Originally posted by Sk8rKiD
My neighbor has a grenade launcher...I have no clue why he bought it since you cant get any ammo for it...Whats the point of owning it? It just sits in a trunk in his room collecting dust...
While I cannot argue on unspecified "rhetoric," the language troubles me (perhaps, if this were to happen, I will be settled by your explaining to me an intent I prefer). It brings to mind a sort of elitist, far left idea of what civilized is. If you mean only that you dislike violence as a means to resolution and nothing more, that is an agreeable philosophy. But if you think that persons whom use violence to resolve matters are automatically uncivilized, I do take issue. I read your post, so pointing this part out,I actually do sympathize with the most extreme pro-gun rhetoric. But my civilized conscience won't allow me to incorporate it.
, is unecessary. My problem is with the definition of civilized. To me, a civilized society does not act as if others will adhere to its tenets, but as if others may seek to undermine it, and act to protect itself with as minimal risk to all parties as possible. If one man refuses to fight and encourages others to do the same is he more civil than a man who does the opposite? Either may be successful, but the second man gives to his fellow people the advantages of not having them be in the more favorable position for their enemy(ies), disarmed (possibly compliant), thus leaving their fate much more so to themselves than the un-armed.When I think of anyone ever hurting her or my baby, killing becomes an option. And I'm not ashamed. I call it instinct.
Originally posted by Talentless
Your mixing issues. Hunting and gun ownership, though connected to some degree, can be thought of as seperate issues. One need not defend an opposition to hunting to prove they should own a gun. Besides, I think most hunting is done with a rifle.
There is one other thing I want to address: While I cannot argue on unspecified "rhetoric," the language troubles me (perhaps, if this were to happen, I will be settled by your explaining to me an intent I prefer). It brings to mind a sort of elitist, far left idea of what civilized is. If you mean only that you dislike violence as a means to resolution and nothing more, that is an agreeable philosophy. But if you think that persons whom use violence to resolve matters are automatically uncivilized, I do take issue. I read your post, so pointing this part out, , is unecessary. My problem is with the definition of civilized. To me, a civilized society does not act as if others will adhere to its tenets, but as if others may seek to undermine it, and act to protect itself with as minimal risk to all parties as possible. If one man refuses to fight and encourages others to do the same is he more civil than a man who does the opposite? Either may be successful, but the second man gives to his fellow people the advantages of not having them be in the more favorable position for their enemy(ies), disarmed (possibly compliant), thus leaving their fate much more so to themselves than the un-armed.
I am starting to yawn a lot, I think I will end for now,