GTPlanet's Views On Car Manufacturers

  • Thread starter Doomotron
My View on Holden:
I wouldn't know anything about Holden vehicles if I hadn't played Gran Turismo and Toca games. I'm not sure how many car manufacturers are involved in their production, but I do like visual identity of modern Commodore machines. If I wanted to buy a V-powered 'grunt' car, Holden would certainly get higher priority than its American counterparts, there is something different within each of their cars that makes them somehow appealing and new.
OK guys, it's time for the next manufacturer.
The winner is:
Joint 1ST Place: Matej, Cowboy, Doomotron

So, we've got a tie. It also seems like this thread is dead, which is sad as I liked this thread. Oh well, I'll go onto and use the typewriter to see who picks the manufacturer.

And the winner is...

Screenshot 2016-03-25 10.18.50.png


So, choose the manufacturer...
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Hmm.....OK. I'm gonna choose a manufacturer that's widely known to car guys, yet might not have the most reliable cars.

I choose TVR.

TVR Logo.jpg

TVR... You could say that it was Blighty's Lamborghini. Well, TVR made great cars, and they still do. Sort of. These are another of my brains "Oh yeah, they exist!". I can forget about them.

NOTE: I'm currently preparing my Easter holiday, so this is all I can do for now, my brain is on fire!

Does someone want to do the next manufacturer or can I consider this thread 'dead'?
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WEll, I'll help you guys. Write up on Saab. :v

From my opinion. they were interesting cars in the matter of styling, and the ride was usually good.
KNown for being made with AIRPLANE MATERIALS SO TECH , that you're super safe inside one.

Unfortunatly sales didn't go well, GM getting them didn't help either, and they filed bankrupcy and closed on '12

Imo they made great cars on their lifespan, and its a pity to lose a brand from the Euro east bloc
They bring some innovations to our daily life on cars. from seatbelts as a default option, and the TURBO frenzy.

If I could have one, I think I would Like a 9-3. second gen or 3rd. while not that memorable like the first, or old sabs, I think they blend in without drawing attention, and are fairly confortable
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Saab is a manufacturer I deeply respect. I really miss them. I really do. Saab created many good cars and many not so good ones (such as a concept that had a joystick for a steering wheel). They're obsession with safety, though, is the part of it that I respect most. In Top Gear, they dropped a Saab and a BMW upside down onto the ground form around 10 metres (or was it 100?) up. The Beemer could only be escaped (according to Clarkson) if you were Richard Hammond. The Saab passed with flying colours.

Despite most of their cars being very good and safer than any other thing known to man, they went bankrupt because of General Motors who were also becoming bankrupt. Therefore they told Saab to cheat and replace the body of same Vauxhalls. Saab didn't listen and redevelopped most of the chassis of them or (I think) rebuilt ione or two of them from scratch. GM weren't too pleased. After this had gone on for too long GM kicked them out.

Following being thrown out of GM, Spyker bought them but it wasn't enough: Saab shut up shop.

I think it's time to recap on the rules.

  • Each opinion post must be between two and four paragraphs long.
  • Person who posted the opinion with the most likes gets to choose the following week's manufacturer.
  • When choosing, the manufacturer cannot be one we've already covered (check before choosing)
  • Opinions of models of cars are not permitted.
  • Do not directly copy someone else's post.
  • Should not go into high levels of detail about one car, model or person.
  • Opinions should be enjoyable to read and not boring.
  • If a player is picked three times in a row, the person in second place instead chooses the manufacturer. If that happens three times in a row, the 3rd person chooses, and so on...
  • The day for the results to come in will be Friday.
Also, to vote you must like an opinion.
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