buddy.👍
As previously discussed and confirmed in this very thread, the GT1 cars simply need to ''find'' a way around the GT2 cars without having the GT2 car compromise anything.

The first part of the statement is correct. Yes I did find a way around you and I entered the corner a full car length ahead of you. And remember once one car "has the corner" it's the other car's responsibility to adjust. I don't know where the second part of your statement comes from. When passing under brakes that's nearly impossible. The GT1 and GT2 cars have the same speed through corners, so when there is a pass under brakes, regardless of whether it's a GT2 car passing another GT2 or GT1 passing GT2, the 2 cars will slow down each other a little. You'd have to completely ban passing under brakes to achieve the utopia of "cars not having to compromise anything" when being passed under brakes. And in my book that's not racing anymore.

There is one very easy way to do this. You pass under acceleration after the corner, that way you get to the next corner ahead and the GT2 car brakes at his normal spot. Don't try and ''dive bomb'' into a corner in order to pass someone slower, you only slow yourself and the other driver down.
The vast majority of the passes I made during the race were on the straight or under acceleration. I also made a few under brakes and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
If you don't mind finishing at the end of the pack and can be clean while doing it, then I say, stick with it buddy.👍

that was me last nite :)

i hope none of this chatter about gt 1 cars passing clean has to do with me...i knew i was getting last in gt 1 on about lap 3 lol

if anything, for the most part i tried to get out of everyones way once i saw them in my rear 1 and gt 2 cars...
You guys ever consider splitting the 2 classes up and racing them seperate? Not this season, but maybe trying it later? I ask, because I would kind of like to run both, lol! But perfer GT1. Just wondering anybody else's thoughts!
You guys ever consider splitting the 2 classes up and racing them seperate? Not this season, but maybe trying it later? I ask, because I would kind of like to run both, lol! But perfer GT1. Just wondering anybody else's thoughts!

It was considered but the mixed class racing is just much more fun and gives that extra flavor to the series.
For the GT2 start, it will be adressed as a drivers meeting via PM on the weekend.
Guys, I just noticed something.
We had roughly the same number of drivers, and the same drivers racing at Nurb GP and Laguna.
However, the way people were racing was completely different at Nurb and Laguna.
Therefore, could it possibly be the track and not the drivers?

I think that we should base whether we use heavy or light damage off of the track.
I think we can agree that Nurburgring GP is slightly less demanding and wider than Laguna Seca.
Overall, in nearly every aspect, Laguna is more demanding than Nurburgring GP.
This means that the driver is thinking about the track more than other drivers on Laguna, versus thinking more about other drivers than the track at Nurb.
Therefore, there will be more accidents at Laguna whether it includes multiple cars or not.

Just my 2 cents.
Guys this was just a pre-season test race, it is ment for learning and nothing more. I am sure everyone came out of the race a wiser driver than we were coming in. Laguna is our season finale and we have plenty of time before we get there, there were guys who avoided damage or got away with minimal damage. Perhaps we all need to learn something from them.
Drive your own car and not the one in front of you.(saw a lot of people following the front car into a mistake)
Be aware of your surroundings, use your mirrors and go a bit off line even if it costs you a bit it will pay off at the end.
Give each other room, be respectfull of your fellow drivers. These are fairly long races and are not won on the first corner.
After seeing the replay I got to say the GT2 start was a dissaster, the lead cars did exactly what they needed to do but other cars just went flying past them before the start finish line. In the regular season that's a heavy penalty to be handed out.
Formation lap, again for GT2 this is where most of the carnage happened! Come on guys, give each other room. Trying to put heat on your cold tires only destroys them and will haunt you in the long run, be very carefull when doing this.
We will be staying with the heavy damage, we all need to make better decissions when atempting a pass or defending our positions. It is up to us to make it work!
It really was a good and fun race and we all learned fro it wich is more valuable than anything else, we are looking at a great start of the season!
After seeing the replay I got to say the GT2 start was a dissaster, the lead cars did exactly what they needed to do but other cars just went flying past them before the start finish line. In the regular season that's a heavy penalty to be handed out.

I thought that we were good to go as soon as the GT1 leader passes the start/finish line?
Again it was just a test race and we all learned from it. On Friday I'll start the drivers meeting via PM and all points and doubts will be clarified.
Dude, FAST ain't got nothing to with racing! :)

The main thing is that you be clean and respectful. Being fast comes with lots and lots and lots of laps in many many many different types of cars.

I ain't the fastest guy, but I try to avoid trouble and it usually works out pretty good in the end.

Being fast is for your ego only... :lol::lol:

If you don't mind finishing at the end of the pack and can be clean while doing it, then I say, stick with it buddy.👍

Ok let me rephrase that:
1) Run fast smart and clean with moderately fast GT1 cars.
2) Run fast smart and clean with moderately fast GT2 cars.
3) Be able to drive in a mix of the two.

I have no problem racing with folks who are still learning OLR, just as long as they aren't constantly lawnmowing, bulldozing, wall-painting, and blindly re-entering the track after beachcombing. (<- Banzai Driving?)

If you can't do a solid 5 laps (I always make sure I can do at least 10-15 with varying degrees of pace) without spinning or totally wiping out in practice, let someone from the reserve list take your place. Doesn't matter if you're 5-10 seconds off the pace, heck I enjoy passing slow cars :dopey:, just drive smart, and prepare your race. I learned more about OLR participating in my first 2 GTP series races than I could ever learn just regular Public Room racing.

I must admit, on some tracks I myself am still slow or beachcomb a few times (my RL achille's heal), but I wait for cars to pass before re-entering the track. I would expect everyone knows how to do that.

From the posted best-lap times, everyone is well within 5 seconds, and Ruta well that's not so bad, just make sure you prepare your race or let a reserve driver race for your team.

It has been stated that GT2 cars are to hold their line, but I would expect that in the straight, the GT2 car could make enough room for a GT1 car to draft pass them.

As for corner passing, and this goes for any class combination:
online racing rules apply! Make sure you have fully read and understood these rules!

Re: Section 08A
08: Corner Rights:A:
When approaching the turn/apex of turn, the car which "holds" the inner side of turn has entrance-advantage and other driver(s) must refrain from endangering him by his actions.

This means, if you are passed before a corner/turn, be prepared to break early. If you are the lead car, you should still try to make sure you have enough room to setup your turn even if the passed car doesn't yield.

This will be one of the most strictly enforced rules. If you cause a driver to go off-track or lose position on you when you loose right-of-way, you MUST slow down and let them pass within 1 lap or a penalty will apply. If the victim simply is inconvenienced and keeps driving, the offender will be issued a warning.

On a lighter note: I'm really starting to prefer the Zed LM. It better fits my driving style (she's easier to manhandle), but I never tried her out until last week. Took almost 3 seconds of my best GTR LM time on Nurb/F in less than 10 laps (duh, coming from a NismoZ fan, I should have figured this out long ago...)
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Good to see you've found a car that's good to you! The GT-R can be a fast car but will keep you on the edge or in the grass for the whole race! If you fall aslep it will snap from you in a heartbeat! I must say I loved driving that car last night, but am still wayting for everyone to make a desision before I make my final car selection.
From the posted best-lap times, everyone is well within 5 seconds, and Ruta well that's not so bad, just make sure you prepare your race or let a reserve driver race for your team.

Nah, last night was a debacle for me, and I spent a good amount of time this morning trying to find what was wrong, because I could literally turn my DFGT fully cw or ccw and barely get response in turning on-screen. It took going to Logitech support to get the issue ironed out. Anyway, I've already told Jav that I'm dropping. Good luck this season!
Not my place. But from reading the previous concerns. I would offer this suggestion.

