GTPlanet ITCC Driver's Meetings (pre- and post-race)

That is correct Johnny.

Also, cnd01, I'm updating the second post shortly.

EDIT: Done. Check out the second post. All information is up-to-date and accurate.

MotoGP chicane skipping penalty: every lap that you miss the chicane, you will receive a 4 second penalty, added onto your race timer at the end of the race. Since cutting the corner saves you three seconds, you will lose one second every time.

Also, if you're bumped, or avoiding a crash, and don't want to be penalized the four seconds, you may simply stop the car (see 0 km/h or 0 mp/h on screen) and continue when safe. You will not be penalized, if your car comes to a complete stop before continuing.
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Instead of doing that, how about just letting the driver coast through, or not gaining a position- that is if they're forced off. No cutting just because you can't pass.
That could be easily discussed. I'm thinking, that if there's a valid reason, which is clearly understandable, it would be fine. But, while I say that, I'm thinking that the best course of action is a public apology in lobby chat. :) Just admit to being run off in the chicane. Then, send a message to me, so that while I'm reviewing the footage, I remember that so-and-so apologized, and was run off.

And, it's quite easy to forget, for anyone who has run the 9 hour Tsukuba Endurance race, to take the chicane. In fact, at some point, I might just run a portion of the 9 hour Endurance, just to remind myself to take the chicane, and refresh myself with the track again.
Yeah it's much much simpler to allow the chicane cut if felt necessary, as long as a slight advantage is given to the other drivers nearby.
Well if someone spins out into the chicane and blocks the racing line, it only makes sense to dodge down the short cut if it's the only route, and give back any places gained on drivers who made it properly through the corner.
Well if someone spins out into the chicane and blocks the racing line, it only makes sense to dodge down the short cut if it's the only route, and give back any places gained on drivers who made it properly through the corner.

Thank you for bringing this up. If the chicane is fully blocked, you may-and are expected to- go around the crash, and not go around the chicane. If the chicane is blocked by a crash or a spin, take the normal line through the corner.

The Rolex Sports Car Series does the same thing in the Rolex 24 @ Daytona; during cautions, etc., the drivers simply shortcut the chicane.
And, it's quite easy to forget, for anyone who has run the 9 hour Tsukuba Endurance race, to take the chicane. In fact, at some point, I might just run a portion of the 9 hour Endurance, just to remind myself to take the chicane, and refresh myself with the track again.

God no, I did both the 4hr and 9 hr on both this and GT4. B-spec'ing Tsukuba 9 hr whilst sleeping is also one of my ways to get some £££. Hmmm, 4 secs per lap huh? :sly: (Joking of course)
I can test in about two hours, but not for long. I have work this afternoon. I will be available after work for testing at about 8ish.
IMO I don't think we should be allowed to cut the chicane under any circumstance. If it's part of the track then we drive it like any other part. If there's an accident in there, you go around it like you would any other accident. But I have a feeling that's a battle I'm going to win :grumpy:so how about this:

A driver may cut the chicane under the following circumstances only:

1. He is physically prevented from entering it by a parallel driver who does not allow enough room in which case the driver preventing someone from entering the chicane may also be penalized.

2. He looks to enter the chicane and sees an accident that partially or completely blocks the chicane.

In either case, the driver cannot accelerate through the main part of the track to avoid the chicane to gain any advantage. He must lift from the accelerator at the point on the right side of the track where the chicane begins, and can depress the accelerator again where the chicane rejoins the main part of the track. Failure to do so will result in a minium penalty of 4 seconds, but at the discretion of the stewards it may be increased if it is felt that a deliberate attempt was made to gain an advantage.

It is understood that missing the chicane is an emergency measure only and no one may benefit over another driver by using the chicane, other than over those drivers that are in an accident within the chicane. If you have a brain freeze for example and just plain forget about the chicane as might happen, it will be your responsibility to ensure you do not pass anyone who is ahead of you but took the proper chicane, nor that you gain any time by doing so.
IMO I don't think we should be allowed to cut the chicane under any circumstance. If it's part of the track then we drive it like any other part. If there's an accident in there, you go around it like you would any other accident. But I have a feeling that's a battle I'm going to win :grumpy:so how about this:

A driver may cut the chicane under the following circumstances only:

1. He is physically prevented from entering it by a parallel driver who does not allow enough room in which case the driver preventing someone from entering the chicane may also be penalized.

