No - you are confused. The US Constitution grants no rights. It recognises that the rights are natural and inalienable and that the Constitution simply enumerates them for folks such as yourself to understand.
And who decided that some rights had to be fundamental, natural and inalienable; while others been left out? Why some rights that the US is not recognizing are by different countries?
Right now, Franklin Roosevelt would be laughing at you.
The United States fostered into the being the strongest, wealthiest and most stable political model of all time.
Strongest? Well, of course. You guys are spending more in the military than China, Russia, United Kingdom, France, Japan, Spain, Canada
combined. BTW, you could help some poor people with all that cash.
Most stable? Good one, but no. The reason why the United States are
mostly a stable country is because of the two- party system. And that two-party system is also responsible for that struggling democracy. Ever heard of representative democracy? You know, that thing coming from Greece? And by the way, I'm not sure I would call a country "stable" when they had a civil war killing countless of souls.
By The Way, The United States
also forstered into being
One of the most violent Occidental country (The most, actually)
A country ranked last for it's educational system (Amongst G-8)
A country where only the upper class can afford a decent lifestyle
A country plagued with income inequality (In that regard however, United Kingdom is leading.)
A country with very paranoid people hated all around the world
That being said, I'm done with you. You are so clueless that's not even funny. And I will stop at that, because right now; because of your blindless devotion, I'm sounding like an idiot who is attacking the whole United States culture.
I don't want to do that, I don't want to sound like that,
So I'm done.
My apologies in advance.