GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
It was all so innocent, yet so devious... I was reading a cousin's Facebook post, where she said: "I lost again! I suck at this game!"

I wondered: What game? Could "This Game" be "The Game"?

Then it hit me... Oh cra-
Does this Game have anything to do with Wham? I got posts deleted for going off topic. But it seems I'm witnessing a page of off topic posts with no care.
Only the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland can 100% the game.
It's the Pope, not the PM.

Does this Game have anything to do with Wham? I got posts deleted for going off topic. But it seems I'm witnessing a page of off topic posts with no care.

Somewhat related, they're both things you want to avoid.
Does this Game have anything to do with Wham? I got posts deleted for going off topic. But it seems I'm witnessing a page of off topic posts with no care.

Well, this thread should be deleted because all I see is 93 pages of slowchat :lol:

Well, this thread should be deleted because all I see is 93 pages of slowchat :lol:


But I understand slow chatting about the topic. Slighty. Not slow chatting off topic and only some of the slow chat being deleated. Don't get me wrong. I'm not upset in the slightest about my off topic stuff being deleted. But then to witness off topic posts being OKed is just confusing. I mean, heck, Foolkillers post about his name was off topic in the exact same manner as mine. His post stands. Mine is a memory.

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So despite it no longer being Christmas, my work is still playing Christmas music, which means I'm still getting whammed on a daily basis.

...They are lucky they provide health insurance.
The Game is loosely related to Wham! but it's more insidious. It's one of the first games of its kind, and GTPvWham is related in its structure... to Wham someone, you have to lose the game yourself... though sharing Whams is not quite as easy since we banned Whamming via Autoplay in this thread a few years back. Jordan is obviously not covered by that rule, since he isn't in the game... And we couldn't infract him if we tried. :lol:

But yes, back to your regularly scheduled Whamminations.
Unbelievably I'm still in! :D

Made it a whole week through Xmas with only 2 close shaves; one being a cover and another just seconds from actually hearing it*.

For the first time ever I may make the New Year unWhammed!.

*I've never been so pleased with slow internet taking ages to buffer a video stream.
New target acquired. Readying Wham cannon. Attack scheduled. Nobody will survive.

Feel the wave of sound, as it crashes down
I don't know, I was just listening to that song when I was writing this.

Screw this, I'm not gonna bother anymore. The end is almost in sight.

For the record, it was this song. It's not Wham. For realsies.
I have every device set to mute.
I have other means. I have musical cards with the song and all targeted members will be receiving one shortly. Not opening them is not an option. They are set to auto open as soon as you set your eyes on the envelope. I avoided Whamming myself with them cause I didn't open any.

I'm obviously joking. But you probably know that.

More information can be found here.
No. The rules state that only hearing the original song counts as getting Whammed. Remixes and covers don't count. That's a cover. However, I have seen people counting cover Whams even though they don't count. This includes me.
I've up to two whammings.
