GTSPORT Takesound #1 in sales.

No way, there's loads to do offline. There are plenty of cars, only the tracks are lacking. Then there is online.

No there aren't, not compared to the previous GT or GT top competition. 160 is not 700

There is near nothing to do offline, nothing works but arcade. And you can't even save progress LMFAO what a joke.
No there aren't, not compared to the previous GT or GT top competition. 160 is not 700

There is near nothing to do offline, nothing works but arcade. And you can't even save progress LMFAO what a joke.
How many threads are you going to do this in? If the game is joke, why are you worried about how good or bad it does? Not trying to tell you "hey, stop posting!" but I just wonder what the benefit is? Did you buy the game and not like it? Can you not get your money back? Do you not have another racing game to play? etc. Just seems like you're really active in putting the game down. I can't put the game down (figuratively) until someone else needs the TV! :lol:
No there aren't, not compared to the previous GT or GT top competition. 160 is not 700

There is near nothing to do offline, nothing works but arcade. And you can't even save progress LMFAO what a joke.

Do you own the game? If yes, have you mastered every track? Do you own every car? Have you gotten golds on every single test, mission and track sector? What SR and DR rank are you? What is your driver level?
I hope Kaz and Translator-san go door to door for GTS2. They should be careful though because there are some real fans™ out there, sheesh.
That would be an inefficient use of their time. I'd suggest Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the usual other channels of communication.
In the beginning i was very sceptical about GT Sport , before release date , but boy was i wrong.
What a game .
Poly you just know how to let us wants to come back for more and more.
When i played Project cars 2 for the first i thought "WOW" there is no charge that GT Sport
can beat this. Well done Kaz & Poly.
My time goes to GT Sport.
Well done guys.

NB !!! Nothing wrong with Project cars 2 ,but GT sport so addictive .
👍 :cheers:
No they are not.

I've done a comparison of verified purchase reviews on both and .co,uk and the ratio of negative verified reviews to positive verified reviews is roughly 3:1.

Interestingly a higher number of unverified reviews are positive than negative, as such you can't dismiss them out of hand, and more importantly neither should PD. A significant number of people who have purchased it are not happy at all, and they are quite open to saying so.
Sorry but I was strictly talking about as Europe is PlayStation country and 1 star verified reviews Vs unverified reviews only....I purchased the game day one knowing the online focus and predicted the usual hate any PS4 exclusive has, it wouldn't surprise me if the majority of comments here was by people who don't even have a PS4 let alone the game.

I myself like PCars 2 as I have a G29 wheel but GT Sport has online racing implemented perfectly compared to any other racing games, I think this is down to poor lobby creation but I need to hop over to the PCars 2 forum and let them know.
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Surely the kind of people who read Kaz interviews already knew what GT Sport was, plus they had a demo up for a week showing exactly what the game was. other than going door to door informing everyone i'm not sure what more PD could have done.
Given the game a different name for a start. Calling it Gran Turismo is part of the problem.
Given the game a different name for a start. Calling it Gran Turismo is part of the problem.

like Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon, the different Trials games from Ubisoft/Redlynx or the various Need for Speed franchises? Or like Gran Turismo HD/concept/prologue? I get it...people wanted Gran Turismo 7 and this isn't 7 but Sport.
I too think GT Sport is a bit lacking it terms of content , but if they properly support the game with updates and (free) DLC , they can improve on the base game , which has a lot of potential.

Now , there's still a lot in GT Sport to have fun with.

Pretty much my feelings as well. I completely understand where bad reviews are coming from. The content right now is for sure very low compared to others. And if the game does not get updated then I will for sure feel cheated. I do feel though that some people are out there hating on it just to hate on it because they think it is cool to do or they have nothing else better to do with their life. Which is sad.

But as of right now I am having a lot of fun with it. The Livery Editor is a nice thing to take some of my time up on the game. I didn't even race last night, just messed around on the livery editor.
Surely the kind of people who read Kaz interviews already knew what GT Sport was,

I've read Kaz's interview. He said GTS could've been called GT7. He said none of the features from previous games have been dropped. Is that not the interview you talked about? It's fairly recent so I thought maybe that's the one you meant... :rolleyes:
GT Sport available on PS4.
Forza 7 available on Xbox One and PC.
Project Cars 2 available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Why again does GT Sport have an unfair sales advantage?

