It's mostly foreigners who don't understand the situation here in the USA about firearms. They believe anti gun laws work for them, when they really don't, and so they believe they should work for us. We tried that, and it failed miserably. Our country hopped on that anti bandwaggon in the late '60s and early '70s and it failed us. Crimes, mostly violent crimes, across the nation when through the roof.
For the past 15-20 years, individual states here in the USA have significantly lower or dropped restrictive gun control laws. All states that have done so have seen significant drops in both serious and petty crimes and a rebirth of new business, tourism and new home settlers coming into the state.
All the states that haven't lowered or dropped restrictive gun laws have seen increases in violent, serious and petty crimes. States like mine have seen no significant drop because of the equalization of dropped gun control laws and new gun control laws.
Why anybody, without a serious mental disorder, would still even suggest strict gun control laws to secure society from harm is mind boggling. I strongly feel they've been brained washed since birth by either a mother of father to feel that way. Playing on fears and ignorance to conform a child to your level of thinking or opinion is the most disgusting thing another human being can do to another, above all your own child.
For those that have been brainwashed by a close loved one or relative, just switch off what they've done to you and research the topic yourself. You'll come around if you do, I'm sure. Unless you have a serious mental disorder (liberalism). And if you have a serious mental disorder, you do not have the right to tell me how I can defend myself, my life and my loved ones. You're suffering from a mental disorder! You're not mentally well enough to have any such control over my life, well being or my family's life and well being.