2. He looks to enter the chicane and sees an accident that partially or completely blocks the chicane.

In either case, the driver cannot accelerate through the main part of the track to avoid the chicane to gain any advantage. He must lift from the accelerator at the point on the right side of the track where the chicane begins, and can depress the accelerator again where the chicane rejoins the main part of the track. Failure to do so will result in a minium penalty of 4 seconds, but at the discretion of the stewards it may be increased if it is felt that a deliberate attempt was made to gain an advantage.

It is understood that missing the chicane is an emergency measure only and no one may benefit over another driver by using the chicane, other than over those drivers that are in an accident within the chicane. If you have a brain freeze for example and just plain forget about the chicane as might happen, it will be your responsibility to ensure you do not pass anyone who is ahead of you but took the proper chicane, nor that you gain any time by doing so.

That rule sounds great. That will be what I will do for stewarding the replay. If you forget or just miss the chicane with no emergency forcing you to, you have to come to a complete stop and then continue minimum 4 second penalty.
That rule sounds great. That will be what I will do for stewarding the replay. If you forget or just miss the chicane with no emergency forcing you to, you have to come to a complete stop and then continue minimum 4 second penalty.

Haha...that's not even close to what I said:crazy::confused: The way I worded it assumes we are all big boys and girls and that if we make a mistake by forgetting about the chicane, we take it upon ourselves to not accelerate while skipping the chicane and to not gain any position or time advantage from it. That way it's easy to review and doesn't impose any harsh penalties for what amounts to a brain fart.:banghead:

By the way, I tried skipping the chicane a few times and not accelerating while doing so and if you are careful about it, you get about the same lap time as if you took the chicane.
Haha...that's not even close to what I said:crazy:

I know I am adding to your rule. I know you said not let anyone pass you, but if you ran off on a regular turn, you go into the grass or hit a wall. That slows you down more than just getting back into line. Also that might be a problem if a lot of people "forget" the chicane and might cause crashes blending back into traffic.
I know I am adding to your rule. I know you said not let anyone pass you, but if you ran off on a regular turn, you go into the grass or hit a wall. That slows you down more than just getting back into line. Also that might be a problem if a lot of people "forget" the chicane and might cause crashes blending back into traffic.

Under GTPlanet Rules it would considered going off the track and in that case the onus is on the driver coming back onto the track, that is the one skipping the chicane, to return to the track only when it's safe to do so. If they cause an incident while returning to the track, the responsibility will rest with them and they may be penalized, pending the judgment of the stewards.

The GTPlanet Rules cover all this stuff. They place a great burden of responsibility on drivers to be safe and fair and to always err on the side of caution. If we simply follow the GTPlanet Rules and don't add to them unless completely necessary, as in this track specific rule for the Tsukuba chicane which does require special consideration, things tend to work out well.

I know it probably looks like the opposite, but I'm not being purposefully obtuse or agrumentative here. I am a huge advocate:) of the GTPlanet Rules because other than track specific issues like the Tsukuba Chicane, they cover just about everything that can possibly happen in a race. I find when series want to add to them or change rules too much, it usually results in vagueness and rule bending and ultimately, dirtier racing.
Under GTPlanet Rules it would considered going off the track and in that case the onus is on the driver coming back onto the track, that is the one skipping the chicane, to return to the track only when it's safe to do so. If they cause an incident while returning to the track, the responsibility will rest with them and they may be penalized, pending the judgment of the stewards.

The GTPlanet Rules cover all this stuff. They place a great burden of responsibility on drivers to be safe and fair and to always err on the side of caution. If we simply follow the GTPlanet Rules and don't add to them unless completely necessary, as in this track specific rule for the Tsukuba chicane which does require special consideration, things tend to work out well.

I know it probably looks like the opposite, but I'm not being purposefully obtuse or agrumentative here. I am a huge advocate:) of the GTPlanet Rules because other than track specific issues like the Tsukuba Chicane, they cover just about everything that can possibly happen in a race. I find when series want to add to them or change rules too much, it usually results in vagueness and rule bending and ultimately, dirtier racing.

