GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
So you're telling us about close calls and listening to Christmas themed radio stations and you're probably going to post about how you eventually get whammed, but you don't want to join? It's not like there's a penalty for losing. :odd:
Almost got Whammed! in an Auckland cafe yesterday, but fortunately it was the Taylor Swift rendition (which was amusing in itself as I was in Auckland for her concert) and not the Wham! original. Close one!
Was shopping today when I realized that they were playing Christmas music, I've never bagged groceries faster.
I had two close calls today. Went shopping for Christmas decorations at B&M Bargains and completely forgot I had to avoid George until I heard Slade's 'Merry Christmas Everybody' playing. Luckily, it was a cover, and the festive songs that played afterwards were also all covers. John Lennon and Yoko Ono also piped up in the car but my dad quickly changed the radio station because he refuses to get in the Christmas spirit until at least December.
I'm playing it safe this year, all department stores I go into I will now have some sort of black/death metal blasting through my headphones to defeat any possible onslaught from Wham!
I...I've been...WHAMMED!

By my own girlfriend at that. Cleaning the house today and had the Christmas CD's playing, so I thought I was safe. Came down stairs and walked into the kitchen to ask my girlfriend a question and thought "man, I hate this song" then the cold realization of being Whammed ran over my body and I just stood there in disgust while each word stabbed into my ears like a poisoned dagger.

She had turned on the radio to hear the weather while I was upstairs. Normally I like it when my girlfriend whams me, but this just sucks.
Phew, dodged a bullet this morning shopping for groceries.

While unloading my groceries on the checkout I heard it, Last Christmas. The look of dejection of my face was so strong that my wife asked what was wrong. Once explaining the process and rules she said "Ah you've nothing to worry about, that's Last Christmas but not Wham. You'll know the Wham version when you hear it".

The twinkle in her eye and the ongoing questioning leaves me fearing that home is not my last bastion of safety anymore.
I'm pretty sure that one co-worker is going to try and Wham me soon. He reamins convinced that Last Christmas is a good song and Wham! is a good band, and that I'd come 'round to his way of thinking if I just heard the whole song.
You may have hard time accepting other people's opinions and understand other ways of thinking, but I think convincing most people on this planet that Last Christmas is a good song would be a wasted effort.

And you work in retail anyway. Your chances were slim to begin with even without that supposed Wham! fan.
My store doesn't play music over the PA system (it's only used for paging people and occasional advertisements for a credit union with a branch in the store), so I'm safe from that vector of attack unless he plays music from his iPhone into the paging system. I wouldn't put it past him, but he might get caught and told to stop before he could actually play anything.
Well, Radio 1 have rolled out the Christmas jingles. So far, Shakin Stevens is the only song I've heard them use, but I expect Wham! is on the way.
I'm haven't been whammed yet but the local shopping centre has started playing Christmas music. I'm scared. :scared:
They're currently playing Last Christmas on Radio 1!

However, it is the Taylor Swift version.👎
I've been Whammed 2 more times. Once when setting up the Christmas tree (my dad likes to play Christmas music when it's close) and in Ikea.
This is where I'd put a story about how I was Whammed! today...

I've been taking this challenge a bit too seriously... I need to quit stressing out and relax. It's been affecting my social life a bit, especially with family and friends... I need to learn when the game stops and it becomes reality once again.

I have not Whammed! myself, but I'm not going to be as... paranoid and gung-ho about it.
Yeah I'm out unfortunately, flat mates playing Christmas stuff as soon as it starts December, so I lose much earlier than last year sadly :(
Walked into Sainsbury's today, heard Let It Snow by Dean Martin on... right, in go the ear phones, sorry Deano I love you but I can't risk it, Metallica will save me!

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