With equal prices, people will tend to buy the better product. but we can't always rely on this statement
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What could be the selling forecast for the next months if the review provided by the customers is like the following?

In other countries the reviews are even worst (US, Italy etc...)
COD and Madden get 2 star user reviews every year. Doesnt stop them from being the best sellinh games of the year. COD is #1 in sales every year, but that doesnt stop ot from getting crap user reviews. Destiny as well. I think these games with massive userbases have some passionate fans and they becomeva very loud vocal minority online. A popular game with good gameplay is going to do numbers no matter how much pepole complain. All a game has to do is have great gameplay to sell. Thats easier said then done, but GT Sport obviously has great gameplay.
With equal prices, people will tend to buy the better product. but we can't always rely on this statement a market where a single product is the most common purchase. If you are buying a car, for example. This is not such a market.

COD and Madden get 2 star user reviews every year. Doesnt stop them from being the best sellinh games of the year. COD is #1 in sales every year, but that doesnt stop ot from getting crap user reviews. Destiny as well. I think these games with massive userbases have some passionate fans and they becomeva very loud vocal minority online. A popular game with good gameplay is going to do numbers no matter how much pepole complain. All a game has to do is have great gameplay to sell. Thats easier said then done, but GT Sport obviously has great gameplay.
I looked up Madden on and it's getting trashed for being the same game year after year and something about MUT's. Oddly though, it's still rated higher than GTSport at 3.0 vs. 2.1 stars. Oh yeah, spellchecker please:)
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People read too much into GT Sport sales, especially when they compare it to Forza. That doesn't really reflect anything except 1) GT always had a much larger fan base so will always sell better, regardless of mediocrity, 2) PlayStation has a larger installed base so it should sell better, 3) Forza competes against itself with a new title every year versus GT which gets one every three to five years, and 4) four years into PS4 and this is the first and only GT on the system, whereas Xbox One has five Forzas now.

Don't read too much into the sales figures. They're not representative how how good the product is or how happy people are with it. It simply reflects how many PlayStation 4 owners were glad to finally have a Gran Turismo after all these years. It doesn't mean those people love it or that it's better than its competition.
But you are reading too much into the sales. People like GT Sport the most. Its the better game and the sales reflect that.
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But you are reading too much into the sales. People like GT Sport the most. Its the better game and the sales reflect that.
the thousands of onlinexpensive lobbies also reflect that, have not seen that many lobbies since GT5 Days.

Apparently it topped the charts in Japan aswell.
Sales do not equal quality.

The Spice Girls have had more UK number ones than the Rolling Stones, Queen, David Bowie, etc.

Does that automatically make they better?

Clearly more people think they are better because more people were willing to spend their money on them.

Better is an opinion... let's not confuse technical proficiency on their instrument, compositional complexity or masterful storytelling with what a lot of teenage girls think is better.

Lots of people eat McDonalds...
Clearly more people think they are better because more people were willing to spend their money on them.
So a Toyota Corolla is the best car in the world.
Got you.

Better is an opinion... let's not confuse technical proficiency on their instrument, compositional complexity or masterful storytelling with what a lot of teenage girls think is better.

Lots of people eat McDonalds...
Doesn't make McDonalds better.

The argument I was refuting is one that sales are an indication of quality, which is an absurd simplification.

McDonalds is popular for many reasons, consistency, value for money, brands recognition , ease of access, convenience and so on.
But music is more similar to video games in that their prices are in the same order of magnitude, if not very similar.

Given the choice of two products that are both $30 or $60 people will choose the one they like best. In this case Gran Turismo isn't a budget title... (yet).

Given the choice of two products one $30,000 and one $300,000 they will choose the one they can afford.
But music is more similar to video games in that their prices are in the same order of magnitude, if not very similar.

Given the choice of two products that are both $30 or $60 people will choose the one they like best. In this case Gran Turismo isn't a budget title... (yet).

Given the choice of two products one $30,000 and one $300,000 they will choose the one they can afford.
That's the point.

