GTPlanet Scale model thread

  • Thread starter bondy_1625
.Nothing as fancy as the supercars you guys have around here, i have more pedestrian's dream:

i haven't bought any 1/18 for quite some time, but i couldn't pass on these two:


I have one more on its way...
the car that made me fall in love with BMWs, the E21...
.Nothing as fancy as the supercars you guys have around here, i have more pedestrian's dream:

i haven't bought any 1/18 for quite some time, but i couldn't pass on these two:


I have one more on its way...
the car that made me fall in love with BMWs, the E21...

Actually a large part of my collection is everyday cars. The sedans, SUVs, hatchbacks etc. But I never posted them on this thread since the folks here aren't really interested in those models.

I have that Otto E30 Alpina too, the most accurate E30 in the market to date.
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Actually a large part of my collection is everyday cars. The sedans, SUVs, hatchbacks etc. But I never posted them on this thread since the folks here aren't really interested in those models.
To me, the boring collections are the supercar only ones. I'm not one to talk, my collection is exclusively one make of car, but I like seeing the "boring" stuff.
I also have a rather diverse collection, ranging from high end racing machines down to every day trucks and SUV's. I am just missing roughly half my collection due to a recent move, and have yet to move that remainder up here. Once I get around to going to visit my mom soon, I will bring back a good chunk of those models, including a bunch of "normal" vehicles lol
To me, the boring collections are the supercar only ones. I'm not one to talk, my collection is exclusively one make of car, but I like seeing the "boring" stuff.

Well a supercar theme means you don't spend unnecessary cash on other stuff. To me that's a good thing.
Aside from grabbing cars I simply "like", I go for the colourful stuff. If racing teams make funky cool liveries, I'm on that.

The "supercars for life" thing is something I grew out of some years ago. Still don't have enough of an appreciate for economy cars to want replicas of it; they're the affordable kinds anyway! Why not go for things you can't afford IRL? Seems logical.
I wish I had set down a theme and scale for my collecting was I was younger because it ended up being a total mish mash of stuff!
I didn't mean to knock anyone's personal preference for collecting, I suppose all I meant was that the economy cars some might find boring are more exciting to me than a bunch of supercars simply because in real life I think supercars are nothing special either. But I can appreciate a theme in a collection, for sure. I have a theme and it's kept me from spending wildly (no matter how often I feel the urge to break my own theme rules).
Aside from grabbing cars I simply "like", I go for the colourful stuff. If racing teams make funky cool liveries, I'm on that.

The "supercars for life" thing is something I grew out of some years ago. Still don't have enough of an appreciate for economy cars to want replicas of it; they're the affordable kinds anyway! Why not go for things you can't afford IRL? Seems logical.

My childhood was a different story. I was instantly hooked when I saw a brand new Honda Integra hatchback near my home back in 1988. Since then I has always been a regular car guy. Of course I do like my exotics too.
Autoart Pagani Zonda Revolucion Carbon blue















Well worth the moolah.

Great photos AOS!

Owning the same model I saw that you left the rubber latches of the front and rear covers open.
Once angle them down into their position, can you still close the covers correctly? I have some issues with that on mine.

Anybody fancy a 1:18 model of the McLaren VGT?
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Isn't LS mid-tier quality?

The separation lines are so shallow!

No way that they're anywhere near the mid tier. Originally I wanted their Mitsubishi GTO. Not anymore after this one. They ask for Spark money but quality wise it's below Otto(which is already the lowest of the resin food chain)

More RE Amemiya FDs by IG.

No way that they're anywhere near the mid tier. Originally I wanted their Mitsubishi GTO. Not anymore after this one. They ask for Spark money but quality wise it's below Otto(which is already the lowest of the resin food chain)

So Top Marques then haha. God.
I've been gone for quite awhile and after coming back, it feels good to see this thread is still going strong after all this time. I'll post some of the last cars I got, along with a few ones I am currently ordering now. Scale-thread 4ever.
They are actually. I posted a pic that just say 1:43 lol

And the AM, and the Porsches...

I was browsing Tomo this afternoon.


Almost Real almost here:




Can't wait to see what this is about.







That crooked exhaust pipe.

These are 1/43 models.


$100 for a 1/18 Continental GT3 Concept:
Those look amazing :) As much as i love the P1 is hard to believe i don't yet have a diecast of one :(
Went searching for the 570GT in 1/43 scale, and found an upcoming one from TSM;





I have never pre-ordered something so fast.

Oh your good god, Almost Real Defender is almost here (next month):







Did you order this? This is freaking awesome. What scale is this?