GTS vs GT6 - Cars comparison

  • Thread starter emula
You can change to the dynamic replay cam in the replay‘s setting?

In the beta the replay cam was not fixed to one view per lap . It had 5-6 locations that would be selected at random . You could exploit this by pressing up in time trial which would cause a New angle to be selected as the game was swapping between the same car . Entire camera angles are missing from the beta. I have a FULL recorded lap of brands hatch from a bird's eye view . It must have been a glitch , but bird's eye view was a possible angle that could be selected in a replay . I'm not sure if the keyboard trick allows us to unlock the other angles in the current build but the replays in GT sport retail build suck nards compared to the beta . This was removed in the beta with an update , the same update that removed the 360 cam . Other changes they did was removing the tire stacks in the nür that could be knocked over . They were absent in the vanilla build and eventually replaced with the tire diamonds that can't be knocked over . Another detail absent in GT sport that was in 5/6 was the dynamic foliage that was bent by driving over it and reacted to the wind created by cars . In willow the shrubs will bend in GT6 as you drive over them , they won't in sport unless you are in Bumper / interior view but I assume this is to eliminate clipping in cockpit cam as it's not visible in replays / 3rd person view .
I'm here to see the comparisons made between GT6 and GTS, and someone suggested to see how they compare in gameplay vs gameplay, and I support that suggestion.

At the end of the day, the OP is doing this in his spare time and will do with it as he pleases. If you want a different comparison, fire up a PS3 and PS4 and crack on, nobody is stopping you.
At the end of the day, the OP is doing this in his spare time and will do with it as he pleases. If you want a different comparison, fire up a PS3 and PS4 and crack on, nobody is stopping you.
It is just a suggestion.. does not mean that @emula actually have to do it.
Besides there must be a reason why he's trying to avoid gameplay to gameplay comparisons just as @ImaRobot implied.

Maybe because he knows that are some cars with horrible LOD models in-game in comparison to the scapes mode.. who knows.. it is just a suggestion *walks away slowly*

P.S: @emula it not called member war it is simply a discussion...
On a side note props to all your pictures!
At the end of the day, the OP is doing this in his spare time and will do with it as he pleases. If you want a different comparison, fire up a PS3 and PS4 and crack on, nobody is stopping you.
At the end of the day, if the op doesn't feel like it he doesn't have to. If a suggestion gets him that fired up, than maybe, just maybe, he should avoid making threads in the future. All he's done since the suggestion is try to distract away from it with excuses,a simple no would do.

And if you don't know what a person has,I would suggest not assuming that everyone happens to have every console laying around to be able to do the things you've suggested. That said, there is literally something stopping me. It's not like the suggestion was so out of the norm, considering it's not even asking anything different than what the op is already doing. Instead he decided to pick at my post for things that weren't even said and holding on to past encounters that he himself started, ironically, making it seem like he's avoiding it for a reason.
And if you don't know what a person has,I would suggest not assuming that everyone happens to have every console laying around to be able to do the things you've suggested.

I wasn't assuming anything; some people still have a PS3, others do not. By that logic you're assuming he has the time to do the same comparisons twice in asking him to them during gameplay. But that's none of my business.

It is just a suggestion.. does not mean that @emula actually have to do it.
Besides there must be a reason why he's trying to avoid gameplay to gameplay comparisons just as @ImaRobot implied.

Maybe because he knows that are some cars with horrible LOD models in-game in comparison to the scapes mode.. who knows.. it is just a suggestion *walks away slowly*
On a side note props to all your pictures!

I get what you're saying, and maybe there is a reason he doesn't want to - surely that's for him to decide and share if he wishes. Trying to call someone out over wishing to withhold their reasons isn't a very nice thing to do IMO. Neither is making assumptions about why he isn't doing it.

