Summary on my thoughts on SailIC's posts/ideas.
Firstly, I think it's a great concept, and I'm personally 100% in favor of it provided it works, not that I doubt his testing, I just like to see everything for myself, just the way I'm wired. (Of course it can work though, the only question is what PP for each car, etc)
Now you're wondering why I gave these listings, if I'm actually in favor of a simple set PP limit.
Simplicity, I feared/fear of all the complaints of "I don't know how to set up my car", and/or "I don't have enough time to practice and tune my car each week".
If a bulk of people can say they're ok with an open PP setting regulation for each car, I am absolutely game for it, I think it would change the regs only for the better.
The only downside is whether people are ok with having to set their car up each week, so if that's not an issue, I am definitely up for setting open PP regs for each car.
Need input quickly though, season is coming up soon.