GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
But seriously guys Tip from Kitten.... Don't go to a Fast Food... because Christmas music is playing 24/7.... THANKSGIVING for god sake hasn't even passed yet >.>

Actually, I think Jardon should implement a feature where anyone who loses automatically gets their avatar changed until the game ends.

Yeah, that's a good use of his time.

But then i wont be a Kitten :(
Mods can change avatars. ;)
We know. ;)


Currently in the process of updating the WUL and Participation List. Make sure to tag myself in your post so I get the notification.

@Bopop4 I've edited the bullet point in the OP emphasising that the avatar is optional. 👍
I'll sign up. We southerners hate those types of songs, should have no trouble avoiding it. :lol:

I actually don't dislike the song though.
Man everyones getting whammed, Unless the newegg guy decides to blast christmas music from his truck im good.
23rd of November; The Whammening... Never forget.
It's still the 22nd in this time zone. I had to go out a few times today, but avoided a Whamming. I wish I could have brought protection for the third time (I could have), but my iPod was dead. Hopefully I'll remember if I ever have to go out again.
It's still the 22nd in this time zone. I had to go out a few times today, but avoided a Whamming. I wish I could have brought protection for the third time (I could have), but my iPod was dead. Hopefully I'll remember if I ever have to go out again.

Well... Close enough.
Top tip: get some ear plugs and never take them out when the chance of a Whamming! is present.