Maybe he's refusing to do it because it's getting people so worked up and he genuinely wants to watch the world burn. Or maybe he isn't doing it because it is more work? That's his choice, afterall. We may find out if he tells us, we may not. Such is the wonderful world of inquisition - one rarely gets the answers they are looking for.
I wasn't assuming anything; some people still have a PS3, others do not. By that logic you're assuming he has the time to do the same comparisons twice in asking him to them during gameplay. But that's none of my business.
Well that's not true at all now is it? you literally assumed. You told me nothings stopping me without knowing that something is literally stopping me. I didn't assume he had the time to do it, I made a suggestion and waited for a response. I didn't make a statement of fact, or tell him that he has to because he has time, not knowing his situation, so no that's not what happened.

I get what you're saying, and maybe there is a reason he doesn't want to - surely that's for him to decide and share if he wishes. Trying to call someone out over wishing to withhold their reasons isn't a very nice thing to do IMO. Neither is making assumptions about why he isn't doing it.
It surely is his decision, and no one has said otherwise. No one is forcing him, no one is telling him he has to do it. If he didn't want to be called out, than he shouldn't have started to call out other people. Simple really. The problem with the OP is that the person in question has a history with calling out other games for the issues that are present in GTS as well, all the while pretending that there is none in GTS, so everything that he tends to say is taken with a grain of salt, at least for me. Just like a few posts ago, exaggerating and trying to say the worst possible GTS model is better than any other model on the market, as well as saying they're perfect even knowing that they aren't. Imperfections aren't a problem, all games have them, the problem is the obvious misinformation being spread.

The nice thing to do? @emula has been far from the nicest person in all the threads he's tried to push his agenda on. He's done every thing he can to purposely only show GTS in its greatest light and nothing other, but go to extreme lengths to put every other game down. If you're concerned about what's nice, than you should look a little deeper.

Maybe he's refusing to do it because it's getting people so worked up and he genuinely wants to watch the world burn. Or maybe he isn't doing it because it is more work? That's his choice, afterall. We may find out if he tells us, we may not. Such is the wonderful world of inquisition - one rarely gets the answers they are looking for
No ones getting worked up because he's not doing it. He's getting worked up for having a suggestion thrown at him that his unwilling to do for whatever reason, otherwise he wouldn't have made up words that I didn't even say, and pick my post and act like my Game Galleries have anything to do with this conversation. And again, no one has said otherwise, so stop implying it.
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In the beta the replay cam was not fixed to one view per lap . It had 5-6 locations that would be selected at random . You could exploit this by pressing up in time trial which would cause a New angle to be selected as the game was swapping between the same car . Entire camera angles are missing from the beta. I have a FULL recorded lap of brands hatch from a bird's eye view . It must have been a glitch , but bird's eye view was a possible angle that could be selected in a replay . I'm not sure if the keyboard trick allows us to unlock the other angles in the current build but the replays in GT sport retail build suck nards compared to the beta . This was removed in the beta with an update , the same update that removed the 360 cam . Other changes they did was removing the tire stacks in the nür that could be knocked over . They were absent in the vanilla build and eventually replaced with the tire diamonds that can't be knocked over . Another detail absent in GT sport that was in 5/6 was the dynamic foliage that was bent by driving over it and reacted to the wind created by cars . In willow the shrubs will bend in GT6 as you drive over them , they won't in sport unless you are in Bumper / interior view but I assume this is to eliminate clipping in cockpit cam as it's not visible in replays / 3rd person view .

I didn't play any of the betas but does it have any of the replay views seen at the London presentation in 2015? I remember that replays and build of the game were really awful back then:

I'm really happy with replays in the game right now specially with the variable view in some tracks but I really would like they leave that 360 view available. So were those extra 5 angles really good? Any video of it?
I get what you're saying, and maybe there is a reason he doesn't want to - surely that's for him to decide and share if he wishes. Trying to call someone out over wishing to withhold their reasons isn't a very nice thing to do IMO. Neither is making assumptions about why he isn't doing it.

Maybe he's refusing to do it because it's getting people so worked up and he genuinely wants to watch the world burn. Or maybe he isn't doing it because it is more work? That's his choice, afterall. We may find out if he tells us, we may not. Such is the wonderful world of inquisition - one rarely gets the answers they are looking for.

