Maybe whole UN is currupt too? Because they refused to applaud the States for creating false moving trucks in Irak on some pictograms? "Hey look, a truck in Irak, I'm sure they have destruction weapons! We got to fight them! They support Al Qaeda!"
And why do you think there is that much poverty in the United States?
Why do I think or why do I know? Why do I know that our healthcare system is broken? Why do I know that our welfare system is broken? Why do I know that our education system is broken? Why do I know our Immigration system is broken? Why do I know our security administration is broken?
Because the Big Whigs in Washington have said so. You think all words that come out of our presidents mouth is false all the time? Well they're not. When it's been over 10 years since a disapproval rating this bad has been in existence, you know your country has gone to ****. There is nothing more than i want to do than eliminate EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN in Washington at the moment. They say they need their own separate health care system apart from Obamacare because with out the proper care there will be a brain drain in Washington. Well lets think about that real quickly... In order to lose brains, you must first have brains? Yeah, pretty sure that's how it works... And wait, in order for a citizen to buy something, he must first make money? Yup, that's how that works as well..
Our government is so damn corrupt, it looks like an ashtray from an 80 year old smoker who's never emptied it. It is full of butts, dirt, and hazardous materials doing no good for us now...
So, I will answer my question assigned by you, because there are people who want to work, there are people who work,
there are people who dont want to work, and there are people that cant work. Look at that third one, its even underlined for you. These people, whom live in the United States in either the 48, or Hawaii or Alaska, pay property taxes, and taxes on utilities, and food. They do not however pay income. Where do you think we get a majority of our tax dollars from? From income taxes. So, these larger than life people as i described earlier, feel as if they don't need to work, that they can support themselves, and themselves only. And you know what, that's fine by me. But, what isn't, is when you have welfare, food stamps, and gov't paid child care, when you don't
want to work... That is what gets at me. Avoid to help any of us actually make a country run, bitch at politicians who try nothing but to actually help you when an angry mob of women descend upon them, and then say no because of issues almost 200 years old.
What America needs, surprisingly, is Bill Clinton back in office for a second term. He is so far the only president that we were in a budget surplus, trade surplus, and no other president has had positive income levels since the beginning of WWII. With Bill Clinton's Workfare, you had to give something through means of basic New Deal policies but modernized to new areas of care. I would gladly pay taxes to see people without jobs who can legally work, off of the welfare systems and food stamps, and give it to someone named Bill Clinton... Sexual issues or not, what is more important? The dealings similar to Frances President, or a nation in default? I will trust a nation in numbers, not faces nor trends nor popular belief..
Now this being a Democratic president post in a Gun forum, i see some backlash true liberals and conservatives would give me. But I ask one thing. To look at what is going on in the Capitol. We have a Dem in exec, and repubs in the legislative.. Did you honestly think that two years would last more than four? It is not any of the politicians fault for being there. It is the people of America who should carry the blame, as they elected the current fools we have.. It should be shame of Americans for not taking actions into their own hands. Americans can draft their own bills, bring them to congress and have them read aloud. Americans can vote who they want in office, to get these bill passed and put in order. But in a nation divided, we will never see that. We see presidents run for elections, being asked current trends, where that is not the issues we need discussed. We need to solve the issues before they come. We need to take out the corruption in the forms of business procedures and our legislative branch. Fairness does not exist in politics but common sense damn well does. If my generation cant make sense of the idiots mistakes of my previous, we are all doomed..