Monace raceresult. NOT final (believe it or not)
1. SupraPhantom: 1:33.061
2. Remy_K: 1:31.527
3. OwensRacing: 1:32.839
4. chorda:
5. Lynchy098: 1:32.398
6. RedReevos: 1:33.917
7. BiffyClyro93: 1:31.971
8. toyotsupra: 1:34.184
9. C-Falcon89: 1:33.101
10. Paginas: 1:32.8XX
-. Wardez: 1:31.476
Pole: chorda: 1:31.330
I'll just do a short writeup from the race now hat I've settled down a bit.
Started from pole. Me, Paginas and Remy_K got a gap to 4th during the first lap. I had big trouble keeping pag behind me, and by lap 4, he passed me.. I then followed him, with Remy_K struggeling behind with his 120 kg ballast. GTP_CSL got DC'd around lap 3 s well if I recall.
I pitted at lap 13/54 for my first out of 3 stops.. Obvoiusly, me and Remy was on a 3 stopper, and pagi was on a 2 stopper..
My 2nd stint was pretty calm.. No major battles.. I guess I was lucky to start as pole from what I can see from the replay..
When I came out from my 2nd stop, comming out for my 3rd stint, I ended up just behind a quick pack containing supraphantom, remy and wardez.. I realized that Pagi had pulled a decent lead by now..
So it looked to be a massive fight fro 2nd.. While I was behind those 3.. (It was not a good timing for me to pass.. It was devistating for my race, but had to accept that there is no way I can pass those 3 guys in a tight pack, racing at full speed.. So I decided to sit back for a couple of lasp..) While behind Wardez and phantom (Remy got away) I noticed some really dirty driving from phantom.. Not nice at all. Squeezing wardez against walls, not giving space when entering turns side by side and oso on. By this time, I realized that both of them had worn tires.. So a 2 stopper perhaps.. So when I decided to close in, Wardez was going to let me pass, and slowed down a tad too much, which made me rear end him.. Really sad.. Had only 3-4 laps on my fresh set of tires.. So in to the pits for the 3rd time this race.. Wardez DC'd in the same period.
I was now catching up pretty quick since I had free road ahead for several laps.. And BAAAMMM!!! C-Falcon89 drove with a totally damage car (Why did you not pit?), and had a spin around the pool area.. I came full speed, and straight in to him.. Engine damage, and my 4th pit.. Decided to go for fastest lap.
Cought up to OwensRacing, and out of the last corner, I was a tad aggressive on the throttle and spun in to the right wall.. So, to the pits for the 5th time.. with 8 laps left. I saw Pagi DC around this time as well..
During the last 8 laps, my first objective wa to set fastest lap.. And I did.. 1:31.417 is a good time with 80 kg ballast.. But had probably about 1/4 of fuel, so perhaps it was equal as quali.. I don't know..
My second objective was to catch Lynchy098 who passed me during my last stop.. And I cought up to him by lap 52, and passed easy because of mt fresh tires, and his was worn pretty bad I guess..
It was a close call when I overtook him in the chicane, but we made it out in one piece..
Ended up in 4th, which is a good thing sice I'll gt ballast removed.. And alo got FL and PP.. So after all, the race was pretty much decent result wise.. Looking at all pit stops and such, it was obviously not a good race..
I do have to say that netiher C-Fal or Wardez did anything wrong when I recieved damage.. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time both times.. And it costs you around monaco..
I really feel sorry for Pag, who had a great race until he DC's around lap 45.. You did an awasome race mate. 👍