Sounds awesome, good luck there 👍
I don't think many tried with there AS levels, at least here anyway, I have the whole alphabet of grades in my collection
And I've gone for Aeronautical Engineering, sounds like fun and it certainly pays

I think I need 3 C's for that at Salford, but getting a C in Physics and Maths is ridiculously harder than it sounds

I've also applied for Automotive Engineering at Manchester Met, gives me a backup choice in case I have second thoughts or get rejected from the others, and it definitely seems interesting.
Just blag your way through your Personal Statement, make yourself sound like a superhero, they love that

I got a sheet to help me write each paragraph, and the UCAS website has an alright guide to making one. Ask your tutor if they have a guide?
Anyway, would be cool if we went to the same University 👍 Keep me updated