You definitely have more experience in racing leagues than me. I like the GTP rules system, but I don't believe it is a one size fits all system. It is close, but I run in enough series to know that each one has its quirks. I am not trying to be obtuse either. I like your opinion. :)
A driver may cut the chicane under the following circumstances only:

1. He is physically prevented from entering it by a parallel driver who does not allow enough room in which case the driver preventing someone from entering the chicane may also be penalized.

2. He looks to enter the chicane and sees an accident that partially or completely blocks the chicane.

In either case, the driver cannot accelerate through the main part of the track to avoid the chicane to gain any advantage. He must lift from the accelerator at the point on the right side of the track where the chicane begins, and can depress the accelerator again where the chicane rejoins the main part of the track. Failure to do so will result in a minium penalty of 4 seconds, but at the discretion of the stewards it may be increased if it is felt that a deliberate attempt was made to gain an advantage.

It is understood that missing the chicane is an emergency measure only and no one may benefit over another driver by using the chicane, other than over those drivers that are in an accident within the chicane. If you have a brain freeze for example and just plain forget about the chicane as might happen, it will be your responsibility to ensure you do not pass anyone who is ahead of you but took the proper chicane, nor that you gain any time by doing so.

We'll be using this, as a full-length version of the rules I stated; just keep in mind that everyone should be pretty patient, if they make a mistake in the chicane. I did designate the area of the track that's paved as a "stop zone" in case of a complete mistake, where the driver will not be penalized, but, it isn't going to be considered necessary to stop, if the driver sees and avoids a crash. Instead, tap the brakes a bit, and then coast through. Consider it, as though it's a waved yellow (full speed not allowed, passing not allowed, advantage not allowed) and treat it, as though you were just off circuit; merge with traffic slowly, and stay in your own "lane" while returning to the track.
We'll be using this, as a full-length version of the rules I stated; just keep in mind that everyone should be pretty patient, if they make a mistake in the chicane. I did designate the area of the track that's paved as a "stop zone" in case of a complete mistake, where the driver will not be penalized, but, it isn't going to be considered necessary to stop, if the driver sees and avoids a crash. Instead, tap the brakes a bit, and then coast through. Consider it, as though it's a waved yellow (full speed not allowed, passing not allowed, advantage not allowed) and treat it, as though you were just off circuit; merge with traffic slowly, and stay in your own "lane" while returning to the track.

Have you posted the test races to Youtube yet? This will give examples of clean hard racing.
I don't know if anyone in the series has a capture card. Does anyone here have a capture card? If not, I guess I'll have to use a camera...
I don't know if anyone in the series has a capture card. Does anyone here have a capture card? If not, I guess I'll have to use a camera...

I don't have one. I can always record it using my laptop's webcam and a mirror. :lol:
Creative! Nice idea. I'll look into seeing if my camera works. Last time, I put brand new batteries in, and it said "Put new batteries in." :scared:
Mel, are you going to post somewhere, the rules modifications you've made or are going to make, since the last race, all in one place, and direct everyone's attention to it?
Mel, are you going to post somewhere, the rules modifications you've made or are going to make, since the last race, all in one place, and direct everyone's attention to it?

This needs to be done, including the rolling start etc.

Then in the lobby tell everyone to check the page and read all the new rules pre-race.
NO DIVEBOMBING-don't ever try to outbrake someone from very far behind. A legal pass will be: Drivers must have their front tires ahead of the rear tires of the car they're trying to pass, when braking starts.

Chicane-don't skip the chicane. Directly skipping the chicane will result in a 4 second penalty. Instead, you may use the chicane stop-zone to avoid a crash, by reducing speed, to ensure that you get NO ADVANTAGE.

$3,000,000 is being sent to every member of a team. Teams must be two drivers maximum.

We will do two double file race starts. On the backstraight, the leader must stop on the preferred side of the track. Everyone else forms up two wide. No passing (if the opponent being passed is still at race pace) a car in a row ahead of you before the apex of turn one.

(If the cars in front of you make a mistake, you may pass them.)
We will do two double file race starts. On the backstraight, the leader must stop on the preferred side of the track. Everyone else forms up two wide. No passing (if the opponent being passed is still at race pace) a car in a row ahead of you before the apex of turn one.

I always forget one of them :ouch: