Looks like Jav managed to avoid the worst of the carnage, congrats man! The Nissan GT-R LM concept is competitive after all! But for most others including myself it was a messy race. I don't think the problem is the track or the heavy damage, though. People need to get wrecked enough times to realize they need to be careful, watch mirrors and not make any silly passing maneuvers, especially right after they're lappedAlso, when you do happen to hit someone please don't type, that won't help, all it can do is cause more accidents.
That was pure madness. On the first pace lap i was bumped from behind about 15 times and had to pit, which was ok since a lot of us did. However i was one of the last ones to leave the pit and had to get my place back on the second pace lap, however the blue 430 was swerving all over the road(same car that kept hitting me from behind) and i was forced to pit again. When i came out of the pits everyone was on there first lap of the race and i was quite behind. Again, ok, just part of racing. However when i caught the BMW and he lost control and slammed into me causing me to pit again(3rd time, lap 3) i was getting anoyed. However that's racing, he didn't try to spin out. So i continued.
I understand your point, but I think the assurance of no crazy banzai moves outweights the negatives of heavy damage. We have a great group of racers here and we are capable of racing clean and conciously enough to prevent the situations.
However I want to read how everyone feels about the heavy damage to use the best setting for the group.
I was having a lot of problems with my car that I didn't have in practice, I'll admit. I felt like I was on ice the whole time, and this is coming from a guy who drives and tunes on sports softs/ racing hards all the time in-game; I was using racing softs this race, though. I'll actually have more time this week to get in some practice, so I'll see what's up. I may be very young in my GT5 & GT Planet racing, but I've done more than enough heavy damage/real grip reduction/driving aides off with my DFGT to know when something's not right.
I have mixed feeling about heavy damage. I have had a few races with it and actually won 1, but it only works when everyone:
1) knows their car
2) knows the track
3) knows each other
4) knows how to race with heavy damage
5) race is many more laps, or just a few (30 is too middle ground to make up time for an extra pitstop).
Jav, what do you have the race quality set at when you make the room? That could be affecting this a lot and causing a lot of the lag problems. Same with the voice quality, even if nobody is using a mic. Also, in other Sunday racing series I've participated in, I've seen a lot of connection problems and lag problems go down for people involved like what we saw tonight. I wonder if PD does maintenance on their network during this time?
Tom you bring up some good points.
Just spit balling here, this is kinda a bit cold, but boot people out who can't handle heavy damage? Leave the clean racing to the guys who do it best. But this of course brings the whole argument of who's good and what's good enough and personal bias.
Jav how is you're connection otherwise? Maybe we should consider having somebody else host it?
to tom, yeah I definitely get what you're saying. But that kind of goes back to what I said- those who keep crashing or getting damage will stop or quit, like you suggest.
That's something to consider, but I like having the same options the whole season.
How about we use Season 1 to determine who is good enough to make the cut.
Then for season 2, any newcomers would have to prove themselves in private qualification races with the top dogs from season 1.
All 'coldness' aside, this series takes a special kind of driver who can:
1) Run fast and clean with moderately fast GT1 cars.
2) Run fast and clean with moderately fast GT2 cars.
3) Be able to drive in a mix of the two.
If this isn't "you", then maybe another series is better suited for you to enjoy OLR.
All 'coldness' aside, this series takes a special kind of driver who can:
1) Run fast and clean with moderately fast GT1 cars.
2) Run fast and clean with moderately fast GT2 cars.
3) Be able to drive in a mix of the two.
If this isn't "you", then maybe another series is better suited for you to enjoy OLR.
MajikTomHow about we use Season 1 to determine who is good enough to make the cut.
Then for season 2, any newcomers would have to prove themselves in private qualification races with the top dogs from season 1.
All 'coldness' aside, this series takes a special kind of driver who can:
1) Run fast and clean with moderately fast GT1 cars.
2) Run fast and clean with moderately fast GT2 cars.
3) Be able to drive in a mix of the two.
If this isn't "you", then maybe another series is better suited for you to enjoy OLR.
Meanwhile, the season is about to begin, and I wanna get it on already. There's not much time to start weeding out the marginal drivers. Perhaps we turn it on half way through season 1 once we all get to know each other's driving style and skills? This will allow enough time for the ones who can't keep up to make room for better drivers on the waiting list.
The only complaint I have that happened was a small issue with the Team Oreca Viper. We were coming up to the turn before you go uphill to the corkscrew. You passed me and I was fine with that but when coming up so fast to a corner please don't just dart back to the racing line right in front of me. You braked as soon as you moved over and I almost slammed right into the back of you. Either stay off the line or wait until the next straight to pass. It didn't make me mad just something I wanted to bring up![]()
Just to make sure, i'll keep the Ford GT test car for the whole season, not the Zonda cause that car's too hard to keep on track
tatoune - GT1
Ford GT Test Car 👍
I had some weird glitch going on. The load screen stopped at seventeen. Stayed on my screen with racers list and chat box. It started race like that. Car moved. No speedo or anything and most screen blocked. Was forced to quit out of game.
Sounds like an eventful race. Wished to have been there. Considered coming back and watching. But I was pumped to race. So went looking for some kinda race action.
Another point is again the starting. We'll get better as we do it more but at least we haven't done anything this bad:
I like the damage personally.. teaches people not to be stupid... And it teaches me to drive with better reflexes! lol