Obama to nix import surplus rifles.
Really ... like 🤬 really !?!?!? If indeed this comes to be, you better get out there and get the surplus rifle of your liking, otherwise, you will see a huge price spike and a shortage in these very fun to shoot classics.
Surplus rifles on the streets ... Obama and "old 2 shot Biden" need to do some homework here. When was the last time you have heard of a surplus rifle being used to commit a crime ? AR's and handguns are no longer the weapons of choice now ? It's guess it's all about those dreaded military surplus rifles that we hear so much about every day used to commit these crimes.
Oh yeah - the 1st National Bank located on the corner of Main and South Street was robbed today. The man was not identified, but he was said to have been using an M91/30 Mosin Nagant. The bayonet was mounted in the forward position as well.
News flash - the Bloods and the Crips are now using surplus rifles. The Bloods have acquired several M1 Garands and the Crips are now using German K98's.
Man robs convenience store, store clerk is alright but tells police the perps were of Japanese descent and were yielding Arisaka's.
Gimme a break Obama .... your really digging pal. 👎