I'm doing this from the beginning: all GT6 photos in this thread are from phototravel, instead about half of the GTS photos are from photomode on the track because is the only way to have the full control of the camera... so yes, this is a not fair comparison because all the GT6 photos are taken in the best possible conditions, the GTS photos aren't
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McLaren F1






























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I get your points @ImaRobot - but you have also made the assumption that I knew 'he had a history' (whether he does or not, I don't know). Assuming I had read all the post in existence on GT Sport to know the background is an assumption on your part.

You told me nothings stopping me without knowing that something is literally stopping me..

And apologies that you took this literally, in the UK it is a turn of phrase to imply "If you wanted to do it, you could find a way" rather than in a literal nothing is stopping you. Language barrier between UK English and US English striking once again I fear.

Apologies for any thread derailing here, but I used the info I saw on this thread and felt that he was rising to his own defense rather than being defensive over GT Sport or any other version of GT. Perhaps that is my interpretation and not that of others
I get your points @ImaRobot - but you have also made the assumption that I knew 'he had a history' (whether he does or not, I don't know). Assuming I had read all the post in existence on GT Sport to know the background is an assumption on your part.
I didn't make any assumption about your knowledge, in fact, I knew you didn't know that's why I told you to look a little deeper if you're concerned about niceness. All I did was inform you about the situation.

And apologies that you took this literally, in the UK it is a turn of phrase to imply "If you wanted to do it, you could find a way" rather than in a literal nothing is stopping you. Language barrier between UK English and US English striking once again I fear.
Not a language barrier at all. There is still something stopping me, and that's money. That's something a little bit more difficult to just overcome on a whim compared to just upping and just acquiring a console for the sake of doing it. It definitely is in the books for the next month or so, the PS4 at least.
Not a language barrier at all. There is still something stopping me, and that's money. That's something a little bit more difficult to just overcome on a whim compared to just upping and just acquiring a console for the sake of doing it. It definitely is in the books for the next month or so, the PS4 at least.

It is a language barrier, though, as the meaning of the phrase "There's nothing stopping you" in the UK doesn't mean exactly as it reads. But, whatever, it's cool.
It is a language barrier, though, as the meaning of the phrase "There's nothing stopping you" in the UK doesn't mean exactly as it reads. But, whatever, it's cool.
I know it's not a literal statement, and no, its not a language barrier. Like I said though, financially, right now, it's not a sound thing to do until I get a couple of things sorted. Can I just make some stupid decision and disregard real life priorities? Sure I can, but I'm not, so priorities is what's stopping me. Priorities are taking my money, so I can't just go and do the things you suggest as some people just don't have the spare money to be able to go and buy 2 consoles and 2 games just for the sake of a comparison. However, I do know that someone made a thread comparing the two games, so wouldn't this be the best place to find out?
You're still taking it literally... #Irony
I'm really not, but go ahead and continue with your comprehension issues. So much for apologizing for the off-topic posts.

Although, after thinking it over I'm not sure there is any other way to take it. You told me I can do something myself, and technically, I can't. Maybe a poor choice of words on your part.
tessellation is still there but now it works instantly... all the perfectly round edges are clearly fruit of the tessellation, otherwise the game engine should calculate billions of polygons
Dynamic tesselation by definition should not be " instant " , it should not " pop in " when pausing . That's called culling in a level of detail model from memory . Now if you have proof it exist , show us . Pausing the game only shows One LOD being loaded in for another .Dynamic tessallation works DYNAMICALY by adjusting the polygon count REAL TIME , pausing the game only to have the LOD swap, that not exactly real time. instant " tessalation " made me laugh , it's called a LOD model being switched. Ignorance is truly amusing !
Dynamic tesselation by definition should not be " instant " , it should not " pop in " when pausing . That's called culling in a level of detail model from memory . Now if you have proof it exist , show us . Pausing the game only shows One LOD being loaded in for another .Dynamic tessallation works DYNAMICALY by adjusting the polygon count REAL TIME , pausing the game only to have the LOD swap, that not exactly real time. instant " tessalation " made me laugh , it's called a LOD model being switched. Ignorance is truly amusing !