GT1 car comes on GT2 and it close to corner. Gt1 needs to rolll off it and set up a draft run on exit. Now the GT2 car needs to be aware. Cause this is where he needs to show respect. Hold your line GT2(not middle track) and let the GT1 by you. Now if you coming on a turn and GT1 is besides you. Well return the favor and roll off the throttle and set him up for a drafting exit. You won't pass him. But you will make up time in that draft.
I was actually able to keep up with Jav for two or three laps by drafting.
I actually passed him back at one point, but then decided that that was slowing both of us down...
Practice room open:

wow 7 hours... was a good one...
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Not my place. But from reading the previous concerns. I would offer this suggestion.

GT1 car comes on GT2 and it close to corner. Gt1 needs to rolll off it and set up a draft run on exit. Now the GT2 car needs to be aware. Cause this is where he needs to show respect. Hold your line GT2(not middle track) and let the GT1 by you. Now if you coming on a turn and GT1 is besides you. Well return the favor and roll off the throttle and set him up for a drafting exit. You won't pass him. But you will make up time in that draft.

This is a good example of Gentleman Racing. Well stated.
Guys, I just noticed something.
We had roughly the same number of drivers, and the same drivers racing at Nurb GP and Laguna.
However, the way people were racing was completely different at Nurb and Laguna.
Therefore, could it possibly be the track and not the drivers?

I think that we should base whether we use heavy or light damage off of the track.
I think we can agree that Nurburgring GP is slightly less demanding and wider than Laguna Seca.
Overall, in nearly every aspect, Laguna is more demanding than Nurburgring GP.
This means that the driver is thinking about the track more than other drivers on Laguna, versus thinking more about other drivers than the track at Nurb.
Therefore, there will be more accidents at Laguna whether it includes multiple cars or not.

Just my 2 cents.

I think everybody has just become more comfortable with everybody else, so we're pushing harder than we need to be. We've all pretty much become aquainted and been freindly, so we're being a little more bold on the track.
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Is anybody else's PSN down?

I receive an error when logging in. The error code was 80710092..

Nevermind. Just had to set my wired connection manually and it fixed it. Thanks, Google!
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I read on a PSN blog that many areas especially NA are not working. I just tried it now and it worked tho.
I vote heavy damage, dispite my bad experience and i'm looking forward to trying this again next week. Mixed classes and heavy damage was what made me sign up for this. If we can get this to flow, it should be an exciting series.

Mixed qualifying should help lag, as a lot of it will be noticed or ironed out before the race starts. And like Jav said, we need to give each other room on the pace laps. Warming up your tires by swerving or accelerating and braking over and over does very little in GT5(tire sim is lacking). It also causes a lot of bumping that is unfair to everyone.

And i believe the responsiblity rests on our GT1 drivers to make the passing work. There are a lot of corners that have only one line, especially at Laguna. So waiting until your exiting the turn or on the strait is usually a better choice than late braking and sticking your nose in. Don't look at us poor GT2 drivers as "lapped traffic", we're in a race of our own and don't want to have to "get outta your way" because your bigger and faster. I want you gone and off my ass as much as you want to be rid of me. If you pass under braking by late braking and cutting the inside, how do i know your there until i hit you? Unless we all use 3D glasses, head tracking, and cockpit views then it just doesn't work.

All IMO, and i look forward to "surviving" next week.

PS- Rich77, i did not like your tune! Haha.
Just a suggestion, but remember how Sephy had that incredible time during qualifying?
He said that it was because he said he missed the braking point or something like that for the corkscrew.
Could we turn penalties on strong just for qualifying?

This would help in the aspect of preventing times like Stephys from happening (I'm not denying that he gained the poll position, just saying that it's possible that someone like me couldve done that even accidentally like he did) and it would aid in mixed qualifying so we don't have to worry about GT1 times being ruined due to needing to get around GT2 drivers.

Again, just my 2 cents.
Penalties dont work on free run so there's not much to be done there, besides with the grip reduction set to real and heavy damage it is very rare that you will gain anything from corner cutting with the big exeption of Monza for wich we already have a remedy.
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