GTPlanet vs. Wham! - 'Tis the Season To Be Whamful

  • Thread starter Daniel


User user
New Zealand

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart..

We are nearing the anniversary of the passing of George Michael, one part of the famous pop duo Wham! alongside his singing partner Andrew Ridgeley. While Last Christmas has very little to do with the holiday itself, the song is religiously played every year as soon as decorations come out. Since 2010, GTPlanet has been running the annual 'contest' where the aim of the game is to avoid the song during November and December.

Happy Whamming!

General Rules and Guidelines:
  • Survive 2017 (i.e. 23:59.59 in your time zone) without listening to Last Christmas by Wham!
  • Post in this thread before December 1 to show your interest in being a 'participating member'.
  • Only the original song performed by George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley counts. Remixes such as Whamnam Style or covers like the ones by Taylor Swift or Glee do not.
  • Hearing any part of the song counts as a whamming. If you are unsure of the song's origin, keep listening to find out if it's a Wham! version or a cover/remix.
  • GIFs, still images or muted video do not count.
  • When you hear the music, consider yourself whammed, out of the competition and on the Whammed User Log.
  • The Whammed User Log (WUL) is the younger, festive version of the BUL. It tells us when and how a member got Whammed. If you get whammed, post here and tag myself (@Daniel) so I get a notification and can promptly update it.
  • Do not post any links to the song in this thread without sufficient warning. This place is a safe haven.
  • While the rest of the site is free reign, keep in mind the site's rules regarding misleading (next bullet point)
  • You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.
  • If you play the link in the OP with any intention outside of refreshing your memory (i.e.playing it over Skype or PSN), you will be whammed if you hear it.
Some tips to avoid the song:
  • Do not trust anyone.
  • Avoid shopping at department stores, clothing stores, supermarkets - anything that may have a radio playing.
  • If you must step outside, consider bringing noise-isolating earphones and play loud music on them to avoid any other songs.
  • Do not trust anyone.
  • Have your computer defaulted to 'mute' and make sure that your volume is off while opening any links.
  • Do not talk to any other GTPers using Skype, Facebook, Xbox Live or PlayStation Network. We are all evil and cannot be trusted, especially @Jordon.
If you haven't yet head the song, just click on the video below to watch it before avoiding it until next year.

Good luck everyone.

You'll need it.

GTPvW! 2010
GTPvW! 2011
GTPvW! 2012
GTPvW! 2013
GTPvW! 2014
GTPvW! 2015
GTPvW! 2016

'Wham Stamp' Avatar Files

Original Participants List:
  1. @Daniel
  2. @Eva
  3. @Dennisch
  4. @Wiegert
  5. @SomePlayaDude
  6. @Jimlaad43
  7. @TS050
  8. @TB
  9. @Beeblebrox237
  10. @MrWaflz55
  11. @Obelisk
  12. @Joey D
  13. @Flex0r
  14. @Vic Reign93
  15. @Dylan
  16. @AudiMan2011
  17. @sar593
  18. @DK
  19. @Drex124
  20. @Kitten
  21. @RESHIRAM5
  22. @Spacegoat
  23. @BrandonW77
  24. @FireEmblem10
  25. @NP
  26. @Fallen_log
  27. @TripleA5
  28. @AOS-
  29. @Northstar
  30. @titleguy1
  31. @Ze Elephant
  32. @Keef
  33. @TheSpaceBear
  34. @adam46
  35. @Stephan
  36. @Apok
  37. @Mike458
  38. @Custom878
  39. @Man of Wheel
  40. @SlipZtrEm
  41. @TJ13
  42. @ProjectWHaT
  43. @Vert4848
  44. @Leadfoot530
  45. @JR98
  46. @CLowndes888
  47. @TwinTurbo LM
  48. @tbwhhs
  49. @nascarfan1400
  50. @GTFan24
  51. @Korza
  52. @edawg456
  53. @girabyt3
  54. @adamp93
  55. @Lilium
  56. @Qvale
  57. @DQuaN
  58. @Naveek Darkroom
  59. @XJ40
  60. @Conformation
  61. @Sir Tuddle
  62. @dice1998
  63. @The Stig Farmer
  64. @bluemoon_19
  65. @crooky369
  66. @Smurfybug
  67. @Obelisk's Dad
  68. @epic_apri_39
  69. @AlvaroF
  70. @RACECAR
  71. @Ken
  72. @m8h3r
  73. @Jakedog23
  74. @Gerarghini
  75. @AnthonyD1993
  76. @Casey
  77. @silverman_GT
  78. @miata13B
  79. @Sanji Himura
  80. @GT5Power
  81. @PinkKitty13
  82. @nowcontrol
  83. @wvmgmidget
  84. @TenEightyOne
  85. @Bealdor
  86. @Rallywagon
  87. @NW48
  88. @Dean
  89. @disinfected
  90. @SRV2LOW4ME
  91. @Tom
  92. @AJHG1000
  93. @GTP_Dutchy
  94. @ToyGTone
  95. @ThrasherDBS
  96. @Johnny1996
  97. @Driving Park
  98. @Cano
  99. @The Bman
  100. @Nismonath5
  101. @SonicCharmeleon
  102. @GTRacer22
  103. @Fastcarguy
  104. @Huks

