
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
This how they do things in Jersey.

"We will hear your testimony after we vote on the bills."

But he doesn't actually listen.

And she came back.

Even "balding, middle-aged, mildly overweight Cherry Hill Jews" get in on the action.
A Colorado Senator has been recalled for the first time in the state's history. John Morse became a target of pro gun citizens when he encouraged his fellow senators to ignore the letters and calls from constituents and pass gun control bills. Maybe there's a some hope for the US citizen's rights after all.

Full story:

On a related note, the Denver post has a more leftist view of the story...

Saying that the NRA, truly the boogie man of our times, has gotten involved. How involved? By donating about a thousand bucks to the cause to help with mailing. Of course WaPo and the DP won't actually say that...
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A Colorado Senator has been recalled for the first time in the state's history. John Morse became a target of pro gun citizens when he encouraged his fellow senators to ignore the letters and calls from constituents and pass gun control bills. Maybe there's a some hope for the US citizen's rights after all.

Full story:

On a related note, the Denver post has a more leftist view of the story...

Saying that the NRA, truly the boogie man of our times, has gotten involved. How involved? By donating about a thousand bucks to the cause to help with mailing. Of course WaPo and the DP won't actually say that...

Good to hear.
Morse sounds like s scum. After choosing to "ignore" opposition(never noticed that trend!), his counter is to spam the state with robo-calls. I wonder how many politicians in this country are like him. :crazy:

Very cool story, and much props to the creative way Mr. Harris & his group went to gather the signatures, and the hard work they put in. 👍
A Colorado Senator has been recalled for the first time in the state's history. John Morse became a target of pro gun citizens when he encouraged his fellow senators to ignore the letters and calls from constituents and pass gun control bills. Maybe there's a some hope for the US citizen's rights after all.

Full story:

On a related note, the Denver post has a more leftist view of the story...

Saying that the NRA, truly the boogie man of our times, has gotten involved. How involved? By donating about a thousand bucks to the cause to help with mailing. Of course WaPo and the DP won't actually say that...

Nice, though I'd have to say to the people who wrote that article and think the NRA is a boogie man of the world at this time...clearly doesn't keep up to date with big corps. I'd say Monsanto and groups like it are more of a boogie man than the NRA.

Also I've heard some of the parents whose kids died in the Aurora incident on new networks. Some of the stuff they have to say and their perceptions have clearly been clouded just to further propel those on the left or anti-gun movement.
I know it's a double post and I apologize but I'm surprised no one has brought this up or talked about it.

Like some of us here said, the spewing of political figures that aren't very aware of gun laws and tactics for proper home defense shouldn't speak in public forums. Even if they are given the title Vice President.

Not sure that anyone taking this guy seriously should be allowed to own a gun to begin with. :lol:

Meanwhile, here in NC. 👍

FIFA rules aside, if I were a bystander witnessing a violent crime and used my legal concealed weapon to stop it there's a good chance I could be acquitted on self-defense grounds.

The fans' actions in this case were a little unnecessary but I think the principle is the same. I mean, the ref probably shouldn't have been carrying a knife according to FIFA rules and the player shouldn't have hit him according to FIFA rules. But the ref shouldn't have stabbed him by anybody's rules - that's attempted murder. That's a dangerous man and if I were able I'd do what I could to stop him.

Does anyone else see what I see here?

Keef has made a decision on at which point of escalation his "legal concealed weapon" can justifiably be used. Apparently assault is below the line of judgement, whereas assault with a deadly weapon is above the line. The mutilation and beheading stage of the incident though was deemed "a little unnecessary".

I would hazard a guess that the knife was carried as protection in the event that a dangerous situation arose. Anything like the reasoning behind the ownership of firearms by many gun proponents?

My question is: Are you the ref Keef? Are you "a dangerous man"?
A friend of mine forgot his gun was in his truck last night when he went to the drag strip with us. They immediatly ripped him out of his truck, jacked him up and handcuffed him. His excuse:

"I'm just a country boy, I ain't looking to shoot nobody".

They ended up kicking him out and he didn't get arrested which is good. But still. I can understand the concern but really?
Yeah...if they don't want guns on private property they don't want guns on private property. Doesn't matter if you're a country boy, they don't know your intentions and are within their rights to send you packing.
Yeah...if they don't want guns on private property they don't want guns on private property. Doesn't matter if you're a country boy, they don't know your intentions and are within their rights to send you packing.

Totally understandable.
Piemonte tells the newspaper it appears Dunlap didn't know the gun was loaded. Dunlap hasn't responded to requests for comment.

This guy is a gun instructor and doesn't follow the rule that the very first thing you do when you handle a firearm is check if it's loaded? Amazing.
This guy is a gun instructor and doesn't follow the rule that the very first thing you do when you handle a firearm is check if it's loaded? Amazing.

Or that you should always treat a gun as loaded until you have checked and is 100% sure that it's indeed not loaded?
Dunlap hasn't responded to requests for comment.

What is an instructor to say in a case like this, besides - "geez, I thought it was unchambered". There 'ya go thinking again.


