GTPlanet 2015 - The Year according to Us.

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But in one tent a light still shines - and just outside the tent a little fire with a pot of java warming. You know you can stumble up to this tent and the owner will be only too glad to give you a nod and put a warm cuppa into your hand. You're back home.

That's the sort of light that TB keeps on here. Is there anyone who doesn't know him?
Watch - I'm not even tagging him - but he'll be around like a bear sniffing honey.

This guy is family to everyone eventually - a great inspiration to us all - and we're lucky to have him around. He knows, I hope, that at any given moment - whatever the cause - I have his back.
That is a great description and I couldn't agree more.

Here's to TB. :cheers:
That is a great description and I couldn't agree more.

Here's to TB. :cheers:

Agreed. In my opinion, TB is definitely the axis on which this place spins. TB, here's to you. :cheers:
I missed a lot of the sporting events in 2015 so didn't get to hang out much with my usual sports crowd - @MUSC4EVER, @Robin, @Ross, @ExigeEvan - guys with whom enjoyed many live Tennis events - I'm hoping to try harder to make time for these events this year.
A massive Thank You to all you guys - hoping you have a blast this year - both in our virtual camp here - and in real life. Thanks for keeping those lights on
Likewise. I've been so busy with college work this year that I've only been logging on to check PM's 👍. Here's to a great 2016 for you and everyone at GTP though :cheers:
Who else am I forgetting? Oh yes, @TB and @Ken, for my time on GTPlanet wouldn't be the same without those two around
Thanks to *snip*
@TB *snip* for all the laughs and good times
I'm glad you appreciate my presence here, gents. The feeling is mutual. :)
Oh, and TB. We just bought our third freezer and second fridge. I'm still preparing for you and T-12 to show up for dinner.
One of these days we'll actually get together instead of just threatening each other. :lol:
@TB is invaluable. He's un-rile-able, really. He keeps us all level. Always so friendly, I could learn a thing or two from him. He's also, by all evidence thus far provided, an outstanding dad.
Are we talking about the same guy?

Sure, I try to be a good dad but I don't think I do anything extraordinary; just playing the hand I was dealt.

As for being a Mod, you and all the other gents do far more than I do. Due to not being in the know for the racing scene, which is where most of the issues on the site arise, there are times I wonder why I'm still a Mod.
you stand out in the crowd as someone whose likes are probably 10X their post count.
1.62:1 ;)
Watch - I'm not even tagging him - but he'll be around like a bear sniffing honey.
*snif, snif*

Sorry for the delay. I was home sick today so wasn't terribly active.
That is a great description and I couldn't agree more.
Here's to TB. :cheers:
Agreed. In my opinion, TB is definitely the axis on which this place spins. TB, here's to you. :cheers:
I'm not sure where this is all coming from but it is genuinely appreciate, guys. I am truly humbled. :)

I'm absolutely abysmal at this so I won't single anyone out but a high majority of you people are the reason I'm still here after all these years. As for the others, we just haven't met yet. :cheers:
I suppose I forgot to mention TB. He's a great guy who knows what he's doing on here, and I hope he stays :)

Sorry for the delay. I was home sick today so wasn't terribly active.
Hope you get well soon :cheers:
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I did not expected to be mentioned in this thread, but it comes as no surprise to be remembered by someone as friendly as @photonrider.

As someone with a tendency to compartmentalize the different areas of my life, I feel as though I may not always get as deeply involved in a group as some others do. It's part of my nature and one of the ways I keep myself organized, but at times I worry if it comes off the wrong way. GTP is an awesome place and I'm glad to belong. There have been very few corners of the internet that have kept my interest for as long or taught me so much. Like many others must have, I joined for the namesake but over time found a lot more to the community. Every step along the way has been enjoyable and I have no doubt that the other members here will continue to be a valuable part of my life in the future. Thank you for 2015.

By the way photon, by including me in the list of the Opinion Forum's eggheads you've overloaded my ego, and now I fully expect to end @Famine's 13.7 billion year win streak in the GTP Awards. At least I can dream.
This year was probably one of my most active, outside of the Forza-dedicated section. I generally just wandered from place to place, and never really found my self sticking to one section religiously. I'm a very opinionated person, so I've likely offended a few people along the line, but even with that said, I don't truly have any hard feelings towards anyone I've gotten into a discussion/debate with.

It's all a bit odd, I didn't really get active on this site until I got rid of my Playstation. I approached it all backwards :lol: Either way, all in all, this has got to be my favorite Forum I've ever been a part of, and it's so easy to just spark off a conversation with just about anyone. Now if real life was only like this :P I suppose that's just the whole thing with anonymity. The community, the good and the bad, is what brings us all together and this is probably the first time in 15 years that I cared about people I've met online. Hopefully I'll actually be able to meet some in real life.