Whammed User Log (NZT):

7/11 - @epic_apri_39 - Possibly the fastest Whamming we've had on GTPlanet. Epic's out just after he's in!
9/11 - @Lilium - We're not even halfway through November and radio stations are already playing Christmas music. Get those earplugs and noise cancelling headphones, everyone!
12/11 - @Mike458 - HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING?!? Trust no one, don't watch YouTube and TRUST. NO. ONE.
15/11 - @Jordan - You might not have officially signed up, but warning everyone that you've been UberWhammed and (presumably) seeking revenge is the humane thing to do. Up your guard, people!
19/11 - @Qvale - It really sucks that you got Whammed while vacuuming your car.
21/11 - @crooky369 - Wham in the morning is an awful wake-up call.
23/11 - @Casey - Eliminated thanks to his mother watching a clip on George Michael on TV. Earplus for next year, perhaps?
26/11 - @adam46 - Double wham for Adam in the pub and in the car afterwards. Drink, Adam. Drink to forget.
27/11 - @titleguy1 - Whammed at the mall with so called 'friends'. Are they friends if they let you get Whammed?
27/11 - @Obelisk - Work whamming. Get a new job.
27/11 - @Conformation - Freshly baked Wham.
29/11 - @Jimlaad43 - Our pal Jimlaad sorely whammed without warning at University. The only option is to drop out to avoid next year.
30/11 - @Daniel - Whammed as soon as Christmas music started at work. And then also whammed the next day. And then the day after. I have been whammed every day I've worked so far.
01/12 - @DK - Last Christmas by Wham! Eat Fresh.
01/12 - @adamp93 - In local news, Birmingham man Adam P. sues retailer Currys for emotional damages and PTSD after a delay causes a shock Whamming.
01/12 - @nascarfan1400 - Snuck up on by a YouTube playlist. Always look before you leap, and never shuffle!
02/12 - @AOS- - AOS has recently learned his job is a hostile work environment after hearing George Michael.
03/12 - @Wiegert - Unconsentual Whamming is never okay. Always ask beforehand.
03/12 - @GTP_Dutchy - Dutchy gave us a lovely reaction upon hearing Last Christmas.
03/12 - @TenEightyOne - Last Christmas is so toxic that even an exposure lasting several seconds is fatal.
04/12 - @Omnis - Whammed four times in a day. More than anyone else yet!
04/12 - @RESHIRAM5 - Pokémon: Gotta Wham 'Em All!
05/12 - @Smurfybug - Why would you even choose to have Wham on one of your own Spotify playlists?
06/12 - @XJ40 - Double whammy in and outside the office. Use protective hearing.
06/12 - @AudiMan2011 - Taken down by Moray Firth Radio. More like Moray Filth, amirite? (I'm sure I'm just recycling jokes from last year now).
07/12 - @Vic Reign93 - After three years of avoiding the horrors of Last Christmas, our comrade Vic has fallen this year for the first time. Godspeed, Vic Reign.
08/12 - @Obelisk's Dad - In other news, Obelisk has been disowned by his father.
08/12 - @The Bman - George Michael: Dishonerably Discharged.
08/12 - @TheSpaceBear - Spotify Premium: The Best Way to Avoid Last Christmas Ads. Only 99c for Three Months!
09/12 - @Eva - Nowhere is safe. Not even Wham-free zones!
09/12 - @GTRacer22 - Taken out alongside Eva by Nascarfan. Don't ever trust anyone.
12/12 - @Ze Elephant - Breaking GTPlanet's two day wham-free streak, Elephant is eliminated by family who are unaware of this awful, awful game we all play.
13/12 - @The Stig Farmer - I've never listened to Chris Evans outside of Top Gear, but after having watched Season 23, I can't understand why someone would want to listen to him voluntarily.
14/12 - @DQuaN - May have been better to shave off your hair at home.
14/12 - @TwinTurbo LM - Getting Whammed at the airport is just plane wrong.
14/12 - @Nismonath5 - Sickeningly Whammed with an edited video from Vic Reign.
15/12 - @SomePlayaDude - Good evening, my name is George Michael and I'll be your flight attendant for this Singapore to London-Heathrow flight.
16/12 - @disinfected - Disinfected has considerate updated us his (at-the-time) live Whamming.
16/12 - @CLowndes888 - The first and fourth tips of GTP vs. Wham is to not trust anyone. Especially family.
17/12 - @Apok - Online shopping was created purely to avoid Last Christmas.
Updated through post #346
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Why not, I'm in. All we get in Utah is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings Xmas.
As always, I’m going to be up for another round of GTP V Wham or better known as the Christmas Paranoia Simulator. :D

I’m already on a hat trick and I’m gonna be aiming for the Qaud this year. :)
Lets try this again for the 4th time hoping to survive just once. I'm in.

Time to be suspicious of everyone on Discord.
I'm in, knowing my luck I'll get Whammed while browsing here on my phone.
Bring it on :sly:

This is going to be harder as I expect tribute songs to be played as well.