Woo! A day that, despite my dual citizenship, I am openly belittled by people in this city. I know I'm sort of "The enemy", but that REALLY wasn't me. I didnt barge into Lexington and Concord and open fire. Neither did any of my family.
Comebacks I had to use today:
-Have you ever played cricket? Yeah, it's fun. Get on my level.
-I actually dont even like Fish and Chips so.....
-Oh come off it, you drink Tea all the time
-I've actually lived here most of my life, so I'm not even "That" British
-Yes, you beat us in a war, where you had the homefield advantage AND didnt fight like gentlemen
-Lance Armstrong? Oh please. Mark Cavendish, obviously.
About 95% was in fun. But when the drunk rednecks overhear you and your mates, you end up with the bad 5%.
Still enjoyed the fireworks.
And I still respect those who stand up and fight for what they believe in, those who fight for fairness and equality.
And I still enjoyed a night out with my mates.