Yes, it should. It absolutely should. No civilian has any need of high-powered weapons. Therefore, they should not be available.
How do you justify housing that's more than a cave. A cave suffices. We don't need brick houses. Therefore, they should not be available.
Sure, you have the right to bear arms - but given the track record of violent crimes, massacres and spree shootings, I would say that right has been exercised about as poorly as it could have been
Some individuals don't understand rights. Some do. Those that do aren't guilty of anything and don't need anything taken away. The people who don't understand are the problem.
and I would like to believe that if you had knowledge of how that right would play out today when the Second Amendment was being considered, you would have had the good sense not to enact it.
I wouldn't call that good sense. It's putting your own preferences ahead of other people's. You can have a "free state, but..." Either rights are respected or they are not. If people, even the vast majority, get to determine what is right, then there is a problem. There is a problem because society has decided with no justification that some people are worth more than others.
Sure, I shouldn't generalise. But enough people have proven that they can't be trusted with those weapons that nobody should have access to them in the first place.
Not in the slightest. Some people have shown they can't be trusted with weapons. Plenty have shown that they could own an arsenal and nothing would come of it.
I think a lot of the opposition to comes from public overblow fear. People will do everything possible to get rid of them because they can be weapons, so obviously they are more dangerous than non weapons. That's untrue.
Your response to mass shootings is to say they should never happen again. Ideally I agree. However, making guns illegal won't bring you to that goal. Also, because of that you will need to enact many more laws to cover other factors. Ban schools so kids aren't in a single spot where they can be easily targeted. Ban people from walking by children without armed guards, etc.
What about car crashes? Should they be prevented from ever occurring again? Would that mean banning cars outright, as you propose to do with guns?