Thanks GTP for helping to get through a very hard year. I don't know what I would have done without @Akira Ishi, @Danny, @ImaRobot, @haitch40, @Liquid, @FoolKiller, @Slash, @ildd, and everybody I'm missing.
You're an inspiration to us all. You're sheer determination, strong will power, and never wanting to give up no matter how the odds look, is very admirable. I love you man, and I just wish I can do more to alleviate your situation.

FM6 has been fun. The community here is tiny, but they're good-natured folks. A big thanks to @Im_Lukas for consistently beating me in hotlapping and really pushing to find all the tiny nuances the game has. @ImaRobot for seemingly having such similar tastes as me (though I hope we agree DFA's long-awaited return was a bit flat :P). @VXR for taking the idea of a simple Photomode gallery and making it must-read material. Oh yeah, and while we're here, @McLaren!
It's eerie how similar our posts can be sometimes. You just write everything out a lot smarter :lol: I can definitely agree about the album, it was such a let down. It's not JFK, he's still ripping it up. It's not the drums, as they are just as much on it as ever. It's the vocals! It's a lot more singing with a lot less processing. It may sound odd, but what I loved about them was the raw sound they had, just so grungy and straightforward like it was recorded in someones bassment. It was some very gritty stuff, and with the release of the newer album I was immediately able to tell that I wasn't going to like it. I very much enjoyed the raw "crunch" they had.

And, I didn't meet these people this year, but they've talked with me throughout the year: @sparkytooth, @Katiegan, @Slash, @ImaRobot, @Dagger311, @Sonygamer455, @cmbeal317, @Akira Ishi, @Legro, @ProjectWHaT, and @The Stig Farmer.

Big up a few of you who I spoke to on a regular basis this year both in GTP conversations and Facebook chats; @Akira Ishi, @Bo, @C_R5_575TLR, @Dagger311, @Doodle, @Doog (keep your head up bud), @ilikewaffles11, @ImaRobot, @Legro, @ProjectWHaT, @Sonygamer455, @sparkytooth, @The Stig Farmer (you're still a hipster), @Vince (you never cease to make me laugh), @xXKingJoshXx and @Zyla (forgive me for not replying to your Snapchats).

@ImaRobot for all the very long and very nerdish Fallout 4 discussions.

I'd like to thank @Akira Ishi, @Bo, @C_R5_575TLR, @GranTurismo916, @ildd, @ilikewaffles11, @ImaRobot, @Katiegan, @Ken, @ProjectWHaT, @Slash, and @salty- I mean, err, @sparkytooth for the great banter over the year, both on and off GTP.

In terms of having just generally cool people to chat to, @Daniel, @TenEightyOne, @Katiegan, @C_R5_575TLR, @SVX, @BayneHamlin1121, @The Stig Farmer, @ImaRobot, @Akira Ishi, @NLxAROSA, @RedDragon, @ProjectWHaT, @Dagger311, @cmbeal317 and @Sonygamer455 are always there. Truth be told, I think virtually everyone on GTP is a nice enough character to have a chat with - and you can't say that about too many forums.
As for you guys, I don't even know how I stumbled into that mash up of misfits, but I'm very glad I did. You guys have been some of the funnest people that I've talked to in some time. <3 you guys, and that goes for every single one of you Mature fellows that I haven't individually tagged myself. I love you all.

@SVX, @C_R5_575TLR , @ImaRobot , @Ken Koios , @Akira Ishi , and many others for being very chill people.

This year was full of surprises. Despite the loss of my PS3 at the end of July, I've recovered with an awesome PS4 with Driveclub and Need for Speed 2015. I also have to mention the time I've passed playing Forza Horizon 2 on my XB1, IMO the best racing game of these last years. Oh, and lest we forget the General Anime Thread! As of new acquaintances? Well, I have @TokoTurismo, @Niku Driver HC, @Heldenzeit, @MeanElf, @Populuxe Cowboy, @sems4arsenal, @Gr4ndy, @doblocruiser, @catamount39, @el fayce, @TayeezSA, @Not_A_Guest, @Nico_Ble99, @TS040, @lxmmy, @Brend, @AudiMan2011, @BayneHamlin1121, @Master Weasel, @ImaRobot, @FrzGT, @TeamCZRRacing @SVX and @UKMikey... The list goes on, I have made so many good friends here (oh, and @Hotman X 32 is a dude I've known earlier on in another website. How he found me here of all places is beyond me)! This community is awesome. I'll be celebrating this New Year on Driveclub with some of my friends here!
I was a bit surprised to even be mentioned by you guys, to be perfectly honest, but I deeply appreciate it. Here's for another year, and hopefully we can get to know each other more.:cheers:

There are a few people that stood out to me as interesting this year, that always had something valuable to add to the discussion. @Imari sticks out as one - I always enjoyed reading your post. Whether it be bringing your knowledge into a discussion or just shutting down illogical posts. Whatever it is you post, it's more then likely something that is definitely worth the read. So thanks for that 👍

@Johnnypenso - We've butted heads in the past, but hell you seem like an alright guy that doesn't seem to mind heated discussions either. Never really specifically talked since than but you have a level headed approach, and I like that.

