@ CSL - Let the penalty system do it's job - it's there for a reason. If the violations are severe enough, a probation or a suspension will be handed out. I have my eyes on a couple of drivers for some time now - most of the stewards are aware of it, too.
I can't really judge the race since i wasn't there. I'll wait for what the others will say.
Also, I can't blame you for reaching your boiling point, but
it'll be much appreciated if you keep the venting on a less feverish/angry? state (for lack of a better term - can't get my mind to it) - keep it at a minimum when you post inside the thread. Use the PM system to vent all your anger at the ones you think are responsible/involved and then file a report for the stewards to assess.
@ Wardez - I guess the recent strings of internet problems (DC's) and bad races has gotten to you. I suggest you sleep on it. About the comment on 'getting almost nothing in return' - well, we're all here to have fun and the comradery that i get from all the drivers (well, at least a few from the regulars) is enough for me to keep coming back (even if i keep missing races and DC'ing). You win some, you lose some. Nonetheless, if it does mean more to ya, and if you do withdraw, then it's too bad. I guess ill catch you on some other series 👍
Sleep on it everyone

at the end of the day, it's still just a game. There's always a next time