From what I've been told, In the State of Oregon, you can purchase firearms from private party without any background check, or filling out any forms. In fact, I've come close to purchasing a Glock this way before, and a Remington 870 today(!). Of course, this means that people who have no business owning guns(criminals, terrorists) could, in theory, obtain firearms without revealing their shady identity, just by having some cash in their hand. Scenario like this makes me think that gun ownerships & transactions do need some form of regulation. I don't know, maybe I'm being crazy again. What do you guys think?
Possibly but Darkninja believes most people are only going to sell to people they know personally or have some way of proving their lack of criminal back ground ie. displaying a CCW or agreeing to a middle man sale which can be done at near any pawn shop and certainly any gun shop for 20-50 dollars. So why take this away, would you expect someone to prove that they drive safely before selling a car to them; would you even ask to see a valid drivers license for your state of residence. Point being the people who most likely sell to criminals and such no questions asked most likely obtain the firearms they are selling illegally. No need to punish the majority for the actions of few.
I am dead serious. I do hear what Keef is saying, I really do, but at the same time, I just can't believe a foreigner could own firearms here. I guess I should just keep my mouth shut.
This kind of thinking from immigrants in the 70s and 80s gave rise to antigun campaigns culminating in the brady law and assault weapons ban, which by any measurable standard did absolutely nothing to curb or prevent gun violence. Since late 80s through today as more states lessen gun laws, adopt shall issue carry permits, and castle doctrine laws you see the trend of violent offenses of all sorts decrease. Of course people against guns attribute "other" factors, but when strict gun laws and high crime are successes for them Darkninja has to wonder what world they are living in. Look at the District of Columbia even before the gun ban was repealed the mere thought of the general populace being armed again lowered the homicide rate to the lowest it had been in more than 20 years SOURCE: Cannot wait to see the results for this year if they are lower still big win otherwise it would be acceptable to attribute other factors. Lets just wait and see.
There needs to be in-depth background checks and mandatory training, everywhere. A national gun registry would also be very helpful because it means the government can keep track of the who, what, where on guns in the country. Why is guns being seized a bad thing? If people abuse their gun rights, then they should be taken away. Hell, No private sales wouldn't even be that awful. The government could tax guns, and make sure that only the people who should get guns can, as opposed to shady private dealers. Everyone should be able to buy guns for self defense, but that doesn't mean that you should allow anyone with money to simply walk in and walk out.
OK Darkninja will go over this once more because you didn't appear to understand the first time.
The US already has fairly extensive back ground checks, granted only for the purchase of new guns or used guns bought from licensed gun dealers. While there is some room for improvement its fairly moot because as i have already mentioned most private sells are done responsibly. Where as criminals buy guns from criminal sources mostly.
As it stands now there are only state registries and the only purpose they serve is as a way to track firearms that are stolen and tack on extra taxes. A national registry would effectively stop private sales of firearms, which again infringes on my rights to sell personal property and increase general tax of firearms. How would you like to be taxed on the money you make from a garage sale or unable to have one without buying a permit to sell personal property? Also it would NEVER work any gun some one has that is already unregistered is most likely going to stay that way.
Guns being seized is a bad thing because it infringes on the rights of citizens. Now don't get Darkninja wrong its most likely unanimous that everyone has no problem with criminals losing their rights, but this issue goes much further. Take California for instance lets say i buy as SKS there legally in 2006, and in 2007 they pass some other law that the SKS that was legally purchased is now illegal. Instead of "grandfathering" the firearm in like they should do under the clause of ex post facto laws. They can go through there state registry kick in your door, seize your firearm, and send you to jail even if you had no idea that your legally purchased firearm magically became illegal. Dont think this happens? Check for yourself granted this is an NRA video but this is also factual regardless of bias.
No private sales huh. No selling of any product without prior licensing and tax paid including yard sales, lemonade stands, bake sale fundraisers, ect. Does it still make sense? Blah Blah Blah firearms are a deadly weapons, no they only can be a deadly weapons. Darkninjas firearms have never hurt anyone, does that mean they are malfunctioning?
Firearms are HIGHLY taxed already. How much do you think the government makes each time a form 4473 is filled out ( keep in mind the people you are buying the gun from have to pay a Special Occupational Tax, SOT, as do manufactures and ammunition companies. Then there is the elevated sales tax because firearms are considered "luxury" items. Point is registration fees and NCIS come out of the pocket of the buyer not the seller on top of markup in total if you buy a gun at MSRP $100.00 the final cost will be around $175.00 at least in TN it works out that way but we have an even higher sales tax as there is no state income tax.
Your last sentence was the most intelligent thing you have said, and then you went and screwed it up do you have any idea how many gun laws there are? Let this sink in 20,000 that is not a typo twenty thousand, and if that is not enough to stop gun violence you really think adding more is going to make it better? As its been mentioned the problem is not the guns its the people, the failing education system, and the poverty level many people live with.