Game purchase are for the majority considered a low risk purchase (regardless of if that risk is knowingly considered or not).

As such why would deep and detailed research be required?

If wouldn't. A huge number of people will have pre-ordered COD WW2 knowingly little more than it's set in WW2, and more will just pick it up and buy it based on seeing it on the shelf.

We (as in the people with the kind of interest in racing games that makes you sign up to a dedicated forum about them) are not the average game buyer. Not by a large margin.

How many GT players on here do you think only owned 10 or less cars in GT5 or GT6?

Pick a percentage and then go and look at the percentage of people who actually earned that trophy.

The majority do not do deep levels of research when buying a game title in a series that has fundamentally not changed for twenty years. As such the fact that some of them had little to no idea about the scope of the change shouldn't be a surprise at all.

That low risk purchase just because something else, and regardless of who you feel is to blame for that does nothing to change the very real nature of the consumer unhappiness.

The most significant trophy in GTS that illustrates this is that 45% of owners have not yet even watched the five minutes of video needed to go on-line (note that doesn't mean the 55% that have watched them have gone online.

Given the online focus of the title and the claim by some on here that PD did a exemplary job of communication does that not strike you as even the smallest bit odd?

A quarter have not yet driven 100km/62miles, over half have not got ten cars (in a title that throws cars at you), over 25% have never completed a daily workout and 75% have not yet reached level 15. Do you know anybody on here who owns GTS that would fall into those categories? Keep in mind that this is during the early adopters stage as well.

We are not the main audience for GTS, we are not the people who make up the bulk of the buyers, and that bulk do not read every detail of every part of the prelaunch info. Not even close.
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Sales are simply an indicator of what people like, especially in a medium like video games where there is a set price for every release. If a franchise continues to sell well than its clear people continue to enjoy it.
Sales are simply an indicator of what people like, especially in a medium like video games where there is a set price for every release. If a franchise continues to sell well than its clear people continue to enjoy it.
What if overall sales for a series decline?

Nor does a set price exist, certainly not in the UK, which has a recommended retail price not a fixed one.

Which is why one outlet in the UK has been selling GTS for £35.
Without GT I don't think there would be a Forza or a PCars, so it's fantastic that they went down this path and allowed this niche to flourish!

With regards to what achievements / trophies people here have, unfortunately I'm in that category of not going online in GT Sport yet, I'm waiting until I get a new wheel, and have built a new stand for it. As much as I can get golds in license tests it just feels wrong.

I think for the people you are talking about that apparently have no idea what people are saying in forums or reviews at least a lot of them watch the videos Sony put out and / or tried the demo.

Some of those have made it very clear that this GT isn't about collecting cars or offline career...
What if overall sales for a series decline?

Nor does a set price exist, certainly not in the UK, which has a recommended retail price not a fixed one.

Which is why one outlet in the UK has been selling GTS for £35.

Thats because the racing genre is in a decline. GTS still is in a league of its own compared to other racing franchises like Forza, PCars etc outselling them many times over.

By the way those franchises are also in decline. Same with F1 and Dirt.

Lmao, at one small retailer selling the game on a sale is somehow brought up as a counterpoint to a base price. I just went to GAME the other day and its £45. Same with Amazon. Same with Tesco. Same with ShopTo.
Thats because the racing genre is in a decline. GTS still is in a league of its own compared to other racing franchises like Forza, PCars etc outselling them many times over.

By the way those franchises are also in decline. Same with F1 and Dirt.
Which would show that sales do not always equate to liking something.

Have you liked every single thing you have ever bought? Never had one disappointing purchase.

Your mixing up correlation with causality.

Lmao, at one small retailer selling the game on a sale is somehow brought up as a counterpoint to a base price. I just went to GAME the other day and its £45. Same with Amazon. Same with Tesco. Same with ShopTo.
One is all it takes to show that fixed price is a myth, oh and manufacturer or distributor 'fixed' prices would be illegal in the UK and EU.

So no it's not a fixed price market at all.
When you say loads to do offline, I assume you mean things like play other games or perhaps go outside, I simply say this because well GT:Sport only works online.
Custom race mode can be played offline. Custom race mode is awesome! I should have written that there is heaps to do in single player though so point taken.