GTPlanet Scale model thread

  • Thread starter bondy_1625

:drool: :drool: :drool:
Time for Ash to start some buying! lol

Figure I might as well show my recent purchases.

£100 CMC Mercedes SLR with leather interior and £25 Hot Wheels Viper GTSR.


Hi everyone!
i´m from Portugal, and i am a collector of supercars and sport cars 1/18 :)

ii have almost 100, but i think thats a beginning of a great collection :)

i´m gonna put some of them... I hope you like my collection :)

I want those so badly. And your UT 911 GT2.
It is a Hispano-Suiza (Pronounced 'Hiss-panno Swee-zah) and they are made by Guilloy.

I'll try and get pics of my 3 models up soon, I did some customizing for a friend (Maisto 350Z--Lowering job, interior upgrade and smoked taillights, as well as SL55 AMG lowering job and smoked headlights), looking forward to getting a few of my own Maistos to mess up.
Angry rant: Last week, I purchased a C6-R and DBR-9. I bought them from an eBay store on the east coast, so I expected about a week for shipping. Such a large package won't fit in a tiny apartment mailbox, so they usually just leave the package with the apartment manager, and put a slip in my box saying they've done so. On Saturday afternoon, I get a slip in my box, but since the package was too big for the carrier to carry, they didn't even bother to bring it over here. So, the mailman left a slip in my box saying that my package was at the post office (which is 3 blocks away from where I live). No big deal, but the post office closes at 3 PM on Saturday, so I wasn't able to go get it. After I got home from work today, I rushed over to the post office, only to find out it was closed because of Columbus Day, a "holiday" that nobody here even acknowledges. Now, I am a fan of the USPS's work. They decipher your crappy handwriting, and get your mail to anywhere in the U.S. in less than a week, all for 39 cents. However, the post office is only open from 8:30-6 on weekdays, which is of no use to anyone who works full-time, and they decide to stay home on small, pointless holidays. And for the record, Christopher Columbus did not discover America, and I'm not sure why we still act like he did.

So, hopefully I'll have my models tomorrow, and post some pics...
I just bought a new model two days ago. It's a Mercedes CL55 AMG "F1 Limited Edition" by AutoART. Got it for about $65 US total. Found it at this shop that has like 1 or 2 autoart's in stock usually and most of time a crappy one and they were on sale too.

I'll post some pics when I get home.

If anyone is around the area of Banff (Alberta, Canada), there's a shop there called OK Gift Shop that has a Lamborghini Diablo VT Roadster and a Toyota GT-One #3 ESSO Ultron, both of these are pretty rare.
Some of you may have seen it, some have not but this the most detailed 1/18 I've purchased since I've started collecting 3 years ago. It has 1140 different parts and beats any BBR, Exotos or Autoarts in my collection. It's pricey but it's worth it. 👍

CMC Maserati Tipo 61 (aka Birdcage) Nurburgring Winner. Click Here for more pictures.




So we now know its a Hispano Suiza.

Thanks for that. Bit late though, eh?

Gods. You always find something wrong with me.

Someone was asking how it was pronounced, and no one had yet confirmed that it was a Guilloy, they were still not sure.