- 6,425
Nobody really knows... Tried to search the net but haven't fond an expense form for the movieDoes anybody know the name of the model of this double barrel shotgun?
View attachment 108150
Nobody really knows... Tried to search the net but haven't fond an expense form for the movieDoes anybody know the name of the model of this double barrel shotgun?
View attachment 108150
I can only really see this happening if everyone just stood still and watched the shooter. On the other hand, if everyone else had a one shot kill on the shooter, his spree would probably end faster.
So, there is responsible people only in the United States, Switzerland and in some rogues States? That is not a lot of responsible people out there.![]()
Wall of text
What's the minimum age for eating with cutlery in Canada?And lastly, just wow. Little boy got a shotgun when he was 13? A tool that can kill when he was 13, while it's impossible to drink before 18 or drive before 16?
Yes, that's very irresponsible.
OR should I tell you : "Wow, you are so cool! You are my hero!"![]()
As for the Second Amendment, only deep and deranged morons are going to think that guns will help you fight against whatever fascist governement would be elected, with some M16, Smith & Wesson revolvers, and a handful of grenades (And Bushmaster rifles or whatever); against any modern Occidental army, packed with f-22 raptors, tanks, cruise missile, destroyers, M 240 machine guns, bombs, AC-130 and Pave Low's.
Badasp5.0Please give us some more insight on how technology is a instant defeat to a insurgency? Please explain your experience with Real world COIN operations or are you just talking about it since you played Call of Duty?
I have nothing against people hunting deers or collecting firearms that are well protected under cabinets made for that purpose. That being said, no, Canada does not allow citizens to get handguns for their own personal defense. And lastly, just wow. Little boy got a shotgun when he was 13? A tool that can kill when he was 13, while it's impossible to drink before 18 or drive before 16?
Yes, that's very irresponsible.
OR should I tell you : "Wow, you are so cool! You are my hero!"![]()
I have nothing against people hunting deers or collecting firearms that are well protected under cabinets made for that purpose. That being said, no, Canada does not allow citizens to get handguns for their own personal defense. And lastly, just wow. Little boy got a shotgun when he was 13? A tool that can kill when he was 13, while it's impossible to drink before 18 or drive before 16?
Yes, that's very irresponsible.
OR should I tell you : "Wow, you are so cool! You are my hero!"![]()
Some text, without being a manifesto
I'd believe it. He was one of the greatest military leader we ever had, and noted for fighting the Imperial Army brass against going to war with the United States. He was Navy, and he sure made Tojo(Army) look like an idiot in retrospect.You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
I think this a fake quote from Isoroku Yamamoto, but it fits ...
Between Boy Scouts, 4-H, and Conservation Camp I spent nearly every summer up to 12 learning outdoorsy skills, like safely handling and using a gun and bow and arrow. The gun instructors were law enforcement and/or former military. In fact, Kentucky Conservation Camp is run by the state government. Strange, those officially trained in firearms safety as a career felt it smart to teach children proper weapon safety in handling and usage.And lastly, just wow. Little boy got a shotgun when he was 13? A tool that can kill when he was 13, while it's impossible to drink before 18 or drive before 16?
Yes, that's very irresponsible.
Why? The law has been this way for years and years, what it entails is going to a 8 hour class (or two 4 hr. classes) where you are taught in depth on all relevant legislation and safe practices with shotguns and rifles. You sit an exam and must pass with an 80%, as well as handle a rifle or shotgun and demonstrate to the federally approved examiners that you can safely load, unload, handle, lock, and carry a firearm. I did all of this and passed all the same tests that any adult would have had to pass before I ever laid hands on a gun, why is it "utterly moronic" that I could then use a gun under parental supervision at a shooting range or hunting (which also involves another course and test to be licensed)? The difference between guns and driving is that at 12 you have the mental capacity to safely handle a gun while supervised. Driving is different, you don't have the spacial recognition to evaluate road conditions at high speeds when you're 12. But you can certainly understand "don't point it at anything you don't want to shoot".I honestly didn't know that one could get a gun license at the age of 12. I thank you for that precision. That being said, I assure you, I think that is utterly moronic.
But that's not the point. The point is that in Canada, we can't use handguns the way they are in the United States. We cannot get them as easily. And that's a very good thing.
@Azuremen Started shooting at the age of 4? Yay! You sir, are my new hero!I hope you will do the same with your childs, Mr Deer (without an "S"), because 4 seems to be a little bit old. I think someone responsible enough should arm to the theet every child that is around 2 years old.
And not with those little '38! Only the best! Colt Python and WA2000!![]()
Between Boy Scouts, 4-H, and Conservation Camp I spent nearly every summer up to 12 learning outdoorsy skills, like safely handling and using a gun and bow and arrow. The gun instructors were law enforcement and/or former military. In fact, Kentucky Conservation Camp is run by the state government. Strange, those officially trained in firearms safety as a career felt it smart to teach children proper weapon safety in handling and usage.
As for your Bible Belt rant: Maybe try visiting us before making broad, ignorant, rude, and offensive stereotypical generalizations. You don't hear me making stereotyped comments about Canadians who don't agree with me about guns, or suggesting we purge them, do you, eh?
Well 2 is a bit you...
Oh, sarcasm. Because that's original and witty.
Being a grammar nazi is also really original and witty
Edit : As much as using Stalin to justify guns.
Conditions yes, but I'm sure many people in the US have a license and carry one around in public (am I right?), something which you can't do over here...
Guns are useless. People don't need guns. (With the exception of military and police. And in those two case, it's because those people are agents of the State, and the first and main characteristic of any State is it's monopoly on violence - thanks to Max Weber, BTW.)
