• Thread starter frestkd
Firearms are simply tools. I believe an armed society is a polite society.
I further believe that in a society such as the US where there is a firearm in most houses the rate of home invasion goes down..
In the US to buy a pistol you must apply for a license, wait a week for the fedaral gov't to say you can have your gun then you go and pick it up.
Now you and I know that we can go down to K-mart, Wal-mart, or any other department store and purchase a chain-saw or an axe this afternoon, and bring it home this afternoon.
Yeah, Gil, I don't know how this got started but the USA federal government gives weapons to anyone. And their background checks suck.
Originally posted by Gil
Firearms are simply tools. I believe an armed society is a polite society.
I further believe that in a society such as the US where there is a firearm in most houses the rate of home invasion goes down..
In the US to buy a pistol you must apply for a license, wait a week for the fedaral gov't to say you can have your gun then you go and pick it up.
Now you and I know that we can go down to K-mart, Wal-mart, or any other department store and purchase a chain-saw or an axe this afternoon, and bring it home this afternoon.

The US Government only regulates class 3 firearms and firearm dealers. You can't buy, own or carry an any firearm if you have a felony conviction, dishonarable discharge from an armed service, commited to mental insitution, and a wife beater.

Originally posted by frestkd

The US Government only regulates class 3 firearms and firearm dealers. You can't buy, own or carry an any firearm if you have a felony conviction, dishonarable discharge from an armed service, commited to mental insitution, and a wife beater.


True, but if I'm hell bent on homicide, I can still pick up an axe or chain waiting period.
Originally posted by frestkd

When a Government doesn't trust the populous owning guns innocent people die. Throughout history many examples like when Nazi Germany didn't trust their Jewish population to owning guns. Millions of Jews are dead because of the Nazi Tyanny. When gun ownership is banned the other civial liberties will go. Like freedom of speech prime example Cambodia when the Kamhear Rouch was in power it was illegal to be educated and attend school. Until reacently in Afghanistan women and girls couldn't own anything or go to school, they were property. Many parts on this Earth a person can't freely practice their religion without fear of going to jail or put to death. Only way to be truley a free person is to be armed.

Kristof, I think you need to go study some history.

Firstly, the Jews didn't die because they couldn't bear arms. They died because someone who was desperate to unite his country picked a united group and then engendered hatred of that group to bring his own disparate elements together. Unfortunately, in later years this person started believing his own propaganda, and what he'd made up he decided was fact, and he started killing the Jews. It's possibly THE BEST example of ingroup/outgroup philosophy as discussed by me in the Church & State thread.

Secondly, the Kmher Rouge were also led by a despot whose savage brutality knew no bounds. Arms in the country would have made little difference to the atrocities committed there. Same in the USSR during the reign of Stalin, with his incessant 'purges'.

The only way to resist oppression is to be armed, I will agree on that point, but since, as the popular saying goes "the man with the power is the man with the gun", you will find in the annals of history that it is the armed who are the oppressors.
Originally posted by Talentless
It is the armed jerks who are the oppressors. And most people aren't jerks.

No, it's the Limp-Wristed-Do-Gooders, and Power Hungry Politicians trying to tell their citizen how to live.

When I said armed jerks I was referring to those already of an evil mentality. I did not mean that people armed are jerks. Notice that I said most people aren't jerks.

I am pro gun.
Originally posted by Talentless
When I said armed jerks I was referring to those already of an evil mentality. I did not mean that people armed are jerks. Notice that I said most people aren't jerks.

I am pro gun.

I know .... :cool:
I've shot a little bit of this, little bit of that...

Oh, guns, right... I guess I should quit talking about moonshine...

Anyway, yeah, I've shot my uncle's rifle at his farm, and I suck at target practice. But seeing that I havn't shot that gun anywhere in the double-digits yet for rounds-fired, I'm not too upset.

P.S. Have you ever shot a cow w/ a BB gun? It's great at getting them to move if they're clogging up the barn, but not so great if you use it as defense, that's when the pitch fork comes in...
I was at a customer's house today (I do electronics installation). He had a collection of cool guns. An AK-47, an AR-15, an M1A1 Springfield sniper rifle (complete with a nightvision scope :D) a couple of shotguns (including an antique double-barrelled one).

What surprised me was how small and light the AK was. It's shorter than an M16, and probably weighs two or three pounds less. Still, it's very solid and supposed to be next door to indestructible ~
the paintball place i go to now is half-paintball half-hunting store. i looked over at the display case and the guy had a M-16 with the grenade launcher thing on it.
Depends on who you talk to. You must keep an M16 clean at all times or it will jam. The AK is more tolerant of less than perfect conditions.

Other than that, M16 is a very reliable and effective weapon. The same person who had the collection had also served in Vietnam. He said that in firing thousands of rounds his M16 had never
Originally posted by frestkd
Hello Y'ALL :)

I need to rant a little! I like shooting guns, hunting woodland animals. My opinion that california condor, american bald eagle, and spotted owl taste like chicken! Anyone is for any type of restriction of firearm ownership is an evil power hungry person! Have I pushed anybody's buttons? If so Great! Have FUN! HAHA!

Kristof Frestedt

You must be a redneck!!

red·neck Pronunciation Key (rdnk)
n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.
:lol: :lol: