It's amazing what proper lighting and stuff like subsurface scattering can bring to the aspect of the models, which surely plays a big part on how the cars look now vs to how the PS3 hardware could display. The thing is, even with "subpar" graphics the PS2 GT titles were much better games than Sport I think. The problem is people started giving in to the online play hype, that they forgot what those titles, no matter how much eye candy the current version contains, had that made them genre defining. Before the whole online play craze and DLC, developers had to do serious quality control since there was no way launch a WIP title and try patching the wholes every now and then. Another thing that to me is pretty sad was the launch of this game with the majorly online focus. A lot of people may nowadays may not know it or remember it but when videogames were created you either played with the AI or with you friends at your house or theirs, you could try to throw them off their game and make fun of them after the big win (or be left with the shorter end of the stick) The fact that people seem to be totally ok with this is quite sad.
But putting this rant aside, would you rather have GT6 graphics but with actual advancements in the driving and physics part or get the eyecandy with very little change in the game's mechanics?