@Danny - I love you, you're quirky and one of a kind on this site. Just ran into you this year, and we hardly chat, but your posts always give me a good chuckle.

@SVX - We've chatted occasionally. You're a swell person, and seem to have very similar taste when it comes to Japanese cars. I like that :)

And another group of people, or should I say cheerleaders? @TJisA1337NOOB, @Oso Actual, @dice1998, @Frizbe, and @Terronium-12 our gaming sessions where fantastic, and everytime we got together it was just hilarious fun. Hopefully we all end up getting a common game in the future so we can do it again :P
As for you guys, I don't even know how I stumbled into that mash up of misfits, but I'm very glad I did. You guys have been some of the funnest people that I've talked to in some time. <3 you guys, and that goes for every single one of you Mature fellows that I haven't individually tagged myself. I love you all.
As I said, blame Zooey Deschanel... and @Sonygamer455 :lol:
@Johnnypenso - We've butted heads in the past, but hell you seem like an alright guy that doesn't seem to mind heated discussions either. Never really specifically talked since than but you have a level headed approach, and I like that.
Beautiful post, Robot. :) 👍

It's all a bit odd, I didn't really get active on this site until I got rid of my Playstation. I approached it all backwards :lol: Either way, all in all, this has got to be my favorite Forum I've ever been a part of, and it's so easy to just spark off a conversation with just about anyone. Now if real life was only like this :P I suppose that's just the whole thing with anonymity. The community, the good and the bad, is what brings us all together and this is probably the first time in 15 years that I cared about people I've met online. Hopefully I'll actually be able to meet some in real life.

I was a bit surprised to even be mentioned by you guys, to be perfectly honest, but I deeply appreciate it. Here's for another year, and hopefully we can get to know each other more.:cheers:

You are no stranger to me, of course - we've crossed paths many times. I'm amazed to hear that you entered backwards - there are always anomalies, aren't there.
TG we have a word for the inexplicable.
Yes, this is a wonderful community - even if held together by the ineffable and in a continually transient state. It is our presence, the tracks we make across all the threads, that hold us together in a tapestry of evocative emotions from humour to compassion.

In a sense those who synch together here, whether in groups or as a unit in a larger whole, have virtually found their humanity.

@Johnnypenso - We've butted heads in the past, but hell you seem like an alright guy that doesn't seem to mind heated discussions either. Never really specifically talked since than but you have a level headed approach, and I like that.

Whatever angle Johnny comes from if you rip his chest open you'll only find a heart of gold. :)

Hope to see you as active in 2016 as 2015, Johhny P :P. 👍
Right in the middle of a verbal entanglement with Johnny Penso about 'The State of the Union where the Sun don't shine' in relation to the Gran Turismo player-base at GTP, and where I was trying to persuade him that while his intentions were good, (in another thread,) they were misplaced, I came across this note from him:


. . . which, of course flattered me no end, and gave me impetus to actually earn that title, which I feel is far short of the truth in reality.
So I regard Johnny as someone who enlivens the forum with his thoughts, whether we find all of them agreeable or not.
And there are many members like that, I guess, but we must remember sometimes to look beyond a single post in judging anybody and regard all their contributions when we attempt to personalise them with a single epithet.

I missed a few of the News Bulletins recently - and in fact, missed one entirely that mentioned me - to my regret. I never realised that the popularity and success of the Course Maker Help Desk was also due in part to this:


To my horror I realised that I had not even acknowledged that mention with even a simple 'Thank you' - coming off as uncouth if not downright ignorant - and this is a guy whom I personally flogged in public.

This brings to mind, too, a bunch of people that work really hard ('work'-writing like that would kill me) to bring us tastefully put-together bits of information - T-12, Famine, Slipztream, and Jordan himself, as well as a few new writers, who give GTPlanet class and place the site firmly in a class of its own when viewing gaming forums. Thank you, guys, and I have learned that it is not wise to miss a single News Bulletin that is posted. Your work here is indispensable.

There are many others I am indebted to in one way or another - and have not mentioned - and some actually who are in my face all the time - from you I ask forgiveness for not reaching out with a love-tap for last year - you are probably the guys so close to me that I take you for granted, the way we do best friends or family.
Big hugs and high-fives to all of you, too.