Only lunatics are thinking that they can and will protect their family with guns.
fixing the inequities that is driving some Americans to live on palaces while another big bunch of the population is starving with unemployment, unable to afford medical care and/or decent lifestyle; all in the name of savage capitalism and that moronic protestantism doctrine that teach you that to be a good man and close to God, you have to be as rich as possible.
At least, stupidity can be fixed right?
We would also have to purge the Bible Belt from it's almost inalienable foolish state. No kidding, that "belt" is home of the most radical people in the United States.
Well maybe stupidy can't be fixed, after all.
Well i live in a society where they aren't really part of our culture, my dad had one (he was a cop), but the older i got; the more examples i saw of the bad they can do; in wars and conflicts; in shooting sprees... the millions and millions of people that died because of them. IMO this vastly outweighs the good that can come from them from target practice.
Also i do not support hunting if not for the sole purpose of putting food on the table. God created life in all it's forms, who are we to end it just for the **** of it?
When a madman enters a school and kills defenseless innocent children, it is only normal people are vocal to ban them outright.
If i'm not mistaken that is exactly what happened for the Sandy Hook shooting as he got the guns of his mom no?
Amidst the back and forth flaming gun supporters vs gun opposers; i find this statement of XS quite refreshing. I wonder how the rest of you in this thread think about this? Would you be willing to give up your guns if it meant this would be for the greater good? And please don't reply that a law like that wouldn't be possible etcetera, just give us a straight yes or no.Amidst the new shootings everywhere (mainly here in America) I'll just say this, I like guns, a lot. But I would gladly give mine up if it meant even a 20% reduction in gun violence. Hell, if it mean just a few more people a year wouldn't become victims. I don't know if any law could ever accomplish that, but should one arise, I'd give 'em up for the greater good. Not here to argue or say who's right or wrong, just want to toss a couple cents in.
It would be nice if there would be only 8 million guns in private ownership in the US like that; but the truth is a bit more drastic to say the least:No, you are wrong. A quick read on Wikipedia and a quick calculation would show you that's not the case. Florida had ~850,000 concealed carry license holders out of a population of ~19 million people. That's less than 4.5% of the population. Likewise, the Government Accountability Office estimates that there are ~8 million concealed carry licenses active nationwide at the end of 2011, out of a population of ~313 million people at the same time. That's ~2.6% of the US population with a concealed carry license. No matter how you slice it or dice it, it's only a small faction of the population that concealed carries, and not as many as you think.
Not to mention that some people hold concealed carry licenses for reasons other than to carry in public, as some states grant reprieves from pistol purchasing waiting periods to concealed carry license holders.
(Reuters) - The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, a report released on Tuesday said.
U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world's 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies.
About 4.5 million of the 8 million new guns manufactured worldwide each year are purchased in the United States, it said.
"There is roughly one firearm for every seven people worldwide. Without the United States, though, this drops to about one firearm per 10 people," it said.
Well you can compare that a bit to the situation here in Europe as almost none of us has guns. Criminality will always be there and it needs to be countered by the police but that's another discussion. On the other hand all those guns in the US do not prevent criminality neither no?The fundamental point is that even if guns are banned, criminals (who by definition does not abide by laws) will still have them. Therefore, rather than putting non-criminals at a disadvantage, allow non-criminals and law-abiding folks to defend themselves.
The only way that banning guns would work would be if you simultaneously managed to destroy all guns in the world AND managed to uninvent guns, so that no one in the world has the capability of designing a tool that hurls a projectile.
Nope but i did say i supported hunting for the purpose of food, not for "sport".Are you a vegetarian? And that is a serious question.
And cars, and rocks, and plastic bags, and cords. This is a bit besides the point if you ask me
Point is he got to her guns (machine guns included) in the end; the matter how he did it is not really relevant. If his mom or close relationships wouldn't have had guns in the first place there's a good chance those poor kids in Sandy Hook would have still been alive today.Lanza stole his mom's guns after murdering her. She didn't just give it to him.
Here, how about this. Why don't you find a few homeless people in your city or area and donate all your money every year to them so that they aren't starving? Why don't you help contribute to "fixing the inequities"?
The odds of being raped and/or murdered are so low that I may as well being armed with a lottery ticket. Or Cayenne Pepper.So how do you protect you and your family then? Or would you just prefer to let your family get raped and murdered?
If the people don't have guns, then why does the police or military need guns? By banning guns, all guns are obviously going to disappear, so police and military wouldn't need it.
Are you a vegetarian? And that is a serious question.
@mister dog Short answer is no. Liberty is the greater good.
Why?I honestly didn't know that one could get a gun license at the age of 12. I thank you for that precision. That being said, I assure you, I think that is utterly moronic.
You mean : your liberty is your greater good. Right?
Or maybe you forgot that your liberty to swing your fist ends just where my nose begins?![]()
Well, anyway. One thing is sure, I'm glad I don't feel that much scared that I have to use a gun to build myself a false sentiment of security. Being scared of everyone must suck real good.![]()
You're the one wanting to ban guns and you accuse other people of being scared? I'll leave you to think about that.
You mean : your liberty is your greater good. Right?
Or maybe you forgot that your liberty to swing your fist ends just where my nose begins?![]()
Works for liberty too.Freedom isn't freedom if only one person has it.
Freedom is when everyone* has it.
*Except those who seek to obstruct others' freedom
Amidst the back and forth flaming gun supporters vs gun opposers; i find this statement of XS quite refreshing. I wonder how the rest of you in this thread think about this? Would you be willing to give up your guns if it meant this would be for the greater good? And please don't reply that a law like that wouldn't be possible etcetera, just give us a straight yes or no.
Thanks for the good laugh!![]()