Guns are useless. People don't need guns. (With the exception of military and police. And in those two case, it's because those people are agents of the State, and the first and main characteristic of any State is it's monopoly on violence - thanks to Max Weber, BTW.)
Only lunatics are thinking that they can and will protect their family with guns. It's the opposite. Your regular Rambo has more chances to kill harmless people in any home break or criminal offense than helping himself or anyone for that matter.
Statistics are showing this. Studies are showing this.
As for the Second Amendment, only deep and deranged morons are going to think that guns will help you fight against whatever fascist governement would be elected, with some M16, Smith & Wesson revolvers, and a handful of grenades (And Bushmaster rifles or whatever); against any modern Occidental army, packed with f-22 raptors, tanks, cruise missile, destroyers, M 240 machine guns, bombs, AC-130 and Pave Low's.
The historic argument is also void. A bunch of Americans tend to think it's supposed to be that way because according to them, they live in a country with a great history of violence and firearms. Of course, this is ********. France, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Greece and Russia are all countries with a far more violent history.
So, the question is not about "do we need guns or not". The question is about reforming the freaking outdated US constitution, written with horses and cowboys on mind; fixing the inequities that is driving some Americans to live on palaces while another big bunch of the population is starving with unemployment, unable to afford medical care and/or decent lifestyle; all in the name of savage capitalism and that moronic protestantism doctrine that teach you that to be a good man and close to God, you have to be as rich as possible.
At least, stupidity can be fixed right?
Well for that, we would have to send back to school a lot of people. We would also have to purge the Bible Belt from it's almost inalienable foolish state. No kidding, that "belt" is home of the most radical people in the United States. Some of the people that are living there are thinking that Noe got Dinosaurs on his Arch, they are buiding horror houses to scare childrens from committing abortion or for having sex before mariage; those States are home of the KKK, the biggest fanboys of the death penalty (hello China!) and Guns are also living in the Bible Belt... And you guessed it, where do you think there is the most poverty in the United States?
But it's a cycle. I understand that it's hard to get a proper education when you got no money. Instead, you have to join the military, because it's your only chance to live a decent life. After that, it's groupthink; trying to wage wars on some countries all in the name of democracy; while the real interest at hand is geopolitic, fossil fuel and economy.
Well maybe stupidy can't be fixed, after all.