This is because of the people living there. What my main point is, is that I don't feel I need, or even want a gun to keep myself safe. But it's truly a moral argument, is it ever right to kill to save the lives of others?
Of course it's right to kill to save the life of an other. What kind of question is that?
If somebody was trying to maim or kill one member of my family, I wouldn't hesitate to kill them. I kill wild animals in my yard that I feel are a threat to my family. It's no different for humans, either. One is a threat to my family, I'd kill it.
I just don't think it necessary that people carry guns on their person all the time. For instance in AZ and some other states they now let people carry guns in bars. Smart idea?
It's a great idea. Not everybody who goes to a bar drinks. Those that drink at bars don't always get intoxicated. Not everybody who gets intoxicated would be dangerous with a firearm. Again, it's a great idea. I carry a gun all the time and have so for over 15 years.
Since lowering gun restrictions in their state, Arizonians have endured a safer community, increase home sales and increased tourism. Win, win, win.
EDIT EDIT: This is a fight that I can't win. You people are pretty good at debating, kudos.
When logic is on your side, it's hard to be defeated.
However the reality is that no matter how strict the control is, some people will always find a way to obtain guns.
100% true. That's why gun laws and gun restrictions are beyond worthless and stupid.
IF gun control is stricter, that will make it significantly harder for criminals to obtain guns in the first place, thus eliminating the need for people to carry guns on their person.
That's a very lame argument.
We don't carry to defend ourselves from criminals with just guns, it's criminals in general. Either with a knife, club, bat, tire iron, or whatever, we feel the need and want to defend ourselves from harm regardless of what type of weapon the criminal is using.
Also, restricting guns has only proven to increase violent crimes. Didn't you read what I posted before? Did you think I was lying? I wasn't. Plus, criminals get firearms in all sorts of illegal ways. Banning guns will only effect honest people. Criminals will still get whatever gun they want. Therefor, banning guns is a stupid, useless tactic for reducing violent crimes.
Strict gun control still lets people who want guns have them, it's just not easy.
Wrong. "Strict" gun control means not allowing any firearms at all. And people who have a hard time getting firearms often don't bother. Again, only hurting honest people who want a firearm for protection. Again, stupid, useless tactic for reducing violent crimes.
And people really don't need stopping power on them.
Imagine this, you're 5'10" tall, an average height, with medium but non-athletic build. You leave your office and go to your car in the parking lot. On your way to your car, a 6'6 265 dude without a ounce of fat on his body, pure muscles, sticks a blade in your face and demand your money, briefcase and car keys. What do you do? Punch him? Run? Do what he says?
If you were me, you'd reach for your S&W model 696 and put three .44 caliber bullets in his chest, saving you from any harm or death. But you...
You punch him and he stabs you in your throat. You die in 6-10 seconds.
You try to run away. He easily catches up to you, and stabs you in the stomach and chest at least a half dozen times and steals your stuff. You die at the scene or within minutes of receiving help.
You give him what he wants, and he stabs you in the throat to kill you so you can testify or alert the police. He gets away with your wallet, briefcase and car.
Fantasy: As you give your wallet over, Superman falls from the sky and whisks the bad guy away! Hurray, for Superman!
Blind Stinking Luck (Almost): A cop sees the bad guy stick his knife in your face, and proceeds to intervene. The bad guy sees the cop and quickly takes you hostage. The cop and bad guy square off and the cop feels he has to shoot to save you. He misses, since he was under-trained and too nervous to shoot straight, and hits you square in the face. At least your loved ones can sue the city, now and your funeral was paid for by the police department. That was nice of them.