License revoked.
For those who don't click - that's a proposed ban on all semi-auto rifles with detachable magazines. Which might sound like no big deal to the uninitiated, but semi-auto describes a revolver, or any gun where you don't have to actually place the next bullet in the chamber - which is pretty much any gun that's useful for any purpose other than target practice for children.

Detachable magazines are extreeeeemely common in handguns too. Basically any handgun that's not a revolver or a single shot gun has a detachable magazine.

So banning all semi-auto rifles with detachable magazines basically bans all rifles. I'm sure it wouldn't take gun makers long to start making a wider variety of semi-auto rifles with internal capacity rather than a detachable magazine - but still... CA is seeking to ban a massive segment of rifles.

Hilarious that the state legislature just does whatever they want without concern for constitutionality. That's obviously one that will be tried in the supreme court (if they can pass it). But they'll just keep squeezing on our freedoms in every possible way to make sure that they've eliminated everything that they can.

Linked to that article is a proposed CA law requiring permit to buy ammunition. Another major constitutionality question. You'd think it would be embarrassing for a state legislature to propose so much questionable legislation. You'd think we as citizens of the united states would be prepared to throw out every single lawmaker who supports any bill that gets overturned by the supreme court as reckless, incompetent, and inconsistent with the founding principles of our country... but I get the impression that people actually want the federal and state legislatures to continue to try to circumvent the only document standing between us and arbitrary government power - the only document that makes us America.

So sad.
Just as a bit of perspective here, for all the talk in the US press about how Canada is a magical land of milk and honey because of our gun laws, you can buy semi automatics with detatchable magazines here. I can buy an "AR-15 style assault weapon", I can buy handguns, I can buy virtually any "assault weapon" that isn't an AK, only because 20 years ago we arbitrarily decided AK's are too scary. Besides that, I can buy a civilian version of virtually any rifle these days, FN-SCAR, HK 416, you name it. Just no AK's because they're just way too terrifying.

It really is scary how arrogant governments have become. It's just frustrating to see that the people who make these laws don't know the first thing about what they regulate. The gun laws here and in California, the porn ban in Britain, it's just stupid bleeding hearts who have no understanding that want to ban everything.
You should move to America.

I've thought about it to be honest. I should be careful saying that as a Canadian though, might get arrested for treason.

What I meant with my post was that to point out that Canada's gun laws which are endlessly cited by American bloggers and journalists as an ideal to be emulated, are actually significantly less restrictive than these proposed California laws are. If these laws are passed, Californians will have more restrictions on their guns than I will in Canada. Which would be hilarious if it weren't so stupid.
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Not with the way your laws are interpreted, ignored or butchered in present society.

This is kinda the thing too. Might not be long at this rate before liberty loving people are fleeing to Alberta :lol:
Obama to nix import surplus rifles.

The White House says that the new policy is intended to "keep surplus military weapons off our streets."

Really ... like 🤬 really !?!?!? If indeed this comes to be, you better get out there and get the surplus rifle of your liking, otherwise, you will see a huge price spike and a shortage in these very fun to shoot classics.

Surplus rifles on the streets ... Obama and "old 2 shot Biden" need to do some homework here. When was the last time you have heard of a surplus rifle being used to commit a crime ? AR's and handguns are no longer the weapons of choice now ? It's guess it's all about those dreaded military surplus rifles that we hear so much about every day used to commit these crimes.

Oh yeah - the 1st National Bank located on the corner of Main and South Street was robbed today. The man was not identified, but he was said to have been using an M91/30 Mosin Nagant. The bayonet was mounted in the forward position as well.

News flash - the Bloods and the Crips are now using surplus rifles. The Bloods have acquired several M1 Garands and the Crips are now using German K98's.

Man robs convenience store, store clerk is alright but tells police the perps were of Japanese descent and were yielding Arisaka's.

Gimme a break Obama .... your really digging pal. 👎
I note he's doing this via executive order, sidestepping what little checks and balances are left.
Obama to nix import surplus rifles.

Really ... like 🤬 really !?!?!? If indeed this comes to be, you better get out there and get the surplus rifle of your liking, otherwise, you will see a huge price spike and a shortage in these very fun to shoot classics.

Surplus rifles on the streets ... Obama and "old 2 shot Biden" need to do some homework here. When was the last time you have heard of a surplus rifle being used to commit a crime ? AR's and handguns are no longer the weapons of choice now ? It's guess it's all about those dreaded military surplus rifles that we hear so much about every day used to commit these crimes.

Oh yeah - the 1st National Bank located on the corner of Main and South Street was robbed today. The man was not identified, but he was said to have been using an M91/30 Mosin Nagant. The bayonet was mounted in the forward position as well.

News flash - the Bloods and the Crips are now using surplus rifles. The Bloods have acquired several M1 Garands and the Crips are now using German K98's.

Man robs convenience store, store clerk is alright but tells police the perps were of Japanese descent and were yielding Arisaka's.

Gimme a break Obama .... your really digging pal. 👎

This ^

How the hell is a Mosin Nagant something they need to keep off the streets, see this move here makes me question the stomping on the liberties portion than actually trying to secure anything. I feel this is a move to make guns in general to everyone more restrictive in nature under the guise of street safety. If anything these are the guns democrats rather see people going to a gun store and buying, rather than the supposed "dangerous AR-15/AR-10s" that look scary.

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