I did not expected to be mentioned in this thread, but it comes as no surprise to be remembered by someone as friendly as @photonrider.

By the way photon, by including me in the list of the Opinion Forum's eggheads you've overloaded my ego, and now I fully expect to end @Famine's 13.7 billion year win streak in the GTP Awards. At least I can dream.

If you can diaper a baby, change a flat, cut up a mango, husk a coconut, play the ukelele, harmonica or spoons in a pinch, swim the breaststroke, play chess, backgammon and poker, do a card trick, do a coin trick, tell the difference between 'fat buddha' and Sanghamitta, handle an outboard motor, bait a line, unhook a catfish without mauling it to death, can tell the difference between Sanskrit and Sinhala, French and German, Spanish and Latin, Chinese and Japanese, can tell what are considered books that are the 'Word of God' from books that are merely treatises on local civility and popular morality, repair an errant water-closet, know what a water closet is, handle a handsaw, broom or vacuum cleaner, ride a bike, drive stick-shift, paint a picture, sing a song, kiss just right, kill and pluck a chicken, start a fire with only your spectacles and some kindling, unload a gun, address a Cardinal properly, grow an indoor plant for a year without murdering it, clean out an aquarium without killing the occupants, bake a cake successfully, handle a smartphone, radiophone or gramophone, know the difference between 'a while' and 'awhile', 'dike and dyke', and 'fared and faired', hang wallpaper, varnish a cabinet, tile a floor, paint a wall, replace a door-lock, fix a kid's bicycle brakes, make a Bloody Mary, tie a knot in a fully-blown balloon, knot a Windsor perfectly, know all the words of 'Happy Birthday', differentiate between Norma Jeane and her thousand look-a-likes, know who Norma Jeane is (or was), take a picture using a Kodak Brownie, can tell a wood-pecker from a tanager, a lake-shore from the sea-shore or burlesque from cabaret, Manet from Monet, Kandinsky from Hofmann or a Merlot from a Chardonnay, Fannings from Silvertips or tulle from brocade, handle a sewing needle, axe, or crowbar, be able to communicate with the hearing-impaired using your fingers, can describe a rainbow to someone born blind . . . or make a newborn baby smile . . . then surely I would have no option but to regard you as knowledgeable as I am.
Though all the above would be just the tip of the iceberg that makes knowledge actually useful.
Wikipedia can take care of everything else.

If Albert Einstein was a member here he would not get the award for 'biggest brain'; he had a smaller brain than average. It was his unusual quota of glial cells that gave him the capacity to make the right connections with the little knowledge he had - and he was known for saying that when he wanted 'knowledge' he would refer an encylopaedia instead of stuffing his head with trivialities. So Intelligence matters a lot more than Knowledge - who amongst us hasn't met a 'knowledgeable' person who has no clue about the common social niceties and comes off as an abrasive personality better avoided?
The guy who flies a Jumbo deliberately into a building has the knowledge of how to fly that plane - but no intelligence as to how to solve the issue of an unbearable life.

As well - I'm sure that the vote (or rather 'nomination') for 'Most knowledgeable' wasn't unanimous - I voted for Pupik, myself. And that's not to say Famine, Danoff or yourself weren't knowledgeable - it just meant I didn't read you enough last year - having spent more time with the knowledgeable folk in the gaming forums than in the Rumble Strip.
With that in mind let me add that picking a member with 'gaming' knowledge would be a really hard fight what with having to choose between Jordan, Famine, T-12, Slipstream . . . and so I decided on Pupik myself this year, because he was succinct most of the time, and most always hit the nail on the head in stimulating the neurons in my nut.
Maybe next year it would be someone else - depending on what part of the site I am inhabiting; I hardly visited the Infield last year, and there were many other sections I didn't visit at all - so my vote was limited to whatever I picked up on in the Rumble Strip - the awards seemingly reflecting mostly those who frequent the Infield and Rumble Strip. If there were nominations first and awards later - then surely you would be nominated. 👍
And even awarded. ;)
The awards themselves are merely playful - not to be taken too seriously - after all even the concepts of 'nomination' and 'award' are mixed up quite hilariously.

To be sure DQuaN does a great and unprejudiced job of waking up the Community to how people are perceived - and as time goes on I'm hoping that the whole 'Awards' schtick will actually be run efficiently, grandly, and knowledgeably enough for everyone everywhere on this site to take the votes seriously. For now it's just a bit of End-of-Year fun.

Just like this thread. ;)

And with that, I'm going to forward a request to the Admins to lock this 2015 Member Appreciation room.
We get to do it all over again next year, right?

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