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  • Thread starter Masi_23
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Cheers for that pal, will get cracking in a few hours!

Also, I've heard a few things that times are slower after the patch, is this true ?
Cheers for that pal, will get cracking in a few hours!

Also, I've heard a few things that times are slower after the patch, is this true ?

I don't think so. I haven't noticed anything any different.
Yup no difference ive been going as fast as before sometimes faster due to my extra knowledge :D.
Ive never driven with Tc on, I hate the way it restricts power when your not traction limited in say a corner like Eau Rouge lol. (I know this from driving a car I just bought and forgeting to put TC off :lol:)

I have always used a very low TC setting in GT, usually 3. It still restricts the power a small amount, but makes it much easier to control the accelerator coming out of a corner. However, going from a setting of 3 to having TC off is somewhat of a handicap for me ATM. I'm adjusting, but I really don't know how people using Dualshock controllers can race like that. At least I have a gas pedal instead of a button.
Well lots of others I know race fine with controllers Mole, Litchi and Remy pop into my mind. I Use a DFGT now and allways have on GT5 but on GT5P I had no problems with no TC using a pad ;).
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I'm fairly bummed by my quali effort. I did a 6.6 when practicing with apollo just before the qual and only managing 7.5-7.6 in the qual itself. But I guess that's one of the interesting things running a qual.

What is happening when the qual is done. It seems like there are 64 spots (32 GT500, 32GT300) in each conference. How will it be broken down into racing rooms where the maximum is 16 drivers (or less). Some races are mixed class where the max number/class is half (8?).

Also, I think we will pick cars starting from fastest qualifyer. How many cars of the same type (ie Calsonic, etc) will be allowed by race/division. All depending how the races will be organized.
Sail IC
I'm fairly bummed by my quali effort. I did a 6.6 when practicing with apollo just before the qual and only managing 7.5-7.6 in the qual itself. But I guess that's one of the interesting things running a qual.

What is happening when the qual is done. It seems like there are 64 spots (32 GT500, 32GT300) in each conference. How will it be broken down into racing rooms where the maximum is 16 drivers (or less). Some races are mixed class where the max number/class is half (8?).

Also, I think we will pick cars starting from fastest qualifyer. How many cars of the same type (ie Calsonic, etc) will be allowed by race/division. All depending how the races will be organized.

Taking the PAL gt500 division as an example;
The top 30 qualifyers are in. There will be 15 cars, with each car having 2 drivers.
For each race there will be a quallifying lap. The top 15 or 16 quallifyers will make up the grid for that race. The remaining quallifyers may if they wish run a race but with no points. I know if I don't qualify, I will be running the race anyway.
As for picking cars, masi will have to confirm how this will be done. It may be fastest from the qualifying gets first pick. But I don't actually know.
Hope this helps.
Taking the PAL gt500 division as an example;
The top 30 qualifyers are in. There will be 15 cars, with each car having 2 drivers.
For each race there will be a quallifying lap. The top 15 or 16 quallifyers will make up the grid for that race. The remaining quallifyers may if they wish run a race but with no points. I know if I don't qualify, I will be running the race anyway.
As for picking cars, masi will have to confirm how this will be done. It may be fastest from the qualifying gets first pick. But I don't actually know.
Hope this helps.

Perfect. That explains a lot. Thanks for clarifying.
I am getting a little concerned about the number of entrants to the NTSC gt300 division. As things stand we only 11 people including myself. I am committing to getting up at 2-30am to race. Is anyone else planning to enter into this division? Also the pace seems slower in this division. Is anyone not entering other divisions due to some of the times posted? Come on people, sign up and race.
I would sure hope they're not entering because we're not burning out 2.06s on Suzu... I went with the NTSC since I'll be working soon and I won't be able to make the Friday time anymore.
I have to get kids to bed on a Friday night, so a 7-30 connect time us to early for me. My Suzuka times are mainly 2:10's sometimes 2:09's. Those in the 06's are way too quick for me.
Hey twisted mate are we doing another Pre Season race do you know? It would be great if we could
Hey twisted mate are we doing another Pre Season race do you know? It would be great if we could

I am sure there will be once the quallifyer is over. Hopefully next weekend. We need to get everyone's interest back up.
My interest is sky high I'm just looking forward to racing and choosing our cars I wish all people were like this
My interest is sky high I'm just looking forward to racing and choosing our cars I wish all people were like this

Me to. I can't wait to get going. If there is enough interest we could arrange a race night. Maybe 10 lap races on all of the tracks we will be using. 16 drivers each using a different gt500 car and then gt300 cars. We should gain some data. Give me a day or 2 and I will work on it.
Just out of interest who would like to be involved?
Id be ;). Also I do feel sad for you guys in nstc gt300, it seems a little too sparse :(.
Me to. I can't wait to get going. If there is enough interest we could arrange a race night. Maybe 10 lap races on all of the tracks we will be using. 16 drivers each using a different gt500 car and then gt300 cars. We should gain some data. Give me a day or 2 and I will work on it.
Just out of interest who would like to be involved?

Yeah that will be super mate although I'm not feeling to well at the mement should up and raring to go tonight if we can get some qualifying and races done
Who can host a room tonight my Internet is not very good maybe twisted could host or someone??
I'm fairly bummed by my quali effort. I did a 6.6 when practicing with apollo just before the qual and only managing 7.5-7.6 in the qual itself. But I guess that's one of the interesting things running a qual.

What is happening when the qual is done. It seems like there are 64 spots (32 GT500, 32GT300) in each conference. How will it be broken down into racing rooms where the maximum is 16 drivers (or less). Some races are mixed class where the max number/class is half (8?).

Also, I think we will pick cars starting from fastest qualifyer. How many cars of the same type (ie Calsonic, etc) will be allowed by race/division. All depending how the races will be organized.

Then you have had the same problem like me m8
Sail IC; I was under the impression there are 60 spots for conference (30 GT500, 30 GT300). As far as I know, only the fastest XX drivers will be doing the race. Mixed class is Fastest half from each class grouped together, while the slowest halves from each class go together.

I have to voice my opinion on how it irks me that people sign up MASSIVELY for a championship and then do not even bother to qualify. I'm not even talking about racing every week. We had 300+ sign ups, and today, a week after the initial deadline, there's 76 people who have qualified. I know this is not the organisation's fault, but it bothers me.

Why would people sign up when they have no intention of racing?
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