Yes, your ignorance is truly amusing... Tessellation (dynamic or not) is clearly there but your campaign against GTS keeps you from seeing it :lol:

GT6 no tessellation

GTS tessellation
Yes, your ignorance is truly amusing... Tessellation (dynamic or not) is clearly there but your campaign against GTS keeps you from seeing it :lol:
If it's not dynamic, wouldn't that mean that there is absolutely no tessellation adjusting going on? That would either mean that its there, always, not adjusting ever, or its not at all. At that point, how do you tell that it's there if there is nothing dynamic about it? I wonder if its just an advancement in how cars are modeled now adays, that makes things that much better.
Yes, your ignorance is truly amusing... Tessellation (dynamic or not) is clearly there but your campaign against GTS keeps you from seeing it :lol:

GT6 no tessellation

GTS tessellation

That's not Dynamic tessalation , that's a high poly model .. ignorance is bliss. All high polygon models are tesselated . Dynamic tessalation is when the mesh becomes more / less dense according to prossesing load.
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Please, can you stop this "war/fight"? This thread was very nice in the beginning. Comparing the cars in photo mode is the right comparison because the game loads the highest quality of the car available in both games. Comparing pictures from the race is not the best comparison because it is affected by the hardware and its limitations. If someone would post pictures from a race, the model of the car would be worse than in photo mode, and maybe it would be similar with one from GT6, but that's because GT Sport has a better lighting engine, the fps is better etc. so the game is pretty demanding.

In the end, let's forget this dispute and let this thread be like it was in the beginning.
Please, can you stop this "war/fight"? This thread was very nice in the beginning. Comparing the cars in photo mode is the right comparison because the game loads the highest quality of the car available in both games. Comparing pictures from the race is not the best comparison because it is affected by the hardware and its limitations. If someone would post pictures from a race, the model of the car would be worse than in photo mode, and maybe it would be similar with one from GT6, but that's because GT Sport has a better lighting engine, the fps is better etc. so the game is pretty demanding.

In the end, let's forget this dispute and let this thread be like it was in the beginning.
Both are required to function within the games limits and hardware, scapes aren't aren't an exemption. That it'll look worse isn't reason to avoid a comparison, and comparing games in-race is just as valid as the other way around. Where the advancement and how the design choices affected the game would be good to know. However, the OP has made it painfully obvious that he'd like to avoid situations that might paint GTS in a negative light(which is odd becuase it's something that the OP is fond of doing to anything that doesn't have GT on the label), and that's fine because it's his decision.
Both are required to function within the games limits and hardware, scapes aren't aren't an exemption. That it'll look worse isn't reason to avoid a comparison, and comparing games in-race is just as valid as the other way around. Where the advancement and how the design choices affected the game would be good to know. However, the OP has made it painfully obvious that he'd like to avoid situations that might paint GTS in a negative light(which is odd becuase it's something that the OP is fond of doing to anything that doesn't have GT on the label), and that's fine because it's his decision.

Yes, I know what you're saying. What I wanted to say is that if someone wants to see the difference between the cars (the 3D model of the car), the photos should be taken in photo mode, because both games load the highest quality of the car in that mode. Of course in game comparisons would be nice, but I think the initial idea of this thread was to see the difference of the cars (in their highest quality) <- that's my opinion.
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Yes, I know what you're saying. What I wanted to say is that if someone wants to see the difference between the cars (the 3D model of the car), the photos should be taken in photo mode, because both game load the highest quality of the car in that mode. Of course in game comparisons would be nice, but I think the initial idea of this thread was to see the difference of the cars (in their highest quality) <- that's my opinion.
Likely is the case, and that's all the OP could have said. Instead he's dodged every question asked about the suggestion, and instead chose to act like someone said something when they didn't, make hypocritical responses, and personally dig at someone else instead.
There is dynamic tesselation in GTS but it's applied only up close on the LOD-0 models. Because of some reason further away detail decrease is realised wit the classic lower LOD model switch method.
Tesselation doesn't exist in GT sport It did in the beta but was cut. I discovered the game swaps LOD when you pause .

That's not Dynamic tessalation , that's a high poly model .. ignorance is bliss. All high polygon models are tesselated . Dynamic tessalation is when the mesh becomes more / less dense according to prossesing load.

so the tessellation is still in GTS.... I'm glad you admitted