GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
Managed to escape a Whamming today. In chemistry class today, we had a review and the teacher decided to put on Christmas music. Nobody objected. I ran to the bathroom fearing Last Christmas (The original, at least) might be in the queue, with over half an hour of class left. I actually did have to go, but only I knew I was also escaping in fear of a Whamming. When I came back, the teacher said she couldn't find the cord to her speaker, so I avoided having to hear any Christmas music, whether it meant getting Whammed or not.
I've been inside stores that were playing Christmas music. I sit with my mother who watches loads of Christmas movies (that's all they damn play) with Christmas music.

Yet, no Whamming for me.
Huh. Since the competition started this year, I've been out plenty of times but haven't gotten Whammed. There have been Christmas songs playing where I go, but no Wham. My parents have no clue this game exists, nor do they probably know of the song. I could theoretically get Whammed by them (My dad sometimes likes to put on the radio), but I've been safe. The only thing I've been worried about is getting Whammed on the internet. Cause I've had plenty of close calls, including some baits on my profile page, and one bait early on in this thread that I actually found pretty funny, even if this is a safe haven.

Also, once 2015 rolls around, I might informally play this for the whole year. Because why not.
Parents playing radio. Wrecking Ball is on right now. I believe the station they have on is called The Beat. I don't know if this is the kind of station that would play Last Christmas. It doesn't seem to be.

No, I'm not going to say every song that comes on. Only if Wham comes on.
Well, I'm not in the game, but I might as well share my Whamtastic! experience...


I'm sitting in my local restaurant, and I order the Christmas special (weeks early, if ya ask me).
They promptly come out with the order, and I gobble it down like it was nobody's business.
I pay the bill, and decided to Hit the John before I left.
Of course, there's not a speck of speaker for the radio to play in the restroom, so when I walk out (unsuspecting) Wham!.

Got Whammed! coming off of the toilet. 👎

That's the Last Christmas I'll be spending there... :grumpy:

(And it's a shame, the food was delicious...)
Well, I'm not in the game, but I might as well share my Whamtastic! experience...


I'm sitting in my local restaurant, and I order the Christmas special (weeks early, if ya ask me).
They promptly come out with the order, and I gobble it down like it was nobody's business.
I pay the bill, and decided to Hit the John before I left.
Of course, there's not a speck of speaker for the radio to play in the restroom, so when I walk out (unsuspecting) Wham!.

Got Whammed! coming off of the toilet. 👎

That's the Last Christmas I'll be spending there... :grumpy:

(And it's a shame, the food was delicious...)
That's a crappy Whamming right there.
Got SwiftyWhammed after picking the kids up tonight. After changing the radio station, my son asked me why I didn't like that song. I just about slipped and told him about the challenge but caught myself and resorted to the simple "it's annoying" instead. Last thing I need is my entire family in on trying to Wham me next year...

Whoa. Vuja de.
I see you guys like to live dangerously. I wouldn't dare tell anyone in my family about this. They would either go out of their way to wham me, or torture me for a few weeks.