GTPFIA GT World Cup: Congratulations to our champions! MagzireGT1/hon1984GT2

  • Thread starter Jav

Race day?

  • Saturday anywhere between 4 and 7PM US EST(GMT-4)

    Votes: 8 12.3%
  • Saturday anywhere between 8 and 10PM US EST(GMT-4)

    Votes: 14 21.5%
  • Sunday anywhere between 3 and 7PM US EST(GMT-4)

    Votes: 17 26.2%
  • Sunday anywhere between 8 and 10PM us EST(GMT-4)

    Votes: 26 40.0%

  • Total voters
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ok lets figure out who would be the best to host the races the first time so that we dont have problems every week. If you think your internet is fast and solid enough to host, post your bandwidth numbers. Also, no one believes me but voice chat is the main bandwidth hog as it pertains to GT5 and psn. so if you want solid connections with low choppyness with 16 players we should turn voice chat off or keep it very low and only have the room 'boss' as it were chatting using voice, everyone else should turn off any audio devices bluetooth or otherwise.
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Someone with reliable NAT2 high bandwidth should host. Posi, if that's you doit. I have great Internet and NAT2 with my PS3 on a Gamefuel Router Bridged to a dedicated WAN port, but Posi if you're in the East, it may help.

I get 20megabits
my internet is 5mbps up 50mbps down unthrottled dedicated bandwidth (it does not *or should not* vary depending upon) congestion). ok i guess if jav is working then we should use it this weekend and sort it out during the next week. Also If anyone does NOT have NAT2 show up when testing their connection tell me and we will sort it out in the next week to be ready for next weekend. I will send you a router if need be, but it can probably be sorted without tinkering too much.
Is anyone else having trouble?
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I just pinged the psn servers from the west coast and it is a bit congested but nothing we cannot cope with... How many people are in this group that are outside the US?
hon1987 was doing 1:49's last night in practice... looking like we're all going to need a bit of improvement to run like that..

Yeah. I was only able to hit 1:52.978 at yesterday's practice. I averaged at about 1:53 to 1:54 per lap, though.
If you guys ever need a pace car, I'm always up for that. Just keep that in mind.
Guys, I got kicked mid race.
Despite my issues, I would have finished pretty well too god dammit.
But after that start (again) I'm gonna drop out.
I've absolutely had it with this. So until Damage is set to low, I'm out.
These cars would be neck and neck if it wasn't for that one person every single ****ing race.
Make sure you watch for who did it in the replay, remember, you have so many reserve drivers that you can kick out anyone and still have a full grid.

But until all these problems, connection, bumping, bashing, CORNER CUTTING etc. etc. is fixed, I'm out.
Well this was the best MESSED up race I ever had. Damage on pace lap, who the heck stopped? Then on my way out Smoke and I collided yet again! (2nd race on pit exit). Oh well decided to go with it but after lap 10 I decided to make it a 2 stop race and pitted. But because it was a last minute decision, I totally miscalculated gas on the 2nd pit stop, so I ran out on lap29! Damn, I passed Smoke and had a good chance of taking a run on Jepoks.

Oh well, good race even though I spent most of it alone running 54-55... Just gonna make me get better faster...
What a great race, very clean racing. Good job Jav. Just happy I didn't mess anyones race up beside the domino's effect after t_ray's little incident :)
All in all well done to everyone that took part, and congratulations to the winners!
A big thank you to Jav for having the patience to organize and run this!

I think I ruined my chances by:
  • Thinking the field was going to wait at lap 1 after the pace lap shenanigans
  • Spinning letting GT1 pitters through on lap 1
  • Overcooking the Veedol, hitting a wall

Also I was very touch and go with kerb hopping @ Veedol. I'm sure once or twice I would have got punished had penalties been on!

I wish I could have raced in GT1 though :( The Zonda is pawing away at the garage door!
Except for the awful start (pit road was a mad house!) that was a great race. I was glued to hon's butt for a little while early on but we got separated and then I had to try and fend off Mojo for a little while. I spent a lot of this race alone but there were a few times throughout that got my adrenaline going!
Awesome race, hats off mag and hawaiian you guys showed up well.

Thanks rich. At one stage in the race I thought hawaiian was in a GT1 car. Cause took me ages to get near him. Thank god he isn't in GT1 division ;)
Thanks rich. At one stage in the race I thought hawaiian was in a GT1 car. Cause took me ages to get near him. Thank god he isn't in GT1 division ;)

Is he on the official list? He looks like good competition 👍
Except for the awful start (pit road was a mad house!) that was a great race. I was glued to hon's butt for a little while early on but we got separated and then I had to try and fend off Mojo for a little while. I spent a lot of this race alone but there were a few times throughout that got my adrenaline going!

I hope i wasn't being too aggressive with the defending! My tyres were spent at that point and your car is better in the corners! Lucky for me the Mclaren has good grunt! Was like our practice run together that time!
Sorry for my quit, guys. My sister kept asking me to help her with something and I kept pausing the game. I got mad after quitting but I sucked it up pretty well. It's too bad I'm gonna be dead last at the GT2 division league position table..., but I'll try to show up uninterrupted at the next race. Anyways, how's the race?
i was practicing this track all week and for the 2nd week in a row my race was over after the 2nd lap :(

we really havta space out more on the pace lap and just come toghter right b4 we tom said...none of this was even our fault and we were out of it in 3 min
I was trying my best to hold it down for GT2 for the first half of the race. Had a 14 second gap between me and the second place car. Then I started to notice that the times were falling by two seconds each lap. :scared:

It was a good clean race on my end. No one to really complain about. Gatrs is right. The cars are very evenly matched. Every time I was matched up with someone in our class it was always who was going to make the first mistake.

👍 to Jav for setting up such a nice tournament. I think the next practice round we should all practice the three second rule during the pace lap. :)
Then I started to notice that the times were falling by two seconds each lap. :scared:
In race I was debating to pit when you pit, or pit when I needed to pit. Sounds like an easy choice but I was trying to think and drive...point being I think if I pit around 15/16 I would've had enough to make it to the end and I would've been a LOT closer to you. But I'll take 2nd :)
Woah thanks Jav. Just received a gift. Its a gold M3 GTR 03. Looks awesome.👍

For that, keep me in the season.
I need to get me a gold BMW. :D
I've calmed down now, I was just REALLY pissed about being disconnected and being repeatedly rammed at the start.
Ah well, there's always next week, look out Flyin!
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